As soon as it exited, a master came.Isn't this beard talking!

Today's battle started again, but at the beginning, these little devils found that the enemies they faced today were different, very different.

Although these people also wore the same military uniforms as Mr. Pingyuan's before, their weapons were different.

Now the little devil also knows that the standard equipment of the Pingyuan Army is a semi-automatic rifle.

Today, the weapons that this group of people hold are all kinds of weapons!

There are their 28-style rifles, [-]-style rifles, and Mosin Nagan rifles.

And this group of people are fighting, fighting with you, and scolding you at the same time.

Although the little devil couldn't understand it, he also knew that it was definitely not a good word.

The previous Pingyuan Army fought against them, and it can be said that they were silent and silent. There was almost no one who fought you and scolded you at the same time.

But today's troops not only scold you, but their tactics are also extremely shameless.

Chapter 403: Overlord of the East [[-]]

"Fuck you, little devil!"

A soldier of the criminal army, cursing and cursing, then stabbed the 28-type rifle in his hand accurately under the little devil, then pulled out the bayonet amidst the little devil's screams, and then stabbed the little devil inside the body.

Actually, that's pretty good.

The army of these criminals, after they have been trained, is just a little bit disciplined.

Speaking of the way of fighting, in their minds, as long as they can kill you, that's fine.

So some criminal army soldiers couldn't beat the little devil, so they came to hell.

What kind of monkey steals peaches, it can be said to be familiar and can no longer be familiar.

As for the little devil whose peach was stolen, it was really sad to hear and cry.

That is the most vulnerable place of a man. Even if you are the enemy of ten thousand people, if that place is attacked, it will still make you suffer for a long time.

There is a saying that there is no most yin, only more yin.

Those who steal peaches are also picked one by one.

Some criminal army soldiers can be said to be [-]v[-], or even [-]v[-].

Someone is attracting the little devil's attention in front, and the criminal army behind him raises his gun and shoots the little devil's head, so that you don't know how to die.

To put it bluntly, these criminals did not follow the rules at all.

Some people say that these criminals are so undisciplined, shouldn't they be the kind that will collapse at the touch of a button?Why do you have to work so hard?

In fact, there is another saying that is good-interests can make ghosts turn mills.

Han Ling gave them benefits, as long as they defeated the little devil, they could do whatever they wanted.

This is one of the points, and it is also what makes these guys most excited.

And there are two other conditions.

That is, all soldiers who died fighting for the country, whether they were regular soldiers or criminal soldiers, can enter the Hall of Martyrs and accept the worship of the people in everything. The empire will never be destroyed, and the incense will not be extinguished.

This point is something that has been passed down forever!

Who doesn't want to be famous forever?Especially these criminals, because of their crimes, they were locked up and became notorious. Now they have the opportunity to rectify their names and gain a good reputation. Why not do it?

This is the second, Fame!

Third, if you die in battle and have family members, your family members can enjoy the treatment of martyrs' families, and your children can also enjoy the treatment of martyrs' children, free schooling, and the government will support their schooling expenses.

These three conditions are the most exciting for these guys. Many criminals have family members and children.

If I can be willing to cut myself, and have the opportunity to gain a future for my children, why not?

Many criminals commit crimes because their families are poor and cannot live well.

Now that there's an opportunity to send their kids to school for free, right through to college, why don't they give it a go?

So this is why these criminals don't collapse even though they seem to be in a mess.

The fighting was brutal, and the ground was littered with corpses.

There are criminal army soldiers, and there are little devil soldiers.

The bodies of both sides fell to the ground, and no one cared, because the fighting continued.

"Fuck your grandma! I'm hot on your mother!"

The bandit leader just now took a big knife and slashed on the head of a little devil.

Then pick up the big knife and continue looking for other little devils.

As a bandit leader, he has a son and a wife.

Wife!Of course it was stolen.Why have you ever seen the bandit leader Mingmei marrying?

The son, of course, was born to his wife.

Although he snatched that wife, he didn't care much about it, but he cared about his son very much.

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