Chapter 397: The Destruction of the Island Nation's Navy 【Part [-]】

"Have the results and losses of our army been calculated?"

Shen Chengzhang sat quietly in his seat and asked with his eyes closed.

After hearing this, the staff officer standing in front of Shen Chengzhang began to report the situation with documents.

In one day today, the losses of the East China Sea Fleet were considered good, but three heavy cruisers were sunk, and the total number of other light cruisers and destroyers sunk was more than ten.

The little devil's navy is not so easy to solve. They must have been able to run rampant in Asia for so many years, and they must have certain strength. Otherwise, how could it be possible to run rampant in Asia for so many years?

However, the loss of the East China Sea Fleet is not small, but the loss of the little devil is not small.

The East China Sea Fleet and the Pacific Fleet worked together to kill the three battleships of the little devil!

They are the three battleships Kongo, Haruna, and Kirishima.

They are all King Kong-class battleships, which are relatively old battleships.So it can be said that they are also relatively easy to kill here.

Four of the remaining ten heavy cruisers of the little devil were also killed.

In addition, seventeen of the kid's seventeen light cruisers were also killed.

As for the little devil's destroyers, a total of thirty-two destroyers were killed, and ten destroyers were killed.

This loss can be said to be traumatic for the little devil.

After all, the strength of the East China Sea Fleet cannot be underestimated.

"This time the loss is not small! This time our East China Sea Fleet has a total of twenty-six heavy cruisers.

Five ships suffered heavy damage yesterday and are now protected by Houfu's Pacific Fleet.

There were [-] remaining, and Houfu later loaned us [-] more, and we still have [-] heavy cruisers.

Now three ships have been sunk, and we have twenty-two ships left. "

Shen Chengzhang couldn't help sighing after hearing this.

This is just the sunk ones, and those injured, the sum of these is not a small number!

However, the only thing that comforted Shen Chengzhang was that the battleship did not suffer much damage. After all, the battleship had rough skin and thick flesh, and it was difficult for the little devil's battleship main gun to cause devastating damage to his own battleship.

As long as it's not devastating damage, it's not a big problem.

"Commander! Our damage is not small, but the little devil's damage is even greater! Three of their battleships were sunk, and the rest suffered heavy damage. Only their Nagato, which is considered one Only a relatively modern warship was spared much damage."

The staff officer next to him couldn't help comforting him when he heard what his commander said.

"Hehe! You brat, I know what's going on here. I need you to comfort me!"

Shen Chengzhang looked at the staff officer who comforted him and scolded with a smile.


"Okay! Go and send electricity to Chen Houfu, commander of the Pacific Fleet, and ask if they can continue to fight tomorrow."


Judging from today's battle, Shen Chengzhang also realized a problem.

That is the role of the aircraft carrier. In this kind of sea battle, the cooperation of the aircraft carrier and the battleship is really powerful.

The aircraft carrier was able to sink the three battleships of the little devil and other battleships in one day.

At the same time, Shen Chengzhang also understood why Han Ling insisted on equipping the Pacific Fleet with aircraft carriers, and why he equipped five of them at once.

At the beginning, Shen Chengzhang thought that Han Ling might have gone in the wrong direction, but now it seems.

An aircraft carrier equipped with torpedo planes and dive bombers is indeed very powerful.

Chen Houfu's Pacific Fleet will definitely be able to continue fighting. Although they lost some aircraft in the battle yesterday.

But because the little devil's anti-aircraft firepower is weak, not many planes have been lost, and with the addition of five aircraft carriers, it is impossible to fight so easily.

And there are spare planes on each aircraft carrier, so the next morning, that is, the morning of April [-], the East China Sea Fleet continued to fight against the little devils under the command of Shen Chengzhang.

And the Pacific Fleet also joined them.

A large number of planes took off from the aircraft carrier, and then joined the ranks of attacking the Devil Empire Navy.

Over the warring seas, dark clouds of smoke blotted out the scorching sun, giving the sense that the end of the world was imminent.

Naval soldiers on both sides were in no mood to care about this.

Sweat like rain soaked the clothes of many sailors, with salty sweat running down their eyes and mouths, as they fought this Armageddon at sea with all their might.

In naval battles, ships on both sides were constantly sunk, and sailors were constantly falling into the sea.

Cannonballs were flying randomly, like a group of demons dancing wildly.

Since the beginning of the naval battle, the sound of artillery in this sea area has never stopped from morning to afternoon.

The soldiers on both sides fought desperately as if they didn't know how tired they were.

As the war progressed, the Devil Empire Navy lost more and more ships, and their weak anti-aircraft firepower became weaker and weaker. In the end, they were unable to effectively threaten the Pacific Fleet's aircraft taking off from the aircraft carrier.

This also caused those aviation troops to become more and more rampant, and the torpedo planes dropped more and more boldly.

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