A staff officer handed a telegram to Shen Honglie.

Shen Honglie took it and looked at it for a few times before putting it down.

"Order the whole army to stop attacking! Send this old boy from Fushimi Palace over here!"

Shen Chengzhang gave the order!


After a while, Fushimi Palace took his deputy commander Suzuki aboard the Huashan in a small boat.

"Cheng Zhang! I didn't expect that one day I would fight with my students, and my students actually beat me!"

Shen Chengzhang had studied at the Devil Empire Naval University twice, the second time was in [-], when Fushimi was serving as the Minister of the Navy of the Devil Empire and the president of the Naval University.

"It's normal! If I don't win, then I will live up to the commander's expectations!"

Shen Chengzhang stood opposite Fushimi Palace, his tone was very flat, and there was no other reaction.

"Unexpected! I really can't imagine that Huaxia will build such a huge battleship one day!"

Looking at himself on this super giant ship, there was indescribable envy and jealousy in Fushimi Palace's words.

"There are many things that you can't imagine! Our China has been the overlord of Asia since ancient times. It used to be, it is now, and it will be the hegemony of Asia in the future! This will never change!"

The two have always communicated in Guizi Empire language. As Shen Chengzhang, who has studied abroad twice in Guizi Empire, speaking fluent Guizi Empire language is not a problem.

Chapter 399: Overlord of the East [[-]]

"You didn't come here just to talk about that, did you? Or are you going to surrender?"

Shen Chengzhang looked at Fushimi Palace standing in front of him, and asked lightly.

"Surrender? No! The empire only has warriors who died in battle, and there are no cowards who surrendered! I came here today just to see what kind of warship I was defeated by!"

Looking at the huge muzzle of the Huashan, Fushimi Palace sighed in his heart.

If the empire has such a battleship, why worry about hegemony?

"For the sake of you being my principal, I allow you to commit suicide!"

Shen Chengzhang said suddenly after staring at Fushimi Palace for a while.

In fact, even if Fushimi Palace wanted to surrender, he would die in the end.Because they, the little devils, have too much influence on the little devils.If you want to completely control the little devils, these people must die!

Even if he didn't kill them, Han Ling would not let them go.

"Hehe! I never thought there would be such a day, but today it happened! Suzuki-kun, are you ready to serve His Majesty?"

As Fushimi said, he turned and looked at his deputy commander, Suzuki.

"Hi! It is an honor for my subjects to serve His Majesty!"



With the sound of two samurai swords entering the body, Fushimi Gong and Suzuki fell in front of Shen Chengzhang.

"If I had known earlier, why bother today! The debts owed must be repaid!"

Shen Chengzhang looked at the two people who fell in front of him, and said with a sigh.

"Commander! They're sinking!"

At this moment, a staff officer walked up to Shen Chengzhang and said anxiously.


Waves of singing came from the Nagato and Yamashiro in the distance, and Shen Chengzhang was very familiar with this song.

This is the military song of the little devil, and its general meaning is: Smoking the cigarette bestowed by the emperor, on the night when it is certain that tomorrow will be generous flashing

"Let them sink! Although I hate them too, there are some things we have to admit, just like their spirit. The spirit that would rather commit suicide than surrender, these are things we should learn .

Marshal Zeng said: Even our most hated enemy has something we should learn from.Looking at it today, it should be like this! "

Shen Chengzhang looked at the continuous explosions from the Nagato and Yamashiro on the opposite side and knew that Fushimi Palace and Suzuki had ordered to prepare for the sinking of the ship before they came here!

"Send a battle report to the commander-in-chief, saying that our army's battle began on April [-]st and ended on April [-]th. It lasted for nearly four days before and after. A decisive battle with the main fleet of the Little Devils Navy took place, and now we have finally wiped out the Little Devils Navy."

"There was a decisive battle with the main fleet of the Little Devils Navy, and now the Little Devils Navy has finally been completely wiped out. Except for the battleships and aircraft carriers, all our warships have sunk, but the main force of the fleet has been lost, and we can still fight!"

In the command hall of the military headquarters in the capital, Han Ling sat at the head, squinted his eyes, and tapped on the table lightly, while Bai Jiansheng read the telegram.

"It's still a battle! It's a battle! The little devil's navy is finally solved!"

Hearing this, Han Ling's eyes flashed with joy, he stood up and looked at the crowd waiting, and said, "Masters! The shame of the Sino-Japanese War, our East China Sea Fleet and Pacific Fleet have finally washed it away with the blood of the little devil. Now our Pingyuan Army is here The little devil Kyushu Island has also won the western part of Kyushu Island! It can be said to be the biggest victory in recent years!"

"Master! Congratulations! We are one step closer to capturing the little devil!"

Mr. Zhan Ning saw the happy faces of all the staff officers in the command hall of the military headquarters, and he also said to Han Ling with happy faces.

"Yes! Another step closer! Mr. Zhan Ning, how are those criminals trained?"

Han Ling knew that it was one step closer.

But the final attack must be very difficult!According to the ruthlessness of the little devils in this era, they might be desperate.

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