Immediately after a week later, the second batch of [-] criminals also landed at the Izumo port of the little devil.

At this time, Wang Dayong finally showed a smile, and the things he wanted were finally in place.

As for the third batch of criminals behind, it was also [-], so it didn't matter.

Can you fight first!Anyway, there are [-] criminal troops here who can go up first.

On April [-]th, Wang Dayong began to hold the next battle plan in Himeji, his front army headquarters.

A smile appeared on his face when he saw that Nuo Da's headquarters was full of more than one hundred and nearly two hundred major generals.

I believe that this time I will be able to beat the little devil.

"My colleagues. Some time ago, the Navy avenged the Sino-Japanese War and justified the name of the Huaxia Navy. Now it's our army's turn.

Although we ate more than [-] elite troops of the little devils before, they trained millions of troops in the rear.

Although the combat effectiveness of these troops is far inferior to that of the Little Devils Standing Division, they are superior in that they have a large number of people, their fighting will is strong enough, and the resistance of the whole people of the Little Devils, so we will have a lot of hard battles in the future.

Now the battle between our army and the little devil is on the front line from Wuzuru to Osaka. This is the key to the hoarding of our troops.Among them, Osaka is the most important.

Old Qian, I want your Eleventh Army to take the lead in this battle, and make a good start!what do you think? "

The Fifth Army had made enough military exploits before, and he enjoyed eating meat.But the Eleventh Army just had some soup, this piece of meat, Wang Dayong was going to give to Qian Dajun's Eleventh Army.After all, people who eat alone can't get along anywhere!

"No problem! Those little brats are getting impatient for a long time."

How could Qian Dajun refuse such an opportunity to eat meat and show off the country's prestige.

"Well! Today is the [-]th, and our attack will be launched on the [-]th! This time, we will not bomb for half a month like before. It will take too much time.

For the bombing on the [-]th, Commander Wang, your heavy bomber formation only needs to bomb for an hour, and all [-] heavy bombers are dispatched.

An hour later, the Eleventh Army began to break through.Dive bombers and artillery units began to cover them.

After the Eleventh Army opened a hole, the Twelfth Army, the Nineteenth Army, the Temporary First Army, the Twenty-first Army and other troops immediately pressed up, took the opportunity to tear the hole completely, and saw the bayonet with the little devil's bayonet!Solve the battle as quickly as possible!

After you go back, tell the soldiers below that if you can solve it with bullets, don't use other methods!We have no shortage of bullets! "

Chapter 401: Overlord of the East [[-]]

April [-], [-], Osaka





A heavy roar of heavy engines began to sound above the sky, and then a group of locust-like planes appeared above the little devil's head.

The heavy bombers that covered the sky occupied the entire sky. At a glance, except for the heavy bombers of the Pingyuan Army, they were still heavy bombers, as if the brilliance of the sun was blocked by the heavy bombers at this moment.

"Attention all planes! The first echelon heavy formation has started bombing, we are the second echelon heavy bombing formation, immediately lower the altitude and prepare to drop bombs!"

An order from the frontline commander of the Air Force's heavy bomber unit came from a command plane.

"Yes! Received!"

"Roger that!"

With the order issued, the heavy bombing formation of the second echelon began to lower its altitude.

Today is the [-]th, and from [-] o'clock in the morning, heavy bombers began to bomb Osaka and its surroundings.

Because it is close to the front line of the war, the little devils here have long been prepared to withstand the war, so at the moment the gap started, although there was turmoil in and around Osaka, those little devils soon got into the air-raid shelter Inside.

Regardless of whether the little devil got into the air-raid shelter or not, the bombing continued.

Groups of heavy bombing formations began to appear in the sky over Osaka and its surrounding areas.

Buildings were blown down, and wooden houses were set ablaze by bombs.

The raging fire began to spread in Osaka and surrounding areas.

The soldiers of the Eleventh Army are ready to go.

At this moment when the war came, no one panicked at all.

This is a big battle, and no one knows whether they will die in battle, so last night, everyone left a suicide note.

At 160:[-] in the morning, all the soldiers of the Eleventh Army began to press on the front line, preparing to attack at [-]:[-]. &[-]

At the same time, the artillery unit also began to adjust the muzzle.

During the heavy bombing just now, the artillery unit has not carried out shelling.

Because this hour belongs to the heavy bombing unit.

When the artillery unit finished adjusting the muzzle, groups of dive bombers also began to fly out of the clouds above the sky.

Their task is to cover the attack of the ground forces.

It has become a common occurrence in the Pingyuan Army for dive bombers to cover the attack of ground forces.

As long as it is not for special reasons, once the ground troops attack, there will definitely be dive bombers in the sky. They have been called the closest partners of the army soldiers with the artillery troops.

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