At nine o'clock sharp, the Eleventh Army began to attack.

At the same time, heavy bombers began to return in groups after dropping the last bomb, and their mission was completed.

The next sky belongs to the dive bomber, and the main force of the war belongs to the army.

When the Eleventh Army was four hundred meters in front of the little devil's position, the little devil's heavy machine guns started to ring out.

The sound of the Type [-] heavy machine gun began to ring intermittently.

The dive bombers in the sky are like hungry wolves.

Whenever there is a place where the Type [-] heavy machine gun appears, it is where they swoop.


The sound emitting device installed at the nose position will bring a sharp whistling sound when they dive, giving people a death-like feeling.

Then at a height of about [-] meters from the ground, they suddenly raised the nose, and an aerial bomb slid from their belly to the ground, and then brought up a large cloud of smoke and dust.

Firing at a distance of [-] meters is really a big mistake for the little devil. The dive bombers in the sky will not watch these heavy machine guns strafing their own army soldiers.

When the soldiers of the Eleventh Army were more than two hundred meters away from the little devil's position, the sound of their [-]-type rifles began to sound.

At the same time, the sound of Type 29 semi-automatic rifles began to resound in the Pingyuan Army, and the sound of grenadiers and mortars also began to sound.

The continuous firepower of the semi-automatic rifle suppressed the firepower output of those little devils very well.

At a distance of more than two hundred meters, if you attack slowly, it may take a while.

However, under the absolute suppression of firepower, the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army quickly rushed to the little devil's position.

A hand-to-hand fight began again.

What I have to say is that the individual combat quality of these little devils is far worse than that of the previous standing divisions.

Although they wear the same military uniform, speak the same language, and hold the same weapons, their combat quality is not even a little bit worse.

These soldiers who have been rushed to the battlefield after simple training, their combat quality is really not very good.

Just like this hand-to-hand combat, those veterans before had excellent hand-to-hand combat skills.

Even the elites of the Eleventh Army would have to spend some effort fighting with them with bayonets.

But these rookies, facing such a cruel offensive and defensive battle for the first time on the battlefield, were obviously beaten.

Many little devils were thrown to the ground by soldiers of the Pingyuan Army while they were still ignorant.

Kyoto, an underground command room.

In the decisive battle of the navy, the front-line commander is the prince of the royal family, Fushimi Palace.

And this battle, the little devil also understands that if he wins, he can regain the lost territory of Kyushu Island, and if he loses, the capital is probably in danger of being besieged.

So they sent Prince Xianyuan, the chief of staff of the army, to command this big battle of millions of people.

And Xianyuan set up his headquarters in Kyoto. In this underground headquarters, which is more than ten meters deep, he can well protect the safety of Prince Xianyuan and the frontline headquarters.

"Your Excellency! The frontline troops in Osaka sent a message. At eight o'clock this morning, the Huaxia Air Force carried out a large-scale bombing of Osaka and its surrounding areas. Their army began to attack around nine o'clock.

Now the Huaxia army has attacked the position of the imperial army, and is now engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the imperial army.However, the combat quality of the imperial soldiers is far behind that of the Huaxia army. It is estimated that the first defensive line cannot stop the attack of the Huaxia army! "

Meijin, Prince Kanin's deputy commander, stood behind Prince Kanin and said.

"It's time to come! It seems that the Huaxia army is in a hurry! They just bombed for an hour and then started attacking. This is not in line with their character!"

When Xianyuan heard the news from the front line, he didn't change much, but was moved with emotion.

"Your Excellency! Are we deploying troops to support Osaka?"

"No hurry! Although we have [-] million troops in our hands this time, you and I both know that these soldiers are all soldiers who have just walked out of the new barracks.

In addition, the industrial capacity of the empire is not very strong, and now many soldiers in the rear do not have enough weapons and ammunition in their hands.

Even the polar bear backing us up with weapons wasn't enough.

Now their support is still being delivered, and the empire's factories are still producing.

Therefore, we have no more than [-] million troops that can really be used, and there are still more than one million troops that do not have enough weapons and ammunition to be used.

Now there are [-] troops in Osaka, let them resist for a while.If we send reinforcements at this time, the battle behind us will be difficult!After those damn old men have delivered enough weapons, we will fight them slowly!This is a big game.

The empire invested [-] million troops in this war, and the Chinese also invested nearly [-] million troops. This large-scale battle of more than [-] million people will not end so soon.Let's hit it first! "

There is no way for Prince Xianyuan to do this. Their industrial production capacity determines that they cannot arm so many troops in such a short period of time.

The first batch of troops recruited some time ago, more than one million troops, has already made the little devil work hard to fully arm them.

Behind this are more than two million troops, and they have such a high industrial production capacity.

Even if they practice wartime physique, they are not so productive.

As for the support of the old Maozi, the support of the old Maozi is also limited. It is impossible for him to support the weapons and equipment of millions of troops of the little devils. This is impossible.

The bearded man is not so kind, he just wants to make a fortune in this war, most of the weapons are sold to the little devils, and a small part is for support.

As for where the little devil got the money to sell it, can he exchange it for supplies if he doesn't have the money to buy it!

The old man wants all kinds of supplies.

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