They have been fighting for a whole day today, and they don't know how many enemies they have eliminated. They only know that there seems to be endless enemies in front of them, and it seems that they can't kill them all.

Each of their soldiers carried three hundred and fifty rounds of ammunition in excess.

It can be said that it carries a lot of bullets!

But today, at the end of the day, every soldier replenished bullets from the logistics force at least once, and some soldiers even replenished bullets twice.

The corpses of little devils were everywhere on the ground, and countless blood gathered into a bay of water.

The bright red pond looks extremely bloody in the setting sun.

The ground was also stained red with blood, but these Pingyuan Army soldiers didn't care, they just wanted to take a good rest after fighting for a day.

Many people were so tired that they lay on the ground and didn't want to move.

Kyoto, Prince Kanin Headquarters.

"Your Excellency! The front line in Osaka sent a message, and their statistics came out. Today we killed nearly [-] soldiers!"

Meijin took a telegram and handed it to Prince Xianyuan.

"Eighty thousand?"

There was a hint of tremor in Xianyuan's voice.

Eighty thousand soldiers!

Even if he had more than [-] million soldiers in his hands, [-] soldiers were killed in one day. This number is really scary.

[-] people were killed in one day, which is a huge loss.

"Yes! There is no way, the combat effectiveness of the Huaxia army is too strong. Ichiro Tahira sent a telegram saying that if the troops were not constantly deployed to block the gap, the third defensive front would be broken by the Huaxia army.

Their weapons and equipment are really excellent.The rifles of the empire are like fire sticks in front of them! "

Meijin did not say that the Pingyuan Army did not follow the spirit of bushido or anything.

He is also an old soldier. He told the spirit of Bushido to follow on the battlefield, and his command made others laugh.

They all understood that on the battlefield, as long as they could defeat the enemy, it was all right. As for any rigid bayonet fighting, it was impossible at all.

"The combat effectiveness of the Huaxia army is beyond my expectations. I never thought that the Huaxia army would have such a strong combat effectiveness! But Tian Pingichiro's approach is right, let him continue to resist like this. If the Huaxia army is allowed to attack our army, so The consequences would be disastrous, and I will continue to send him reinforcements so that he must defend Osaka! Osaka will never allow any mistakes!"

Although the loss was huge, Prince Kanin never thought about giving up Osaka.


The little devil didn't think about giving up Osaka, so they continued to send more reinforcements to Osaka.

But Wang Dayong is determined to take down Osaka.

Seven o'clock in the morning on April [-], [-].

"Brothers! It's time for us to go up today. Remember the conditions that the commander-in-chief said? As long as we can defeat those sons of bitches, we can do whatever we want.

Remember, do everything you want to do!We're everything here, as long as we beat the little devils"

In one place, a guy who looked a bit fierce, the muscles on his face were shaking constantly, and at the same time, there was a flash of greed in his eyes, he was talking loudly on it.

He used to be a bandit, but later the police area suppressed bandits and arrested him and locked him up.

It was supposed to be sent to repair the railway.But it was at this time that Han Ling issued a message to gather all criminals across the country.

And he was honored to be gathered together.

Later I learned that as long as the little devil comes to fight, as long as he can defeat the little devil, he can do whatever he wants.

What does he want from a gangster-turned-guy?

Of course it is eating meat, drinking alcohol, and then money and beauties!

Don't think about the money. Han Ling said that they are here to commit crimes and meritorious deeds.

Beautiful women can have them, but money and all property must be handed over to the government. This cannot be changed. They cannot have property on them.

These guys have no problem with that.

What money do you want!

Come on, you little devil can do whatever you want. You don’t have to pay for anything, and it’s useless to take money. If you give it to you, you can give it to you, as long as you object to me doing other things.

And just like that, they were brought together for training, and now here comes.

Because this bandit had been a bandit leader and had certain leadership skills, he was honored to be the head of a criminal army infantry regiment.

Of course, they did not have military ranks, and Han Ling would not grant military ranks to a group of criminals, which would make people laugh.

The bandit's words were provocative.

Why would they willingly come to the little devil?Isn't it just for that sentence - do whatever you want!

As soon as the bandit leader's words came out, the eyes of those guys below turned red.

To do whatever you want, and in such a large country, is just too provocative.

"Okay! Brothers, follow the leader!"

It seems that today's battle has given the bandit leader a little more looting, and it's time to go back to the time when he was doing business and robbing people.

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