But even if it is the same as the East China Sea Fleet, it is still a huge fleet!Will Han Ling really hand over such a fleet to his hands?

You must know that you are a down-and-out general!

Moreover, Chen Choshuo believes that if the South China Sea Fleet is really formed in the future, it will only be larger than the East China Sea Fleet, not smaller.

You must understand that the situation in the South China Sea has always been complicated, and various forces in Europe and the United States are involved. If the strength is weak, will this work?

Therefore, the strength of the South China Sea Fleet will only be stronger than that of the East China Sea Fleet!

"Chishuo? What are you thinking?"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he looked at him as if his eyes had fallen into a dull state, and he couldn't help calling out.

"Ah? Sorry! Marshal, are you really planning to hand over the South China Sea Fleet to a humble job?"

When Chen Zhushuo said this, his voice trembled.

"Hehe! All this depends on your ability. As long as you have the ability, why not give it to you?"

Looking at Han Ling's big wave of his hand, Chen Choshuo felt that he should stand in line.

"Marshal! After the humble post, you will be the only one to look after you, and you will go through fire and water, and you will do whatever you want!"

Chen Choshuo stood up and roared loudly, as if this was the only way to show his loyalty.

Chapter 394: The Sea Battle of Life and Death [[-]]

"Hey! Sit down! Didn't I say don't stand up! As long as you do a good job, it's better than anything else!"

Han Ling waved again, looked at Chen Choshuo and said.

"Yes! Master!"

This time, Chen Choshuo changed his previous cautious attitude and saluted Han Ling like a soldier.

Han Ling was very satisfied with his transformation.

Before, because Chen Choshuo was afraid of himself, he was a general after all, so he acted cautiously in everything he did.

But it's different now. I can say that I have appointed him a position and given him a task.

His current identity is no longer the embarrassing identity of the former general.

Instead, he will now be the commander of the Huaxia South Sea Fleet.

"En! Chosuo! Although I appointed you as the commander of the South China Sea Fleet this time, I also believe that you can do a good job. But your background is in the military department, after all, there are gossips, so I will not give you an admiral. I can only I will give you the rank of major general, if it is higher, I am afraid that some people will trouble you, I hope you can understand this point!"

Han Ling looked at Chen Choshuo and said again.This is not because Han Ling is unwilling to give him a higher rank.

As the saying goes, you don't get paid for nothing, he doesn't do anything now, and he doesn't have anyone.

It's not Han Ling's style to just give him the rank of general.

You, Chen Choshuo, want to get a higher rank?

sure!Then go to make meritorious service, then bring me the South China Sea Fleet, let me see your achievements, as long as I see your achievements, I will give you a high military rank.

"Yes! I understand!"

How could Chen Choshuo not understand what Han Ling meant?

Anyway, he is also an old fritter who has been in the officialdom for so many years.He knew very well that even though he was appointed by Han Ling as the commander of the South China Sea Fleet, he was still guilty unless he could make achievements.

Otherwise, even if Han Ling gave him a high military rank, he wouldn't dare to accept it, and that would cause public outrage!

On the morning of April [-], the rising sun over the sea looked hopeful.

The rising sun seems to be like a newborn baby.

Standing outside the bridge, Chen Houfu looked at the rising sun, slowly closed his eyes, and prepared to feel the first ray of sunshine from the rising sun.

"Commander! Treat yourself to a meal!"

When Chen Houfu was feeling the rising sun, a staff officer walked behind him and said softly.

"Well! I know!"

At seven o'clock in the morning, when all the sailors had finished their meals, they began to weigh anchor and prepare for departure.

At the same time, the same is true of the Little Devils Navy Fleet.

The battle yesterday afternoon made all the little devils clearly understand that these seemingly short-established Chinese navy are extremely powerful.

Although they have been established for a short time, their strength is strong.

Yesterday afternoon, under the cover of the air force, they silenced several of their own heavy cruisers.

You know, they only have twelve heavy cruisers now.

They originally had twelve ships before, and with the ones under construction, there are fourteen in total.

But in the Little Devil Sea, they were ambushed by the Huaxia Navy two years ago and were forced to lose two ships.

So there were ten ships left, and after the two under construction came into service, they had twelve more.

But yesterday afternoon, a full three heavy cruisers were lost.

This is the main surface ship second only to battleships!

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