In other words, in a little over half a month, half of them were eaten.

At this time, Osaka and its surroundings were finally occupied by the Pingyuan Army.

"Commander! Osaka and its surroundings have been occupied. Look at those criminal troops?"

Qian Dajun looked at Wang Dayong and asked, he believed that Wang Dayong could understand that just now, those criminal army officers called and asked if they could do their own business.

Of course Qian Dajun understands what they mean, isn't it just one of the conditions!

"Just let them do their own thing! In addition, our troops are preparing to attack in the direction of Kyoto.

During this time our troops have been resting in the rear.Now is the time for us to move! "

During this period of time, the regular army group below did not move, and all the battles ahead were fought by those criminal troops.

Now the criminal army is going to rest and go about its own business.Then his troops can also move.

Chapter 405: The Last Battle [[-]]

Nature selects the fittest to survive, this is the unchanging truth of nature, only the strong can survive in this world, just like now.

When Wang Dayong led an army of one million and began to attack in the direction of Kyoto, the largest turmoil in the world was happening around here.

Hundreds of thousands of criminals do what they want like herding sheep.

A series of things are going on here.

Among the countless wailing, pain, and blood and tears, one thing is happening.

They have been fighting for more than a month, and their bodies are full of violence.Although there is a short vent in the middle, how is that enough?

This big carnival is in line with their requirements.

On June [-], [-], when Wang Dayong arrived in Kyoto with an army of one million, he received a telegram from Osaka behind him.

"Commander! Hundreds of thousands of criminals are about to win a big victory!!"

Qian Dajun handed a telegram to Wang Dayong.

"Leave them alone! Let them have fun again! We need them to attack the little devils. I heard that the little devils are still making the final preparations. The little devils mobilized all the people around them, started the national training, and loudly clamored for Battle in the capital!

snort!The little devil jumped over the wall in a hurry, so he naturally needed cannon fodder.Now let those criminals have a little more carnival, so that they can attack the little devil's capital later on! "

A sneer appeared on Wang Dayong's face.If you want a horse to run, you have to feed it grass.

"Okay! I'll generate electricity for the troops left behind! Not enough commanders, and now we have more than [-] million little devils in front of us. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to fight!"

Qian Dajun frowned when he said this question. If he wanted to eat up more than one million people, he would lose a lot of people.

"Hmph! Loss? Don't worry! I've thought of it a long time ago. Take a look! This is what I applied to the commander-in-chief, and it's already on its way here, and it will arrive tonight!"

Wang Dayong handed a telegram to Qian Dajun with a smile on his face.

Qian Dajun was still a little confused at first, not knowing what made Wang Dayong so confident that he didn't even care about the [-] million little devils, but he immediately read the telegram for less than five seconds. His eyes widened.

"Poison gas? Commander! Do you want to use poison gas? The commander-in-chief also approved it? How much poison gas would it take to overthrow [-] million little devils with one poison gas? And how many little devils and civilians would be killed or injured by this? The commander-in-chief agreed ?"

"Naturally! When I applied a few days ago, the commander-in-chief immediately approved my plan, and immediately began to concentrate the gas bombs, preparing to send them to the little devil!"

Wang Dayong's words made Qian Dajun look at him with admiration, and at the same time he really understood why Han Ling sent Wang Dayong to command the little devil's battle from the very beginning.

Because Wang Dayong is ruthless and poisonous enough.

During these days in the little devils, Qian Dajun also understands that those little devils have a very tenacious will to resist. If a commander who is not cruel enough is sent over, it is estimated that those ordinary people can cause a lot of casualties to the army.

But now, from the behavior of the criminal army to the gas bomb attack, Qian Dajun has seen it all.

This General Commander, who is usually smiling, can be shocking once he becomes ruthless.No wonder he became the commander-in-chief's confidant general and was highly valued by Han Ling.

On the night of June [-], [-], tens of thousands of tons of secret bombs were delivered to Wang Dayong, along with a large number of gas masks and chemical protective suits.

Although the weather has started to heat up in June, since gas bombs are going to be used, and they are alien gas bombs made by alien technology, this chemical protective suit is a must.

Because this gas bomb is not an ordinary gas bomb, it is too powerful.

As long as he touches your skin, he can make you feel the pain.

And once a large area touches your skin, even if you don't inhale the poisonous gas from the mouth and other places, they will enter your body from the pores on the skin and other places, killing you.

Therefore, it is necessary to wear base-specific chemical protective clothing and gas masks.

The morning of June [-], [-].

The day was sunny and the sky was clear, which was good weather, but Prince Xianyuan was not in a good mood.

Because a clear sky means good visibility, both air force and artillery scout balloons will have good visibility, and today will be a good offensive day.

Although it is now [-]:[-] in the morning and the Pingyuan Army has not yet launched an attack, the Pingyuan Army's offensive has always been unconstrained. Sometimes it will attack at [-] o'clock, and sometimes the air force bombing will start after [-] o'clock.

No one could tell when they would start attacking, but Prince Xianyuan has been feeling his right eyelid twitching since he woke up today.

This made him even more uneasy.

"Your Excellency, the Pingyuan Army has indeed attacked! They have dispatched a large number of heavy bombers. According to the data reported by the frontline troops, they have dispatched about [-] heavy bombers!"

Deputy Commander Meijin walked quickly to Prince Xianyuan and said.

"Eight hundred? No! According to the information we have received, the Chinese army dispatched more than two thousand heavy bombers to the mainland of the empire. How come eight hundred were dispatched this time?"

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