Seiichi Yamato, the current captain of the battleship King Kong, rank of Colonel.

Now he was hearing the last thing in the world he wanted to hear, that the boiler had been shut down.

The original speed of King Kong was not fast.

He was a product of [-].

When it was produced, it had a speed of 275 knots, but the extensive modernization in [-] increased its displacement.

However, the speed was reduced from 275 knots to 24 knots.

And just now!Just now, three more boilers turned off. After these three boilers turned off, King Kong's speed will be reduced to 20 knots.

This speed is really too low, which will increase the hit rate of the Huaxia Navy. This is news that he is very unwilling to hear, but he no longer wants to hear it, but now he has heard it all.

"Agree to Boiler Chief's request! In addition, order the ship to start turning in the direction of the main force of the fleet, and act together with the main force of the fleet!"

The reduced speed of the King Kong and the three torpedoes hit just now, although it will not silence him, but it can reduce his survivability. In this case, it is best to act with the main force of the fleet.


This time Shantou Qingyi gave a wrong order, an extremely wrong order, he should not have ordered the ship to turn.

Because the ship turning will again reduce the speed of the ship.

Although the turning process will make it difficult for the battleships of the East China Sea Fleet to aim due to the angle, but his reduced speed can greatly facilitate the aiming of the torpedo aircraft.

However, Shanteng Qingyi believed that his order was correct, and the reason was very simple.

That's because he didn't know enough about aircraft carriers, or maybe the giant sword cannonism in his heart was at work. He always believed that it was impossible for that small plane to threaten his own existence.

Even though the King Kong had just been attacked by three torpedoes, he thought it was because he was not careful. Once he was careful, how could the plane threaten him.

But he didn't know that it was the giant ship cannonism in his heart that ruined his King Kong here.

The deceleration and turning of King Kong attracted the attention of countless torpedo planes.

A torpedo plane began to fly around Jinggang.

It has to be said that the little devil's weak anti-aircraft firepower really made the torpedo planes of the Pacific Fleet go crazy.

If facing the warships of the US imperialists, the terrifying anti-aircraft firepower above would not allow the planes of the Pacific Fleet to dare to fly around like this.

But the little devil's warship!

But it made them presumptuous.

As he turned one-third of the way, many torpedo planes began to stabilize the course, lowered their altitude, and flew towards King Kong.

Then they got as close to the King Kong as possible, hoping to get closer to the King Kong before launching torpedoes.

However, the sailors on the King Kong were already very wary of these planes because of the three torpedoes just now.

Especially when you see countless torpedo planes flying around them, you know they have bad intentions.

This time I saw many torpedo planes preparing to attack, so I couldn't help but be ready to evade at any time.

"One hundred meters! Drop torpedoes!"

A cold voice sounded in the channel of the torpedo plane.

Then I saw no less than eight torpedoes galloping towards King Kong with a long wave line!

"Another torpedo! Evade! Evade!"

This time, because the sailors of the little devil had noticed these torpedo planes a long time ago, when they saw torpedoes appearing on the sea, they immediately began to scream in horror.

Battleships are not afraid of dive bombers in the sky, unless a large number of dive bombers carry a large number of heavy aerial bombs, it is possible to cause devastating damage to the battleship, which is only possible.

But the torpedo is different, it is the real nemesis of the battleship.

No battleship dares to stiffen its neck and say: I am a battleship, and I am not afraid of torpedoes.

So the sailors on the King Kong yelled in horror after seeing the torpedo.

It's just useless!

The King Kong was turning, and his speed was at its lowest at this time, so it was very difficult to avoid it.

Not to mention that this time it was an attack of eight torpedoes.Moreover, the locations of these torpedoes are very close, and the nearest one has reached [-] meters!


The first torpedo hit the King Kong, and there was a loud noise, causing the entire King Kong to shake violently.

Shanteng Qingyi had no choice but to be knocked down.

But that's just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, several torpedoes hit the battleship King Kong.

Chapter 396: Destruction of the island nation's navy that will determine life and death [Part [-]]




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