A few months ago, Han Ling planned to gather those criminals and send them to the little devils to attack.

But then Han Ling thought about it, and distributed some of the weapons he didn't want, as well as the captured weapons, to the criminals in this way, and they were ruthless.

However, the quality of combat is too poor, and they have no military training. If they are sent to the battlefield like this, the profits they get will not even cover their own consumption. Isn't this a loss?

So Han Ling transferred people to train those criminals.

It's almost there now!Anyway, it is mainly used as cannon fodder, and there is no need to train according to the method of the regular army.

"According to the answers from various places, it's almost the same. You can send little devils! But commander, do you really want to do this? Do whatever you want? Will this cause hostility from all countries in the world?"

Duke Zhan Ning thought of which condition Han Ling had for them, and he had one in mind.

He knows that many of these criminals are desperadoes, if you put them in the little devils, they can do whatever they want.

Doesn't this give them a chance to commit a crime?Moreover, hundreds of thousands of people can justifiably commit crimes.

"Arousing hostility from all countries in the world? Hmph! Now I haven't seen any country that is not full of hostility towards us! Why do you care about their eyes?

As long as it can reduce the loss of taking down the little devils, I don't care no matter how many little devils they kill! "

The corner of Han Ling's mouth slowly raised a disdainful arc.He never thought of getting along well with the little devil.These duplicitous guys can't get along well with them at all.

"That's right! Since it's almost done, let them board the ship! Also tell Wang Dayong that these people are under his command!"


Little devil, Wang Dayong's headquarters.

"Commander! The military department has called. All the criminals gathered have been trained. They will start boarding the ship tonight. The first batch of criminals has [-] people! The rest will come one after another.

The telegram also stated that the Marshal asked us to give them the task of cleaning up the rear first.As long as they don't attack us and obey our command, they can do whatever they want to those little devils! "

Chapter 400: Overlord of the East [[-]]

Looking at the unbearable look in the staff officer's eyes, Wang Dayong certainly understood what he was thinking.

"Second lieutenant, you have to remember! This is war! There are no old people, children, or women in war, only life and death. Either you die or I forget. Throw aside the compassion you learned in military school! It does not belong to the battlefield, and it does not belong to the battlefield. Not our soldiers."

Wang Dayong's words hit the staff officer's heart like a heavy hammer.At the same time, the staff officer had nothing to say.

At this time, he thought of the second lieutenant company commander in the military academy who had returned to the Beijing Police General Hospital to recuperate due to injury, and was then invited to the military academy to attend classes.

He clearly remembered the look of disdain on his face when some classmates asked him whether the war should make women, children and children go away.

He still remembered the second lieutenant commander telling them: Remember!There are only enemies and friendly forces on the battlefield.There are only these two kinds of people.Apart from these two kinds of people, there is no one else.Even as a kid, he has the strength to pull a trigger.

When he stands on the battlefield, he is no longer a child, but an enemy.

The staff officer remembered that after the second lieutenant commander finished speaking, many of them didn't believe it, and some even despised the second lieutenant commander's character, thinking that he was an out-and-out butcher.

But now when he heard the words with the same meaning from Wang Dayong, the commander-in-chief, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

When the second lieutenant commander said this, they could despise it or not believe it.

But Wang Dayong, the commander of the general who has experienced many battles, he had to consider what the teachers in the military academy said.

"You are still young! Some things will be understood when you go to the battlefield!"

Looking at the fluffy beard on the staff officer's lips, Wang Dayong couldn't help sighing.

Although he is only 27 this year, he is also a man who has experienced many battles.I once personally went to the battlefield with a bayonet to fight with the enemy.

This staff officer is only 22 years old, he has not experienced a real war, and he still doesn't understand many things.

In the next few days, Wang Dayong continued to let his subordinates guard the occupied area, and at the same time, he knew who the rebels were.

However, Qian Dajun's army of more than [-] troops has been revising after landing in Kobe, while waiting for domestic soldiers, weapons and equipment to be replenished.

After completing the supplements, Han Ling issued another order in the name of the military department.

Appoint Wang Dayong as the front-line commander-in-chief, and Qian Dawei as the deputy commander-in-chief, ready to launch the final blow to the little devil.

Little Devil Front Army Command.

"Old Wang, now our two armies together have more than [-] million people. Now our domestic economic development is entering a critical period of a bumper harvest.

Although the military department did not give us a specific time requirement!But now we have been fighting the little devil for more than four months. If the little devil is not dealt with as soon as possible, it may affect the domestic economic development, and it may have a big impact on the rise of our country by then! "

At this time, Qian Dajun also came to Wang Dayong, and formed the headquarters of the front army with him, and he served as the deputy.

"I know that! At present, the first domestic criminal army of [-] people has already landed in Xiaguan.

Now the second batch of criminal army of [-] people is still being prepared, and it is estimated that they will also land on Kyushu Island in a week.Now let's arrange the [-] criminal army in the rear and let them be responsible for the stability of the rear, so that we can free up troops to attack the little devils! "

Regarding how to attack the little devil, Wang Dayong actually has an idea in his heart, but he is still waiting.

An army of criminals in the country awaits.

There will be tough battles and bloody battles in the future, that's for sure.They hit the little devil's door, and it was impossible for them not to try their best.

At this time, the army of criminals is needed to suppress the rear, and the army of criminals is also needed to go to the front as cannon fodder.

"Well! It's good that you have a plan."

Wang Dayong's plan will soon be realized, starting with his criminal army.

After the first batch of criminal army was arranged by him in the rear, he immediately dispatched the troops behind to suppress the little devils and anti-pit elements.

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