He knew that the sea battle this afternoon had caused losses to the East China Sea Fleet. Shen Chengzhang probably asked him to second the battleships and heavy cruisers to be more confident. Otherwise, according to Shen Chengzhang's arrogance, he would never do this.

393: Show Loyalty

When Shen Chengzhang was counting the casualties and preparing to let the sailors rest, Han Ling was meeting someone in Han Ling's office in Beiping.

Chen Choshuo, yes!Because of the Anti-Japanese War in history, he finally became a one-horned general.

But now that there is no war of resistance, his feet are naturally fine.When he was entrenched in Hainan, Han Ling did not touch him.

Later, the Nanyang incident occurred, and the East China Sea Fleet solved him smoothly when passing through Hainan.

After he took refuge in Han Ling, he had been hidden by Han Lingxue, and he himself lived a reclusive life.

He knew whether he was a general who surrendered, or the kind of general who surrendered unconsciously. Many generals surrendered voluntarily, but he surrendered after being beaten.If you still act in a high-profile manner, you may cause unnecessary trouble.

It's just that, tonight, he received an invitation letter, an invitation letter from Han Ling.

Immediately, he asked his wife to help him tidy up, and then rushed towards Xiyuan wearing a Hanfu issued by the military department and a pair of round-toe cloth shoes.

There is also a deep meaning in what he wears like this.

Wearing a Hanfu issued by the military department is to tell Han Ling that he, Chen Choshuo, is a guilty body. He is no longer a soldier, and he no longer prays for the commander to reuse him. He can see himself clearly.

Many people who come from the National Congress are good players in politics.

This Chen Choshuo is no exception.If he went in military uniform today, what would he tell Han Ling?

Do you want to say that Chen Choshuo is still a soldier, but a soldier without any position or rank?Isn't this putting eye drops on the leader!So he chose to wear a Hanfu and rushed there.

After arriving at Xiyuan, outside the military building, he was soon taken to Han Ling's office by a guard.

"Choosuo is here! Sit down! Wait until I finish processing this document!"

Seeing Chen Choshuo brought in by the guards, Han Ling said with a smile, then lowered his head to process the documents in his hand.

Chen Choshuo sat on the sofa nervously. He didn't know what Han Ling handed him over for, so he could only wait.

After a while, Han Ling finished processing the documents in his hand before looking up at Chen Choshuo.

Han Ling still feels good about Chen Choshuo's attitude, so he is satisfied!

"Chiu Shuo! Do you know why I called you here today?"

"I don't know the humble job!"

When Chen Choshuo heard Han Ling talking to him, he quickly stood up again.

"Hey! Don't stand up, sit down! I'm not a man-eating tiger, sit down! What's the point of standing up!"

Han Ling looked at Chen Choshuo who stood up, dumbfounded.

"Thank you, Master!"

"En! It seems that you have lived a good life during this time. I heard that you eat and eat every day, go fishing everywhere? Sometimes you play chess?"

Han Ling looked at Chen Choshuo as if chatting about family matters.

"Yes! I know my sins in a humble position"

"Okay! Don't talk about this, you can't sit down either! Don't stand up at every turn."

Seeing Chen Choshuo's self-criticism again, Han Ling shook his head and said helplessly.

"Chou Shuo, when you were in the navy of the National Congress, you mainly managed the southern fleet of the National Congress, so you should be familiar with the southern waters, right?"

When Chen Choshuo heard Han Ling's question, his heart skipped a beat. He remembered that Huaxia now had two large naval fleets and a sub-fleet.

Among them, the Pacific Fleet and the East China Sea Fleet, any of these two fleets can be said to be ranked No. [-] in the world. If they are combined, they can be ranked among the top three in the world.

And that squadron is naturally the squadron of Nanyang Indonesia!

It's just that China has such a large sea area, especially the South China Sea area. It is really unbelievable that there is no fleet to manage such a large sea area until now.

"Yes! I have been managing the southern waters before, and I am a little familiar with the South China Sea!"

Chen Choshuo still said honestly.

"En! It's good to be familiar with! The military department has been thinking about planning the formation of the fleet before, but we have always had little devils standing in front of us. We have to clean up the little devils before we can go freely. Deal with South China Sea affairs.

Therefore, the formation of the South China Sea Fleet has always been planned, but it has not been put into action.

Now the decisive battle between us and the little devil has begun, and I estimate that the possibility of victory in this battle is very high.

Once the war against the little devils is won, the next step is to put the formation of the fleet on the table.

I thought about many people, and finally set my goal on you. You were in charge of this area before, and I think I will hand over this area to you now, so I found the right person! "

Han Ling spoke slowly on top, while Chen Choshuo looked at Han Ling in disbelief.

Does he really dare to hand over the fleet to himself?

You know, from the name of the South China Sea Fleet, it can be heard that this is a fleet comparable to the East China Sea Fleet and the Pacific Fleet.

Once formed in the future, the scale will be the East China Sea Fleet at the very least.

Although the strength of the East China Sea Fleet is stronger than that of the Pacific Fleet, everyone knows that once the little devil is killed, the Pacific Fleet will go to the Pacific Ocean.

At that time, the strength of the Pacific Fleet will be the strongest.

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