The reconnaissance plane of the Huaxia Navy immediately sent a message to the fleet as soon as there was a situation, and the fleet could also roughly determine the position of the enemy's fleet based on the position of the enemy's reconnaissance plane.

But the little devil couldn't do it.

At this time, the little devil's reconnaissance plane was still a biplane, and there was no communicator installed on his plane. If he got any news, he had to return to the fleet to inform the fleet of the news.

As for the little devil fighter that was shot down, it is obviously impossible to bring this news back to the fleet.

So much so that the little devil lost the best opportunity.

After a while, the little devil's reconnaissance plane still hadn't come back. This time, the commander sent by the little devil emperor to command the navy felt something was wrong.

"Suzuki-kun, hasn't our reconnaissance plane returned yet?"

This time the navy commander sent by the little devil emperor is a member of the royal family, Prince Fushimi!

In history, three or seven years later, Prince Xianyuan controlled the army, while he controlled the navy.

Now he is sent out.

And his deputy commander is Suzuki, the later Marine Prime Minister, who was sent out as the deputy commander this time.

"not yet!"

Suzuki shook his head and said, he felt that something was wrong, as if something had happened, according to the regulations, it should be returning now.

"No! Order the fleet to be on alert immediately, something must have happened to our reconnaissance plane!"

Fushimi Gong is indeed capable, otherwise the little devil emperor would not have sent him to be the commander of the navy this time.And his vigilance is indeed very high, and he immediately becomes alert if something goes wrong.

"Your Excellency, is this too sensitive?"

Suzuki asked with a frown.

"Suzuki-kun! We have to do this. If we make a mistake, we may be surrounded by the Huaxia Navy without knowing it. According to the information obtained by the empire, the strength of the Huaxia Navy fleet cannot be underestimated. And the most important thing What's more, according to the information we got, their battleships are all very good, I have to do this!"


Although the little devil still doesn't know that the Huaxia Navy has already served five aircraft carriers, their vigilance is indeed a bit strong.

But are they too late?

It took less than five minutes for their fleet to vigilantly move before a formation of planes appeared above them.

Immediately, the air defense sirens sounded continuously over the entire Little Devils fleet.

"Baga! Huaxia aircraft formation! Order the aircraft to take off immediately to fight against the enemy! All fleets open all air defense firepower!"

Fushimi Palace looked at the formation of planes above the sky in the distance, and immediately gritted his teeth.

At the same time, there was a trace of confusion in his heart, where did these aircraft formations come from?

When the aircraft formation of the Pacific Fleet reached the sky above their fleet, they hurriedly took off to meet the enemy. Is it too late?

As we all know, before World War II, the little devil's naval fleet had always had weak anti-aircraft firepower, which can also be said to be their shortcoming.

And now, in [-], the anti-aircraft firepower of their fleet was even weaker.

Many ships have not been modernized, and the anti-aircraft firepower on them can be said to be weak.

The weak anti-aircraft firepower can't even pose much threat to the dive bombers and torpedo planes that took off from the No. [-] aircraft carrier on the Yangtze River.




When the little devil had just taken off a few planes from the aircraft carrier, several dive bombers from the Changjiang No. [-] aircraft carrier dropped three aerial bombs directly on the deck of the Chicheng aircraft carrier.

The pilots on these aircraft carriers are not human pilots, but all clone pilots.

There is nothing to say about their technology.

Three dive bombs exploded directly on their deck, leaving three tails in the kid's dull eyes! !

Chapter 391: The sea battle of life and death [[-]]

"Your Excellency, the deck of the Akagi aircraft carrier is on fire, and the damage control personnel are rushing to repair it!"

Fushimi Palace on the Nagato soon received news that the Akagi aircraft carrier was on fire.

"Baga! Order the plane to take off immediately to intercept the Huaxia aircraft formation, and the fleet's fire prevention is fully activated. We can't let the Huaxia aircraft bomb us recklessly!"

Fushimi Gong's idea is good, but some things are not transferred according to his will.

The weak anti-aircraft firepower of the Little Devils fleet simply cannot effectively intercept the aviation formation of the Pacific Fleet.

The little devil had just taken off from other aircraft carriers, and when he was about to intercept the Pacific Fleet fighter planes, groups of monoplanes shining with silver light rushed out from the clouds.

They were escort planes from the Pacific Fleet.

As soon as they sprang out, they beat up the little devil's carrier-based aircraft in the air with absolute performance advantages.

And then countless aviation formations began to gather in the sky above the little devil's fleet.

The first target of the dive bombers was the little devil's aircraft carrier.

There are also teams of torpedo planes scattered around the aircraft carrier, ready to fly to the aircraft carrier's flanks to drop torpedoes after the dive bombers have completely attracted their firepower.

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