In this naval battle, Chen Houfu's five aircraft carriers were protected in the rear by four battleships of the Pacific Fleet and a series of other ships.

The fighter planes on the aircraft carrier are constantly taking off, the most important of which are dive bombers and torpedo planes.

As for the carrier-based aircraft, there is no need to take off much now.

Because of this journey, all the carrier-based aircraft that the little devil could take off were killed by the carrier-based aircraft of the Pacific Fleet.

The little devil's backward carrier-based aircraft is really no match for the Pacific Fleet.

Coupled with the fact that they don't have many carrier-based aircraft, their aircraft carrier has become a bunch of decorations and can only be left behind to watch the battle.

Now that the little devil's carrier-based aircraft were exhausted, the Pacific Fleet no longer targeted the little devil's aircraft carrier.

An aircraft carrier that has lost its plane is a live target. Now that the naval battle has begun, it is only serious to assist the East China Sea Fleet to kill the little devil's battleships.

A dive bomber began to hover over the little devil's head. Once they found the right time, they would dive down and drop aerial bombs on the little devil's battleship.

But what I have to say is that although the battleships of the little devil are relatively backward, the battleships are rough and thick after all. If you want to cause substantial damage to the battleship, or even cause him a big loss, you must use torpedoes. Row.

Therefore, as soon as the little devil's battleships Fuso and Yamashiro had suffered a lot of aerial bombs, and thick smoke billowed from the sky above the battleships, they still did not suffer devastating damage.

"Order all aircraft carriers, launch all torpedo planes! Snipe the little devil's battleships with all their strength, and let the dive bombers drag the little devil's anti-aircraft fire in the sky! Although their anti-aircraft fire is weak, they still have it. Don't let those anti-aircraft fire hurt us torpedo plane!"

Chen Houfu, who was at the rear of the fleet, looked at it with a telescope for a while and gave another order.

As the first aircraft carrier in China, he knows very well how an aircraft carrier should deal with battleships.

A simple dive bomber is definitely not enough.

Hitting three aerial bombs does less damage than hitting one torpedo.This is the battleship facing rough skin and thick flesh.

As night fell, the Devils and Huaxia's naval fleet began to separate. The sea battle this afternoon made everyone feel extremely tired.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the navies of the two countries began to dispatch rescue ships in a tacit understanding to rescue those sailors or pilots who were still in the sea.

On April [-]st, the weather was pretty good.At the same time, the temperature in the sea is no longer so cold, so many sailors survived.

At the same time, the two sides began to count their losses. Although the naval battle did not last long, only a few hours, it was extremely fierce.

Standing outside the bridge of the Huashan, Shen Chengzhang watched the lifeboats on the sea surface constantly salvage the sailors in the sea, his expression did not change at all.

It is said that the battlefield is the best training ground.Now Shen Chengzhang has also experienced the Riau Naval Battle. Before that, he sniped the squadron of the island country in the Devil Sea, and he has experienced quite a few battles.

Even with a large-scale naval battle such as the Riau Naval Battle, it can be said that he has begun to show a trace of the demeanor of an admiral.

"Commander! Our loss statistics are out!"

A staff officer walked up to Shen Chengzhang and said softly.

"How's the loss?"

Shen Chengzhang asked lightly.

"Of our ten battleships, four were slightly injured, but this did not hinder the continuation of the battle. The main guns of the little devil's battleships have not yet been able to cause substantial damage to us.

However, five of our heavy cruisers have been severely damaged, and they are currently being protected by the fleet at the center of gravity. Simple repairs will be carried out tonight. If they want to be repaired, they will probably have to go back to the dock.

In addition, we have four light cruisers, three destroyers and eight frigates sunk! "

The staff officer said softly in the back, the casualties this time are not bad, the losses in the last Riau naval battle were much heavier than this one.

"The strength of the little devil is really strong! In just a few short hours, he was able to kill our four light cruisers, three destroyers and eight frigates! It seems that this is a bloody battle!"

Shen Chengzhang leaned on the railing and said softly.

"How much did they lose?"

After a while, Shen Chengzhang asked softly.

The staff officer understood that Shen Chengzhang was asking about the little devil.

"Three of their battleships suffered heavy damage from us, and it is estimated that they can be sunk after a while, but a lot of credit for this is due to the Pacific Fleet aircraft carrier!

In addition, they also had three heavy cruisers, four light cruisers and one destroyer sunk by us! "

"Three heavy cruisers? Four light cruisers? Hehe! It seems that we didn't lose money, this time we made money!"

Shen Chengzhang didn't seem to understand what the staff officer said.Just now the staff officer said that a lot of this is due to the Pacific Fleet aircraft carrier, and he understands what that means.

But he wasn't going to do that kind of thing, whoever should belong to it.And he believes that in the end it should be his credit that can't escape.

Now is not the time for government corruption.I believe that all of today's events will be clearly displayed on Han Ling's desk soon. If he continues to mess around like before, then he will not only have no merit, but he may even be punished!

"Give Chen Houfu electricity! Ask them to help, protect our five heavily damaged heavy cruisers, and also ask, we want to borrow a battleship and a few heavy cruisers, and return them after this battle, see Let's see if it works!"

This sea battle can be said to be crucial, and Shen Chengzhang wants to give the little devils a blow with greater confidence and kill them.

Inside the bridge command tower of the Yangtze River No. [-] aircraft carrier.

"Commander! Shen Chengzhang, Commander Shen sent a telegram. They want us to protect five heavily damaged heavy cruisers for them. In addition, they also want to second a battleship and four heavy cruisers, and return them to us after the war!"

"Yes! Lend it to them, lend them the battleship Emeishan, and send them another four heavy cruisers!"

After Chen Houfu listened to the telegram, he agreed without any hesitation.

Although he and Shen Chengzhang can be said to belong to two different fleets in the Pingyuan Army Navy, they both have a common name on top of their heads - Huaxia Navy.

This battle is China's battle to break through Asia, and it can also be said to be a crucial battle. Any interest must give way before the national interest, Chen Houfu is still very clear about this.

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