This time he made up his mind, not only to have a good time and be happy, but also to earn a big gift for his son to go home.

"Zhang Mazi, he, grandma, grandma. There are a lot of these little devils! No matter how hard we kill them, we can't kill them all. Why don't our two regiments work together to give the little devils a hard time? Plant explosives in the back, then pretend to retreat, let the little devils come to chase, and when they chase after them, fire the cannons to kill these little devils!"

Zhang Mazi, the bandit leader's nickname, as for his real name.

He doesn't have a real name, his surname is Zhang. When he was a child, his family and fellow villagers called him Zhang Gouzi. Later, when he became a bandit, they called him Zhang Pockmark because of his pockmarked face.

And this person called him is also a regiment leader, Wang Zhi, who used to be an officer of the National Congress Party, and later led a group of people to the mountains after the defeat.

The two met in prison.

"Is it possible that I don't know? But you can try the method you mentioned! Damn, these little devils have gone crazy! If the fight continues like this, I will wipe out my regiment!"

After Zhang Mazi slashed a little devil who was rushing towards him, he said back to back to Wang Zhi.

"Okay! Since you agree, it's easy to handle! But we still have to kill the thousand little devils in front of us quickly, or their reinforcements will come up again!"

"it is good!"

"Damn it, where are your guns? Is it a firestick, motherfucker? Hurry up and use a gun to solve it!"

After Zhang Dazi finished speaking, he found a Czech-style light machine gun from the ground and started shooting.

The Czech light machine gun was the light machine gun that Han Ling equipped for these criminal soldiers.

Zhang Mazi and Wang Zhi sent people to quickly settle the battle with guns, and at the same time sent people to plant a large amount of explosives behind them.

After the last little devil was dealt with, Zhang Mazi was about to take a rest, but who knew that the little devil's reinforcements had arrived again.This time it's still a team.

"Damn! Retreat! Retreat!"

According to the plan, Zhang Mazi and Wang Zhi commanded their men to retreat.

These little devils saw the corpses of their comrades on the ground, and saw those Chinese troops actually retreating. They thought that these Chinese troops were afraid of themselves and others, so they immediately started chasing them.

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous, and they are talking about the current little devil.

They pursued with red eyes, but they didn't expect that a large amount of explosives had been planted underground.

To be honest, Zhang Mazi and Wang Zhi's men were really not good at planting explosives. If they were in normal times, if they paid a little attention, they would find the difference in these lands.

But now they are chasing him so closely that they don't think about it.

When they all entered the explosive ring, Zhang Mazi and Wang Zhi had the explosives set off.




The little devil who couldn't defend himself was blown up and turned on his back.

"Brothers! Fuck the knife!"

Just when the little devil was turned on his back by the bombers, Zhang Mazi and Wang Zhi led them up.

Then the two armies fought together again.

Situations like Zhang Mazi and Wang Zhi are happening throughout the show.

An army of [-] criminals, a group of desperadoes.

The discipline of these people is not as good as that of the Pingyuan Army, nor is the quality of individual combat.

But in terms of cruelty, those Pingyuan troops who have not experienced war are not as good as them.

They have already walked through the gate of death.

Putting your life together, it's almost as good as a little devil.

Time is passing day by day, and the army of [-] criminals is constantly being consumed.

Just when the criminal army was more than half exhausted and Wang Dayong was about to mobilize the regular army up again, the third batch of criminal army arrived.

It was the arrival of another [-] criminal army that made Wang Dayong transfer these people to the front line again.

Afterwards, Han Ling no longer concentrated reinforcements, but reinforced them in batches.

As long as [-] people are ready, they will be sent to the little devil's country immediately.

In this way, the time slowly came to the end of April, and the front line was pushed to about five miles from the outskirts of Osaka by the criminal army.

And the little devil has already invested nearly [-] troops in Osaka.

The army of criminals has nearly [-] people on this front.

Now the two sides have played red eyes on this front.

The eyes of these desperadoes turned red, and they became even crazier.

During the day, they were frantically fighting the little devil.

For these vicious outlaws, when they go crazy, they don't care who you are.

They need outlets.

The little devil became the target of their catharsis.

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