At this time, although the little devil also realized the role of the aircraft carrier, his understanding was still not thorough enough.Their focus is still on the battleship.

Therefore, the research on aircraft carriers has not reached that kind of real understanding.

There is also a lack of sufficient understanding of torpedo planes. This situation will develop according to history. Unless the admiral Yamamoto, the little devil in history, rises in the navy, they will change this view and start to really pay attention to it. aircraft carrier.

And now!It is when they lack enough understanding.

"Come closer! Come closer!"

At this time, in the distance to the right string of the Akagi aircraft carrier, there are three torpedo planes flying towards the Akagi aircraft carrier in a straight line.

In order for a torpedo plane to attack a ship, it must first fly in a straight line for a period of time, and the second is to control a certain altitude.

Otherwise, the dropped torpedoes are likely to miss the warship.

So the pilots of their three torpedo planes are calculating the distance little by little in their hearts. As long as they can reach the optimal distance, they will drop torpedoes without hesitation.

The distance was getting closer, and some people on the ship seemed to see the three torpedo planes, and they kept firing anti-aircraft shells at them.

It's just that their flying altitude is too low, and with the angle problem, they can only watch the three torpedo planes approaching the Akagi aircraft carrier.

At this time, the anti-aircraft firepower on the Akagi aircraft carrier was still anxiously dealing with the dive bombers in the sky.

Those dive bombers really bothered them a lot, and they couldn't cope.

"Torpedo! Evade!"

At this moment, a sailor on the Akagi aircraft carrier suddenly yelled in horror.

More than a hundred meters away from them, there are three white waves galloping towards them.

The old sailor knew at a glance that this was the white wave line caused by three torpedoes.

It has to be said that the three torpedo pilots just now were very courageous, and they almost put down the torpedo when they were close to a distance of about two hundred meters.

And these three torpedoes are also galloping towards the Akagi aircraft carrier.

The sailor's voice immediately made everyone who saw and heard it on the Akagi feel cold in their hearts.

Then the sailors on the entire Akagi were struggling to avoid these three torpedoes.

The predecessor of the Akagi aircraft carrier was designed according to the battlecruiser, and the armor was slightly thicker than that of the real aircraft carrier.

But it's not too thick.

Battlecruisers have the same gun caliber as battleships and are faster.But he sacrificed one thing, that is the armor!

The battlecruiser is a surface ship that sacrificed its armor. It was completely abandoned after World War I and replaced by the heavy cruiser.

Therefore, the side armor of the Akagi is slightly thicker than that of the real aircraft carrier, but it is not much thicker.

Facing the large-caliber torpedoes launched by the Pingyuan Army Navy, there is nothing they can do.



Two loud bangs came from the Akagi aircraft carrier, no matter how the little devil tried to evade, he only evaded a torpedo.

After all, the distance was too short. When they found out, it was only more than a hundred meters away, and the one they avoided all passed by the stern of the ship. If they were slower, even that one would not be able to avoid it.

Two large-caliber torpedoes exploded on the side of the ship, stirring up waves of nearly twenty meters.

The sea water fell on the deck, drenching the people who were shaken above.

But the little devil above couldn't control so much, so he quickly stood up and started to operate the aircraft carrier again.

But those damage control personnel are rescuing the refitted aircraft carrier.

It has to be said that the armor of this aircraft carrier converted from a battlecruiser is not much thicker, but its survivability is indeed much better than that of a real aircraft carrier.

Although it was hit by two torpedoes now, it has not yet reached the danger of sinking the Akagi.

"Baga! Can we still take off planes from our deck?"

Eijiro Kondo, the captain of the Akagi, was furious when he saw that his aircraft carrier was under constant attack.

"Just now our deck was only bombed at the stern. Although we lost a little deck, we can still take off carrier aircraft!"

The staff officer next to him said.

"Yo Xi! Immediately order the pilot to take off the plane. We must intercept those Huaxia planes, and we can't let them bomb us so recklessly!"

Speaking of this Eijiro Kondo, I feel very annoyed. This time the naval battle can be said to have erupted inexplicably.

Before all of them could react, the Huaxia Navy's naval aviation had already flown over their heads, and they didn't even have time to react.

Eijiro Kondo was annoyed, and Miya Fushimi was also annoyed.

Those planes seemed to be aiming at their aircraft carrier.

So far, the only ones that can really be called aircraft carriers are Akagi, Kaga, Hosho, and Ryujō, such as Soryu and Hiryu, which are still on the design drawings and have not yet been built. come out.

These four aircraft carriers are the main aircraft carriers of the little devil, and there are many other aircraft carriers that have been transformed, but there are very few carrier-based aircraft that can take off from those aircraft carriers.

And those are also the focus of the Pingyuan Army's attention.

What really made Fushimi Palace painful was that these Pingyuan Army aviation units aimed at their four aircraft carriers to attack, and at this time Fushimi Palace also realized that the era of battleships seemed to be over.

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