The airship is obviously suitable for medium and long distances. For such short distances, it is best to use cars.

Therefore, the transportation hub of Osaka must be won.

There will always be a day when the battle will end, no matter how fierce and fierce the battle is, it is impossible to fight forever.

Not only will it consume a lot of national strength, but it will also be a test for soldiers.

Those criminals have an outlet, of course they are looking for the little devil's woman!

However, after such a long period of fighting, the little devil's army was very exhausted, and there was no place to relax.

After all, they are their own citizens, and Xianyuan does not allow them to attack their own citizens.

Therefore, the balance of victory in the battle began to slowly shift towards the Pingyuan Army.

In this case, Xianyuan decided to replace all the frontline troops and let the rear troops go up.Otherwise, if this continues, Osaka will completely miss.

You know, now the fronts of both sides are about to hit the streets of Osaka City.

Prince Xianyuan quickly replaced the troops on the front line.

Originally, Wang Dayong was planning to replace the criminal army.

You know, it's already May [-]th.

The criminal army has been fighting continuously for almost a month, and they are also very tired.

Wang Dayong wanted them to come down and have a rest. Although it was a cannon fodder unit, that's not how cannon fodder is used.

But the criminal army didn't appreciate it. Many regiment leaders of the criminal army wrote to Wang Dayong to stay and continue fighting.

The reason is very simple. The motivation that has been supporting them to fight is the three conditions, and the ability to continue to explode the fighting power is the first requirement.

Defeat the army of little devils and do whatever you want.

You said that the fight has reached Osaka now, and the city is about to be destroyed. You will replace our brother, this will not work!Isn't our brother's previous efforts in vain?

In the end, after discussing with Qian Dajun, Wang Dayong and Qian Dajun felt that since these criminals fought bravely because of this, they should not be replaced.Let them continue to fight the little devil.

But Wang Dayong also gave a time limit, that is, they must break through the city before the beginning of June, or they will be replaced.

Originally, those regiment leaders did not expect that Wang Dayong would agree, they knew that Wang Dayong wanted to run the army rigorously.

They write applications just to show their merits and get annoyed.

After all, these guys have a lot of experience in this set.

Unexpectedly, Wang Dayong agreed.

These criminals are completely satisfied, thinking that they can go to the city immediately and do whatever they want.

Another wave of offensive started.

For a goal in their hearts, these desperadoes launched an attack on these talented little devil troops with red eyes.

These criminals have been fighting for nearly a month, and these people were not good birds before.

Now each of them exudes a tyrannical aura.

Remember, it is the breath of tyranny, not the breath of toughness.

These guys can now be said to be people who were killed from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

These talented little devils are all troops who have never experienced war.

In the face of their tyrannical aura, the aura of many little devils was reduced by several percent. Naturally, they seemed to be intimidated by this tyrannical aura.

Combat power has also dropped by a few percent.

And as soon as the battle started, the one-sided killing began again.

It has to be said that this move that Prince Xianyuan had no choice but to make was really a stinky move.

In fact, it can't be said to be a bad move, it should be that he didn't expect that Wang Dayong didn't replace these troops that had been fighting for nearly a month. This was his biggest mistake.

Originally, Prince Xianyuan thought that Wang Dayong would also change troops, but who knew that Wang Dayong did not change troops.

This time, the little devil's army suffered a disaster.

Wang Dayong did not change, these outlaws who had just experienced more than a month of fighting, the sudden burst of fighting power was astonishing.

One after another, the little devils began to fall on the cold ground.

And the little devil was also killed and retreated steadily.

As time passed, more and more little devils were killed.

And now half of Osaka has finally fallen into the hands of the criminal army.

Originally, at this time, some criminals couldn't control themselves, and wanted to start sharing this feast.

After Wang Dayong heard the news, he immediately told them to stop. Before the little devil was defeated, they couldn't mess around.

There is no way, this is the order of the Pingyuan Army's Island Front Army Command, they dare not disobey, and finally they can only muster up their last breath and start fighting the little devil.

On the afternoon of May [-], [-], the little devils in and around Osaka were finally forced to retreat.

More than [-] troops newly dispatched by the idle courtyard were killed and wounded.In the end, less than [-] troops retreated.

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