"Suzuki-kun! We seem to be wrong!"

Fushimi Palace looked at the Akagi aircraft carrier emitting thick smoke in the distance, and couldn't help but said leisurely.

"Your Excellency, why did you say that?"

"Look! Those Huaxia aviation forces seem to focus their targets on those aircraft carriers and ignore our eight battleships. What's the reason?"

Suzuki has also discovered this problem. These Chinese aviation forces seem to have identified the aircraft carrier, especially the Akagi and Kaga have already been hit by one or two torpedoes.

Looking at those battleships again, it seems that there are not many planes attacking them.

"Could it be that they can't attack battleships?"

Suzuki's idea was snuffed out by himself as soon as it came out.

Suzuki is not stupid. Just now, the aircraft carriers have sent back news that the torpedoes launched by Huaxia are all large-caliber torpedoes with a caliber of more than [-] mm.

Torpedoes of this caliber could easily tear through the outer armor of their battleships.

If so, Suzuki thought of a possibility!

"Do Chinese people think that aircraft carriers are more important than battleships, and will replace battleships in the future?"

Suzuki turned around and asked.

"I think so! You see, based on the aviation formations and torpedo planes they keep flying in, these Chinese people must have aircraft carriers, and there are quite a few.

None of their battleships are hidden, but the aircraft carrier is hidden alone. Don't you think there is something weird in it?This shows that aircraft carriers are much more important than battleships in their hearts. "

Fushimi Miya's words made Suzuki fall into deep thought.

"Your Excellency, I still can't believe that Chinese people have such an understanding, they are just a backward country!"

Suzuki thought for a while, and felt that what Fushimi Miya said made sense, but he was still unwilling to admit it.

"Suzuki-kun! Don't you understand? Huaxia is not what it was three years ago! They have risen. Even Prince Xianyuan and His Majesty have acquiesced to this fact. Are you still kidding yourself?"

Fushimi Miya is on fire, and he thinks that Suzuki's thinking has changed.


"Okay! Suzuki-kun, now is not the time to talk about these things. Let's finish this battle first! Order the fleet to go northwest. I guess that's where the Huaxia Fleet is. We don't approach the Huaxia Fleet. This way will always be passive!"

Fushimiya took a deep breath before speaking.

Fushimi Gong is not a mediocre person, on the contrary, he is still a very capable person.

From the direction in which the aviation formations appearing in the sky and the direction of return, he can estimate that the Huaxia Navy fleet is in that direction.

In fact, Fushimi Palace's estimation was not wrong, Chen Houfu's Pacific Fleet and Shen Chengzhang's East China Sea Fleet were in that direction.

Chapter 392: The Sea Battle of Life and Death [[-]]

"Commander! Our plane reported back that the little devils seem to have discovered our location, and now their entire fleet is rushing here!"

On the Yangtze River No. [-], the flagship of the Huaxia Pacific Fleet, a staff officer was telling Chen Houfu the news from the front-line aircraft.

"This has long been within my expectations. If this cannot be estimated, the little devil's navy will not be ranked first in this world."

Chen Houfu was not surprised by this at all, the first wave of attacks was just an appetizer!

And if there is a real collision, Chen Houfu is not afraid.Judging from these years of running-in training, the sailors Han Ling gave him were not rookies at all, but standard veterans.

No matter in terms of cooperation or navigation formation, they are all veterans.

Although Chen Houfu didn't know where Han Ling bought these people.But Chen Houfu still knew about making a fortune in a muffled voice.Han Ling didn't say anything, and he didn't ask.Every superior has his own secrets, if you really want to know everything, then you are not far from death.

"Give power to Shen Chengzhang and ask for their assistance. If we really want to collide with the little devils, our four battleships in the Pacific are not enough. This time, the main task of my Pacific Fleet is to train with the little devils. The real main force in combat is still Shen Chengzhang. The completed East China Sea Fleet!"

Although the strength of the Pacific Fleet jumped up and immediately became the number one fleet in the Asian platoon, he knew very well that the real main force in this naval battle was Shen Chengzhang's East China Sea Fleet.

Those ten battleships were not vegetarians.That is the real bloodthirsty beast.This is why Han Ling will add two battleships to the East China Sea Fleet.

Both Chen Houfu and Shen Changchang knew the reason for this.

As Chen Houfu's telegram was sent to the Huashan, the flagship of the East China Sea Fleet, Shen Chengzhang also saw Chen Houfu's telegram.

Then the East China Sea Fleet took the lead, followed by the Pacific Fleet and began sailing towards the southeast.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the main fleet of the Devils Navy met the Huaxia East China Sea Fleet and the Pacific Fleet in a certain area of ​​the East China Sea.

This time a naval battle like this was rare even in the previous World War I.

After all, ordinary naval battles are not fought like this, but this time the little devil was cornered.

The frequent defeats in the army made the devil's base camp urgently need to restore the morale of the army in the navy, and the victory of the navy can also support the army.

And Han Ling's thoughts are similar to theirs.

Wang Dayong will fight better if he has the support of the navy in the future, so Han Ling also gathers two fleets and decides to fight to the death with the little devil's navy.




When the battleship's heavy guns sounded, it meant that the two navies had started a real naval battle.

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