Countless torpedoes rushed towards the little devil's battleship.

Night fell again, this was the sunset on April [-]rd, and perhaps the last time Prince Fushimi saw the sunset.

Standing outside the bridge of the Nagato, looking at the Nagato with billowing smoke, and the Yamashiro dragging its exhausted body in the distance, a look of pain flashed in Fushimi Palace's eyes.

In today's naval battle, they actually lost three more battleships.

The remaining battleships Nagato and Yamashiro can be said to be covered in scars.

As for the other destroyers, there are less than ten destroyers left, the heavy cruisers have been exhausted, and there are three light cruisers left.

The fleet that the Devil Empire has worked hard to build for decades has suffered heavy losses in just a few days, which can be described as a serious injury.

Even if the Huaxia Navy let them go now, and the Devil Empire wants to revive the navy in the future, relying on their national strength, there is no such thing as not even thinking about it for [-] years, and the development situation is still relatively good in [-] years. However, it will be difficult for them to develop in another fifty years.

After all, their navy can develop to the present level, which also has the credit of World War I.

At that time, they can also be said to have made a lot of money, and they squeezed a lot of benefits from Huaxia to get what they are today.

But fifty years later, what is the situation of the Huaxia Navy?

Fushimi Palace couldn't imagine that Huaxia was a big country, and they couldn't compare it to it.

They are incomparable in terms of population, resources, economy, national strength, and war potential.

And wanting Huaxia to let them go, this is just imagination.

Chapter 398: Destruction of the island nation's navy that will determine life and death [Part [-]]

"Your Excellency! Is this the end of the empire? Now even the navy has been defeated so thoroughly!"

Suzuki's voice sounded behind Fushimi Miya.

"Hey! What a pity! Back then we had a chance, but we missed it for nothing!"

There was a kind of unwilling regret in the voice of Fushimi Palace, he was really unwilling.

The empire has worked hard for decades, and it can be said that it is the survivor of two generations.It was not until Hirohito's generation that he rose completely.

But just after its rise, it suffered an economic crisis, and the domestic economy began to wither, and it was at this time that Huaxia began to rise.

It only took Huaxia two or three years to achieve the achievements of the Devil Empire's decades of hard work, and it far surpassed them.

"Your Excellency! I am not reconciled! The empire rose with great difficulty, but China also rose. The empire's decades of hard work were destroyed by China in just two or three years. Is the road to the rise of the empire true? Is it that difficult?"

Suzuki is also not reconciled, I believe that none of the current Devil Empire people will be reconciled.

They really couldn't believe that the decades of efforts of the empire were not as good as China's efforts of several years. All this dealt them a great blow.

They couldn't figure out why all this was happening.

"Maybe this is the gap in national power! I used to think that Huaxia would be trampled under our feet forever, and there would be no chance to stand up again, but who knew that we were just negligent for a while, and they seized the opportunity to rise up. All this is too amazing than we expected.

If the empire had the same huge territory and population as China, I believe that the empire would definitely be one of the largest countries in the world. "

There is regret in Fushimi Palace's words. The Devil Empire has always targeted China, wanting to obtain China's territory and resources.

Two years ago, after Marshal Zhang in the Northeast was murdered by them, they thought their chance had come.

Who knew that a Han Ling would be killed halfway, disrupting their plans, and now they are even more desperate.

When Fushimi Palace and the others were not reconciled, Shen Chengzhang was standing outside the bridge of the Huashan, looking at the remaining warships of the little devil with binoculars.

"Tsk tsk! Now the little devil has two battleships and some other ships left! I guess I can send the battle report to the commander tomorrow afternoon!"

Shen Chengzhang couldn't help laughing when he saw the warships left by the little devil.

"Commander! Don't they still have quite a few aircraft carriers? Look, they still have four large aircraft carriers, and more than ten refitted aircraft carriers. What if we take these aircraft carriers back as captives?"

The staff officer behind Shen Chengzhang was also whimsical. He actually wanted to capture the little devil's aircraft carrier.

"Go, go, go! There is nothing easy to capture for these little devils. They are far behind the aircraft carrier of our Pacific Fleet. But it is still possible to take them back to the furnace. I don't know what the little devil thinks, but he thought of modifying them.

I don't care about these old things! "

Shen Chengzhang curled his lips, the little devil's aircraft carrier is the only one that has not been sunk.

Because they have no combat effectiveness, what Shen Chengzhang thinks is to solve their battleships before solving their aircraft carriers.

"Okay! Give our battleship an order to surround me with these little devils, and none of them are allowed to go away. If you let go of a little devil's warship, I will take them as a question. Let's have a good rest tonight One night, tomorrow we will send these little devils on the road."

Shen Chengzhang went back after looking at it for a while. At this point in the battle, the winner has already been decided.

In today's battle, under the desperate efforts of the little devil, although his East China Sea Fleet suffered a lot of losses, he did not lose a single battleship.

However, a few of them were seriously damaged. At noon, a few little devil cruisers who were anxious, actually drove towards their side desperately, completely abandoning their entire fleet, and then groups of torpedoes flew from them. The cruisers and destroyers these above put out.

At that time, two heavy cruisers on my side were sunk because they were torpedoed by the battleship.

Several battleships were also hit by torpedoes, but fortunately, the number of hits was not many, and the holes were blocked, and they had to wait until they returned to the dock to repair them.

The other battleships are basically nothing serious. After all, there is nothing other than torpedoes that can threaten one's own battleships.

At [-] o'clock in the morning on April [-]th, after the East China Sea Fleet and the Pacific Fleet had prepared everything, Shen Chengzhang commanded the East China Sea Fleet to launch an attack on the little devil's remaining navy.

After a fierce battle, at [-]:[-] noon on April [-]th, except for the two battleships that had not sunk, the other warships, including those aircraft carriers, were all sunk. Prince Jiangong also sent a clear telegram.

"Commander! This is a telegram from the little devil's prince, please read it!"

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