By the end of last year, steel production had reached [-] million tons.

The reason why it can grow so fast is one aspect of large-scale construction of steel plants, and another important aspect is the availability of talents.

A lot of factories have been built before, but the output of Gangte has been unable to increase because of the lack of talents.

Now there is no shortage, so steel production is rising sharply.

In addition, many of the talents recruited from the United States have joined the education industry.

Although Han Ling didn't want to admit many things, in this era, the level of science and technology in foreign countries is indeed much more advanced than that in China.

Many knowledge theories do not exist in China, and the arrival of these people successfully solved this problem.

As for the literacy problem in the area north of the Yangtze River, it is almost done now.

Many young men and women who are not of the right age, although they have no opportunity to enter school, have missed this opportunity, and it is impossible to enter school because of their age.

But the literacy class has successfully solved their illiteracy problem, and they are no longer illiterate as before.

In the process of eliminating illiteracy, there are also various laws that have been popularized, which has strengthened the effect of the legal system in society.

This is very beneficial to the enlightenment of people's livelihood.

Now, with the passage of time, many farmers who have contracted land since [-], many of them no longer rent agricultural machinery from the government, but buy them themselves.

All these news came from Han Ling from the seventh place.

Han Ling is careful, if this trend continues, more labor force will be liberated in the next step.

In the future, in the North China Plain and the Northeast Pingyuan Army area, agricultural machinery will completely replace the traditional farming mode.

In this way, although there will be many large farmers, this is what Han Ling likes to see.

And Han Ling thinks there is nothing wrong with the farm's agricultural production model.

The labor force is saved, and these labor forces can be invested in other industries, even if a large-scale war breaks out in the future.

It will not affect domestic food production because of the war.

You know, no matter when it is, ancient or modern.

Once a war breaks out, two things are most important—food and industry.

These two things are the key guarantees for the continuation of the war and the victory of the war.

Not to mention the ancient industry, it was still very backward at that time, it can be said to be something like a handicraft workshop.

It is now a factory.If a large amount of labor can be saved in agriculture, these people can be sent to the army, and the labor in the factory can be completely unused.

"Master! Ser Karl, please see me!"

Just as Han Ling was deep in thought and thinking about the problem, a secretary from the secretarial department quietly walked to Han Ling's side and said softly.

"Carl? What is he doing here? Didn't we release all their soldiers?"

Han Ling frowned.Some time ago, after negotiations between the two countries, news came from Karl's country that they agreed to Han Ling's proposal of [-] million pounds for food, accommodation and other expenses.

At the beginning, Han Ling told Carl, if you want us to release your soldiers and your governor, you can!Offer a fee of £[-] million and we'll release it right away.

When Karl heard this data, he almost didn't fly into a rage. After four days of continuous negotiations, they finally agreed to give [-] million pounds, otherwise they would rather not have those soldiers.

When Han Ling saw this, he knew that ten million pounds was their bottom line.Han Ling didn't make things difficult either, but this time he agreed.He didn't want these proud John Bulls to pay so much money to buy those soldiers.After all, [-] million pounds is not a small amount.

"You ask him to wait for me in the Chrysanthemum Hall, I'll be there later!"

After thinking for a while, Han Ling decided to meet this guy, not knowing what he was going to say.

Chapter 389: Meeting of the Six Nations

"Mr. Carl, you are welcome to come here as a guest! I wonder if you will bring me any good news today?"

It is said that politicians are a group of hypocritical people. Han Ling has already learned the core of this.

No one would have thought that these two guys, who seemed to be friends for many years, were arguing about some things some time ago, and their faces were red.Today, it's like a friend I haven't seen for many years.

"Respect Your Majesty! Today, I am here on the order of His Excellency the Prime Minister of our country to discuss the future world structure with His Majesty the Emperor!"

As soon as Karl opened his mouth, Han Ling's eyes shrank slightly. He knew that this guy was not a good person today.

Although I have decided to build a country and be crowned after the devils are defeated, it may take some time to defeat the devils now.

And Karl calls himself so today, it seems that they have already determined something.

"The future world structure? Does your country have any good suggestions?"

Although Han Ling already felt that this was not a good thing, he still asked with a smile.

"It's like this. Your Excellency the Prime Minister of our country has conducted a survey based on the current strengths of countries in the world. He believes that under your leadership, after some hard work, China is now a world power, so we are going to form a new world power alliance!"

Carl smiled and said his reason for coming, but Han Ling's heart was beginning to be vigilant.It seems that this guy is not a good person.

"Appreciate further details!"

Han Ling said lightly.

"After the discussion of several other countries, it was decided that the eagle weight Mi Yisuhua will form a new joint organization of world powers, and our six countries will maintain the world's peaceful order!"

Han Ling almost didn't laugh when he heard Carl's words.It's the same thing again, but Han Ling also understands.In recent years, Huaxia's continuous battle record has been recognized by countries all over the world, acknowledging that China has risen.

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