This world is like this, as long as you have strength, you will gain the strength of other countries, and they only look at your strength.

"Oh? Just that? Nothing else?"

Han Ling looked at Carl playfully and asked.

"Of course! These are some of our preliminary management areas. According to the geographical locations of our six countries, we have divided some areas of jurisdiction. Please take a look!"

Carl took out a not-so-thick document and handed it to Han Ling.

After the result, Han Ling slowly looked up.

After a while, he understood that this is actually a division of power, a map of power to re-divide the world.

Within this strength map, those John Bulls have the largest range, all over the world.

Next came the Gallic chickens, who also followed John Bull.

And what Lao Mo meant was the current sphere of influence.

The same is true for other countries, including the Soviet Union and the United States. Next, China's power map.

Han Ling wanted to laugh after reading it. Huaxia's influence map is different from now, because the devils have been erased from this influence map, and the entire devil is under Huaxia's sphere of influence.

It seems that they also thought of it, in the next time, the devil will be eaten soon.

They have analyzed all the data in it. Whether it is in terms of population, economy, industry or other aspects, neither the devil nor Huaxia is a heavyweight opponent.

And the thing that John Bull made, to put it bluntly, just wanted to trap Huaxia on the land of Asia, and didn't want Huaxia to expand again.

From the establishment of the Beiping government, the Beiping government has been expanding.

It can be said that the Beiping government was established in a series of wars, and the military strength of such a government is generally very strong.

It is also for these reasons that those John Bulls and Gallic chickens are preparing to come up with such a plan to curb China's expansion.

If China is allowed to expand like this, those John Bulls and Gallic chickens are afraid that their interests in Asia will be fundamentally affected.Now the Huaxia government has unknowingly expanded its influence to the Nanyang region.

At that time, John Bull didn't have that much thought to take care of this. After all, they had just lost a few battleships and a large number of other ships at that time, so they didn't have the thought to take care of these, but now they have reacted.

After taking a closer look at China's territory, it was discovered that China's territory had expanded so much without knowing it.

They feel that if they don't make preparations, they will not be able to contain Huaxia in the future.

"Mr. Carl, I can see the sincerity of your country in this, but I found that some of the things you prepared seem unreasonable!"

After reading it, Han Ling put down the document, looked at Carl and said calmly.Now that he had fully understood what these John Bulls were thinking, he was not going to be polite anymore.

"Oh? I wonder if His Majesty the Emperor thinks there is anything unreasonable?"

"Of course! As you said just now, our six countries will be the main six countries to maintain world peace. That is to say, the world should be divided into six parts, and each of our countries governs one part. But the areas under its jurisdiction are all Not quite right!

As a big country in Asia, China has been the leader of Asia for thousands of years.

It is not an exaggeration to say that China is unscrupulous in Asia now, and no country can threaten everything in China.

Han Ling was able to see through their intentions. Carl had been prepared to see through them so quickly, which was a bit unexpected, but he didn't have much reaction yet.

Karl was not surprised that Han Ling was able to tell the problems in one breath.

The only thing that surprised Karl was Han Ling's ambition.

He actually used this incident to lead them into an army, which he never thought of.

Han Ling did not object to the eligibility of the establishment of this organization, but asked them to withdraw from Asia under the guise of democracy.

Asian affairs should still be managed by the Asian people. Isn't this saying under the guise of democracy?

Now Karl frowned, he never thought of all this.

"Your Majesty! This area is our traditional colony, so he manages us!"

Carl frowned and said vigilantly.

"Wrong! This area is our traditional vassal state, which was once our territory. You have ruled this area for only a handful of times. However, their relationship with us can be traced back to more than two thousand years ago. So this This piece of land should be under the jurisdiction of our country!"

As soon as Karl's voice fell, Han Ling retorted.

"Your Majesty the Emperor! I think this matter is related to the interests of our six countries, so we should hold a meeting of the six countries to discuss this matter!"

Carl is worthy of being a diplomat, his head is turning fast.

He knew that if he continued to discuss with Han Ling like this, he would be brought in by Han Ling sooner or later.

Instead of this, it is better to find the other four countries and five countries to put pressure on China, so there is still a certain success rate.So he immediately said that the six countries were discussing.

"Hehe! Mr. Carl's method is good. Since we are arguing over the jurisdiction of Asia, I think it's better to hold this meeting in Asia! Time! I think it can be postponed for a while, now our country is liberating the devils and the people , when we liberate the devil people, we will hold a six-nation conference in the devil's capital, what does Mr. Karl think?"

Han Ling's words made Karl's pupils shrink for a while, and he understood that Han Ling was going to show them China's military strength.

Just in time, he also wanted to see how strong Huaxia's military strength is now.

China's military has always been a forbidden zone and a secret for all countries in the world.

Many countries want to inquire about China's military intelligence, but so far, it seems that no country has succeeded.

Even the devil, the country that has worked hard on Huaxia for decades, failed.

When Han Ling's words reached the ears of several other countries, they all readily agreed.

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