"Can we make some preparations first? Our soldiers"

Meijin said that there is no more to say here, but Prince Xianyuan understood what he meant.

The quality of these soldiers rushed to the battlefield is much lower than that of the previous standing division soldiers. Although there are [-] troops, they know the elite of the Pingyuan Army.

Even the previous standing divisions were not their opponents. If these troops were a little bad, they could easily be defeated by them.

"Well! That's it! Nine divisions will be drawn from the rear, and [-] troops will go behind Osaka, ready to support the battlefield at any time!"

After thinking about it for a while, Prince Xianyuan dispatched [-] troops to the back of Osaka.

Because the divisions formed later are all Class C divisions, the number of one division is about [-] to [-], so the nine divisions only have [-] people.

After all, the cost of forming a type A division and a type B division is very high, and the requirements are also very high. It does not mean that a type A division has more than [-] people, and it depends on the combat effectiveness.

So behind this is the Class C division.

Chapter 402: Overlord of the East [[-]]

"Go to hell! Little devil!"


Shuanzi looked at the little devil in front of him, and stabbed the bayonet in his hand into the little devil's body with an angry face.

For Shuanzi, he should use bullets to solve the problem, and each of them is equipped with enough bullets.

But he would not do that to this little devil, because a monkey from his own village died in the hands of this little devil just now, so he simply stabbed his body with a bayonet, and he enjoyed this kind of bayonet very much a feeling of.

But he knew that this was a battlefield, so after killing this little devil, he didn't hug the corpse of his comrade and cry like he did in the movie.

As a veteran, he knows exactly what it takes to survive on the battlefield.

After solving this little devil, he pulled out the bayonet decisively, and pulled the trigger at the two little devils rushing towards him.

Two shots were fired, and the two little devils fell to the ground like this.

Things like this happen all over the battlefield.

All the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army did not really have a bayonet encounter with the little devil.

The order they received was to use bullets as much as they could, so countless gunshots rang out on the ground.

And those little devils are still muttering that Chinese people don't talk about the spirit of Bushido even when they died.

The battle started quickly and ended quickly.

After the little devils in the first position were killed, just as the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army were preparing to continue the attack with the whole army, the little devils' reinforcements behind them arrived.

So another hand-to-hand battle began.

Do not!

This cannot be called hand-to-hand combat. The little devil wanted to engage in hand-to-hand combat, but the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army greeted them with bullets.

Fighting against these little devils who are determined to fight but have low combat quality is tantamount to a bloody one-sided killing.

Countless little devil soldiers fell to the ground.

Among these people, it is no longer the soldiers who were 22, 23, or 24 years old.

Some soldiers even reached the age of nearly thirty years old, and there are soldiers who are eighteen or nineteen years old with small faces.

The population of little devils has run out.

They have killed more than two million young people from Fukuoka Island to the previous war in western Kyushu.

A large number of young and strong people in their country are gone.

Now the soldiers they have recruited are only eighteen or nineteen years old, and the older ones are more than thirty years old.

There is no other way to do this. The number of little devils in this period is only about [-] million.

More than two million young and strong people died in battle, and this has reached a situation that is about to hurt their muscles and bones.

You know, in real history, there are more than [-] million people in China at this time.

There are more than [-] million people, even if it is [-] out of [-], then [-] million young adults can be drawn out.

Therefore, the young and strong labor force of the little devils is not enough.

But now no one cares about this, they don't care if their enemies are young people who are eighteen or nineteen years old, or young people who have just grown up, and they don't care whether their enemies are young people in their thirties.

They only know one truth, that is, this is a battlefield, no matter who the enemy army is, they are the enemy, and the enemy should be killed.

As the battle continued, as soon as the war started, the Eleventh Army fell into an endless battle.

Those little devils are crazy, not afraid of sacrifice, not afraid of death.

They rushed up like mad dogs.

The advance of the Eleventh Army was difficult.

If he didn't take a step forward, he would have to step on the corpses of countless little devils to move forward.

After Wang Dayong knew that the frontline battle was difficult, he decisively ordered the [-]th Army to stop attacking and start defending, preparing to let the criminal army play tomorrow.

As night fell, the soldiers of the [-]th Army began to set up camp, started to light fires and cook, and kept on guard. Everything seemed so orderly.

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