The continuous impact caused the battleship King Kong, which was turning, to vibrate violently, and wave after wave continued to rise.

Even the hull of the battleship King Kong tilted slightly.

The sailors of the Devil Empire above were screaming in horror.It seems that the King Kong is going to be silent.

"Master Dazuo! No. [-], [-], [-], and [-] boilers are seriously flooded with water, and the boiler chief requests to turn off the flames!"

silence!There was a deathly silence in Yamato Seiichi's command tower.

"To be or not to be?"

The words from "Hamlet" appeared in the mind of Mr. Kiyoshi Yamato.

Now the King Kong has only these four boilers still running. Once these four boilers are turned off, it means that the King Kong will completely lose power.

A battleship that has completely lost its power, especially in this kind of naval battle, is purely a living target.

But if you don't turn off the flame, continuing to move forward means that the boiler will explode at any time, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Thin cold sweat broke out on Shantou Seiichi's forehead, as if this was a difficult question to decide, but this question was indeed difficult to decide.

"Order the boiler to turn off, and at the same time, generate electricity for His Excellency Prince Fushimi, explain our current situation, and ask for tactical guidance!"


"Your Excellency! King Kong's captain Shan Tengqing sent a telegram that the King Kong has completely lost power, and now the boiler has been forced to shut down! Request tactical guidance!"

Deputy Commander Suzuki handed a message to Prince Fushimi, and his tone was anxious.Now they are at a disadvantage in terms of battleship performance and quantity. If another battleship loses power and becomes a living target, the situation will be even worse.

"Nani? King Kong loses power?"

Fushimi Miya did not answer the telegram, he knew what Suzuki said was true.

He immediately picked up the binoculars and looked in the direction of the King Kong battleship.

Seeing this, Fushimi Palace was shocked, and the King Kong, which had lost power, naturally began to slow down.

And this situation immediately attracted the locust-like dive bombers and torpedo planes in the sky.

At the same time, the three battleships gathered by Shen Chengzhang immediately began to fire more happily.Shells from the main ship's gun fired towards the King Kong as if they were free of charge.


A loud noise came from the battleship King Kong, followed by a series of explosions.

It turned out that a 460mm battleship main ship gun hit a turret of King Kong, and then the shell directly penetrated the turret, entered the turret's interior and exploded, and then exploded the ammunition depot, directly causing the entire King Kong to panic. shock.

Afterwards, thick smoke billowed from the sky above the King Kong, as if telling the world that this old battleship was nearing the end of its life.


Another explosion came from the side of the King Kong. Misfortunes never come singly. In the case of the King Kong being hit by torpedoes continuously, the entire hull seemed to be overwhelmed, making the teeth sour. Emitted from the hull.

"Report Your Excellency! The damage control personnel are here to report! The fire inside the hull is too fierce, and there are already eight large holes in the hull that were blasted by torpedoes, which can no longer be blocked. Now sea water is pouring into the hull. The King Kong is sinking!"

A major with a mournful face ran up to Seiichi Yamato and said.

Shanteng Qingyi sank, and the sinking of the King Kong did not exceed his expectations. After all the boilers were turned off, he had already thought of this result, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly. The blow of the Huaxia Navy But so fierce, they were able to sink their King Kong in such a short period of time!

"Order all personnel to abandon the ship, take a lifeboat, and approach the main force of the fleet!"

At this moment, Shantou Seiichi seemed to be ten years older. After saying this, all the strength in his body seemed to be drained.

The King Kong was just the beginning. After Shantou Seiichi and the others abandoned the King Kong, Chen Houfu immediately ordered the aircraft carrier to shift its target, preparing to attack their battleships Haruna and Kirishima.

It has to be said that it is not without reason that aircraft carriers can replace battleships and become the future ocean overlord.

The previous sea battles were all battles between battleships.

What is the competition?

The armor, artillery fire, speed of the battleship, and the elite level of the gunner.

But when the aircraft carrier appeared, the pattern of naval warfare changed.

The battleships in the past may not be able to decide the outcome of the battle in the morning, or even fight for a day. These are not impossible.

However, when an aircraft carrier faces a battleship, as long as the distance between the two sides is far enough, the battleship cannot reach the aircraft carrier.

The countless planes that take off from the aircraft carrier may be able to kill a battleship within a few hours. If the pilots are elite enough, it is not impossible to kill a battleship within three hours. A few planes and some pilots are nothing more than the cost of a battleship.

And the war mode of the aircraft carrier is faster.

The current situation faced by the Devils Empire Navy is similar to this situation. The aircraft carrier of the Devils Empire Navy has no carrier-based aircraft, and the aircraft carrier itself is also scarred.

However, the five aircraft carriers of the Huaxia Navy are incomparably complete, and the planes taking off from the aircraft carriers continue to attack the battleships of the Devil Empire.

Many battleships were attacked and forced to change their formation, or they were disrupted.

And they wanted to attack the aircraft carrier of the Pacific Fleet, but they were completely out of reach.

The eleven battleships commanded by Shen Chengzhang were not vegetarians, and taking out any battleship at random would not be comparable to the little devil in terms of performance.

Night began to fall, and the naval battle that had been going on for a day was about to draw its final curtain. The warships of the Devil Empire and the Huaxia Navy began to slowly withdraw from the battlefield.

There are still many floating objects on the sea level, among which many naval sailors are struggling on the sea level.

In the distance, there are fast-moving fish and crucian carp emerging from the water, which are the shark's back crucian carp.

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