For all this, Wang Dayong did not stop, because this was also the condition given to them at the beginning.

During this period of time their losses were great.

When the losses were severe, tens of thousands of people were killed every day.

Such a big loss made the eyes of these desperadoes turn red.

At the same time, the madness of these criminal army also brought a lot of casualties to the little devils, and they seemed to be somewhat unable to withstand the attacks of these desperadoes.

On May [-]nd, [-], the little devils could hardly stop the battle until now. Even if Prince Xianyuan kept sending them reinforcements from the rear, they still had a tendency to be unable to resist.

Because the madness of the criminal army made many little devils feel terrified.

The other one is that after fighting for more than half a month, the little devil has already consumed a lot of weapons and ammunition.

Their weapons and ammunition are already tight, and now such a consumption is really making the little devil a little unbearable.

"Old Wang! Now that the army of criminals is going crazy, the little devil can't resist it!"

In Wang Dayong's headquarters, Qian Dajun said to Wang Dayong with a happy face.

"Hmm! Many of these people were outlaws before. Once they get red eyes, they will go crazy and desperate.

However, their casualties are also high. For several days in a row, their daily casualties have exceeded [-] people.

But fortunately, the little devil can hardly resist.The little devil's national strength is not enough, and his war potential is even worse.

The military department sent a telegram that the little devil's logistical supplies were no longer available.

Many troops are short of guns and ammunition.Some troops have weapons, but no bullets.

But now, their artillery unit, an artillery regiment can't even make up [-] shells, and now the little devil is at the end of his rope! "

Wang Dayong said with some emotion.

Chapter 404: Overlord of the East [[-]]

"They are small countries after all! Their national strength is weak, their homeland lacks all kinds of resources, and their industry is too watery. They can't compare with us! Even if they can show off their power for a while, they still can't last long after all!"

Qian Dajun's words won the approval of Wang Dayong.

Today's Wang Dayong is no longer the simple and honest farmer.I also have my own views on these issues.

"Fortunately, the commander-in-chief dispatched hundreds of thousands of criminal troops from the country to serve as cannon fodder! Otherwise, look at the desperate appearance of the little devils now. If our regular troops join us, how much will it cost to defeat them? That will be the time." The huge number of casualties can give you and me a headache!"

When Wang Dayong talked about this, he had to admire Han Ling's foresight.

This is completely waste utilization, and these people go to the battlefield, once they die in battle, they can still earn a job for their family and go back.

Even if they didn't die in battle, after the battle, these people would probably be organized into an army by Han Ling.

Others didn't know Han Ling, but Wang Dayong and Qian Dajun, Han Ling's confidantes, knew his commander in chief very well.

Han Ling will not stop using these things until he squeezes out the last drop of oil and water from them.

Moreover, these criminals have gone through this battle, adding to their original wildness.In the future, their combat effectiveness will never be lost to these seventeen standing armies.

Believing in such an army, Han Ling would never give up on them, let alone let them go home and farm like this.

And even if these people wanted to go back home to farm, but with so much blood on their hands, they were probably not familiar with the lives of ordinary people.

Letting them go back is a big risk, and it is believed that they also prefer their careers in the army.

Wang Dayong and Qian Dajun were talking here, but Prince Xianyuan had a headache.

The Pingyuan Army suddenly switched to another unit, and for more than half a month, this unit was fighting against its own troops in front.

This vicious army caused Prince Xianyuan a headache.

They are crazier than their troops.And one by one, it's completely the kind of desperate play.

This style of play is the most troublesome and troublesome.

"Your Excellency! Many of our troops have fallen into Osaka and its surroundings. If the Chinese army breaks in from other places, we will not have much strength to resist the Chinese army!

According to the information we have received during this period, the Chinese gathered criminals in their country to form such an army of hundreds of thousands of people.

And this is the army that is fighting us during this time.Their regular army has not yet been used. "

Meijin was very worried when he said this question.The regular army of the Pingyuan Army has not yet been used, but his own side was beaten to the ground by a group of criminals.

It feels embarrassing to say this.

"No! They won't break in from other places for the time being. Osaka and Kyoto are the centers of this area.

Not only the transportation hub, but if they want to take us and surround our capital, they have to take Osaka, and then continue eastward to take Kyoto.They can't go east without taking down Osaka and Kyoto! "

Prince Xianyuan saw clearly that the Pingyuan Army needed Osaka as a transportation hub.Otherwise, the Pingyuan Army would not have fought them for so long in Osaka, instead of breaking in from other places.

Breaking in from other places, first of all, there are fewer troops, so it will definitely not work.At least two group armies are needed, otherwise they will be surrounded by hundreds of thousands, or even millions of troops.

At least two group armies, that is to say, at least [-] troops are needed.

The logistics consumption of these [-] troops every day is not a small number.

The airship logistics force is long-distance. Such short-distance transportation is not as fast as using cars and trains.

You said it was only a few tens of kilometers, and you used an airship to transport, that is, loading, unloading, and then igniting and taking off slowly. This process is much more troublesome than trains and cars.And it takes a lot of space.

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