They all really want to know about China's military strength. It can be said that China's military strength has changed every six months these years.

Now they don't know how strong China's military strength is.

I only know that Huaxia has never failed since its rise to the present.

Now the devil's army is advancing even more triumphantly, and the devils they beat have no power to fight back.

After Carl left, Han Ling immediately dispatched another [-] troops to the devils, and at the same time dispatched [-] airships to join the queue to deliver logistics supplies for the devils.

At the same time, Han Ling gave Wang Dayong an order to get rid of the devil's little devil as soon as possible.

After Wang Dayong received the order, and after accepting an army of [-], he already had an army of one million in his hands, and immediately launched a fierce attack on the devils.

On March [-], after more than [-] days of fierce fighting.

An army of one million led by Wang Dayong defeated an army of more than one million devils commanded by Prince Xianyuan.

Of the [-] million troops, about [-] million were eaten by the Pingyuan Army, and the [-] troops were forced to withdraw to the devil's capital.

Many of the [-] million were killed in the bombing in the previous half month.

Chapter 390: The sea battle of life and death [[-]]

The military failure of the little devil can be said to be devastating. The failure of this [-] million army completely made the little devil lose the western part of Kyushu Island.

The troops led by Wang Dayong fought all the way to Mount Fukuchi and the Kobe area before stopping to clean up a series of problems in the occupied area.

And just when Wang Dayong defeated the little devil's army of [-] million, Qian Dajun on Kochi Kagawa Island also led an army of more than [-] to eat the [-] little devils on the island.

Qian Dajun did not have heavy bombers like Wang Dayong to support the bombing, but only dive bombers and heavy artillery, so it was a bit slower.

But in the end, after Wang Dayong ate up the army of [-] million, Qian Dajun finally ate up the army of [-] little devils here.

None of the little devil army here ran away.

The reason is simple, this is a big island, they can't escape.

As for the little devil's naval support, hehe!Now their navy is in danger!

In a certain area of ​​the East China Sea, on the Huashan of the East China Sea Fleet.

"Brother Houfu! Now your Pacific Fleet has served five aircraft carriers and four battleships. In addition, my East China Sea Fleet has ten battleships and other ships. Now our army is no less than the little devil in terms of tonnage. , the performance of the battleship is completely superior to them!"

Because the naval battle did not break out before, the East China Sea Fleet and the Pacific Fleet were restored.

Subsequently, all five battleships repaired in the dock were repaired, and the aircraft carrier began to serve in the Pacific Fleet.

So Han Ling allocated two of the five battleships to the East China Sea Fleet, and the remaining three to the Pacific Fleet.

As a result, the East China Sea Fleet has ten of the most advanced battleships in the world, and the Pacific Fleet has five aircraft carriers and four battleships.

As for the other series of supporting ships, including heavy cruisers, I won't talk about them.

In sea battles, heavy cruisers are so insignificant.

"En! What you said makes sense. This time the commander has made up his mind to fight a naval battle with the little devils and eat up their navy's main force, and the little devils seem to be unable to hold on anymore! Now they are also looking for our main force, Prepare us for a fight to the death! I heard that Wang Dayong and his army fought very well! Just two days ago, the little devils ate up [-] million troops, and now the little devils are impatient, hoping to eat our navy to save them. A rout in the army!"

Shen Chengzhang said with a smile.The Army and Air Force have delivered a satisfactory answer to the Ministry of Military Affairs.

The little devil's air force was so beaten by the Pingyuan Army's air force that they dared not fight.The army was defeated again and again, and because of Wang Dayong's outstanding results this time, news spread from the military headquarters that it seemed that Han Ling intended to promote him to the rank of general.And also claimed that it is very possible to confer a high title at the founding ceremony, which is the envy of a group of people!

And the navy has always been a gold-swallowing beast, and Han Ling's support for the navy is also relatively large.But they haven't come up with a good result all the time, so Shen Chengzhang and Chen Houfu really want to show the result to others. Their navy is not a bunch of waste. They need a huge amount of military expenditure every year. But they are also a team that can win big battles, not just consume waste that doesn't do anything.

"Brother Chengzhang, although Hua said so, we should not be careless! After all, the little devil's navy was established earlier than ours, and they have richer experience. The most important thing is their will to fight. If they die, we will If you don't pay attention, you may suffer a big loss.

Now we all know the situation in China, all countries in the world can be said to be our enemies, the loss of this battle should not be too great! "

Chen Houfu shook his head, looked at Shen Chengzhang and said.

As an aircraft carrier faction, he hopes to achieve the greatest victory with the least loss.

"En! I know! Brother Houfu, this is the end of our discussion. Regarding the escort issue you mentioned earlier, I can tell you that there is no problem at all. The commander stopped the sea battle before and let us return to the construction. This time When your aircraft carrier is in service, the commander-in-chief will let you be the main force, and I understand what the commander-in-chief means."

Shen Chengzhang understood what Han Ling meant, and wanted to hone the aircraft carrier formation in this battle.

Although Shen Chengzhang didn't care much about the aircraft carrier, since he had guessed Han Ling's intentions, he naturally had to obey Han Ling's will.

When Chen Houfu returned to the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, the confrontation between the two armies can also be said to have begun.

This time the little devils also concentrated all their aircraft carriers and battleships.

The little devil also knows that this battle can be said to be crucial. Now the army has suffered a crushing defeat, but as long as the navy wins, they can use the navy to support the army. You know, the little devil's land is small, and the navy fleet is divided into two , in the sea areas on both sides, it can support a large part of the land area.

On the afternoon of April [-], [-], a large-scale naval battle finally broke out between the Huaxia Navy and the Little Devils Navy in a certain area of ​​the East China Sea.

The first confrontation was the aircraft on the aircraft carriers of the two armies.

Chen Houfu returned to his flagship, the Yangtze River No. [-] aircraft carrier, and immediately ordered the aircraft on the aircraft carrier to release the reconnaissance plane, and at the same time, the fighter planes took off for vigilance.

At [-]:[-] pm on April [-]st, the reconnaissance planes of the two armies met.

The little devil was quickly killed because of his poor performance.

And the reconnaissance plane on Changjiang No. [-] immediately fed back the news of encountering the little devil's reconnaissance plane to the aircraft carrier.

It has to be said that sometimes communication is also a multiplier of combat power.

Just like now, the little devil's communication method on the air force can't keep up with the Chinese navy.

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