For a long time, once Wang Dayong wanted to start a large-scale bombing, [-] heavy bombers were dispatched together.

And this kind of generosity also made the little devils very aware of the generosity of the Pingyuan Army.

And this time sending [-] planes, to the little devil, this is already a big deal, this is a big operation, but to the Pingyuan Army, this is really too rare and ordinary.

That's why Prince Xianyuan was puzzled.

"I don't know! We don't know what the situation is. There is another situation. The [-] heavy bombers of the Huaxia Army are arranged in a very small density. It seems that they are going to bomb our [-] million bombers." army!"

Meijin then explained another situation, but this made Prince Xianyuan even more confused when he arrived.

Well, Prince Xianyuan is very confused, but soon he will no longer be confused.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, some heavy bombers reached the top of the target, but they did not drop bombs, but kept circling in the sky because they were waiting for other heavy bombers to reach their destinations.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, when more than [-] heavy bombers carrying nearly [-] tons of poison gas bombs arrived at their respective scheduled locations, they began to lower their altitude.

From an altitude of [-] meters, it lowered to an altitude of [-] meters, and then one after another, the demons from hell—gas bombs were dropped by the bomber.

These gas bombs, like other aerial bombs, make a sharp whistling sound when they rub against the air.

Seeing the heavy bombers starting to drop bombs, all the little devils below began to look for cover to hide, preparing to escape this wave of bombing.

They hid below and waited for a long time without hearing the deafening explosion. They just heard the constant squeak on the ground, which made them a little puzzled. What is going on?Isn't the Chinese wanting to bomb?Why didn't you hear the explosion?

Immediately afterwards, they asked about a floral fragrance, a very fragrant and fragrant floral fragrance, which smelled very good, and even felt very good.

Many little devils began to emerge from the bunker they were looking for, wanting to know what gave off such a pleasant fragrance of flowers.

They stood up and saw small bombs everywhere on the ground, but these small bombs did not explode, on the contrary they were still emitting pink gas.

"Gas bomb!"

A howling sound began to resound throughout the entire little devil's barracks.

Then there were horrified voices, and there was chaos, everyone was looking for gas masks, they didn't want to die under the gas.

It's just a pity!All their efforts are in vain.

I said before that this kind of poisonous gas is a gas bomb with the characteristics of alien technology. If you want to escape from this kind of poisonous gas bomb, you can only use the special chemical protective suit and gas mask produced by the base. Otherwise, the general gas mask produced by the earth is useless. way to prevent.

Chapter 406: The Last Battle [[-]]

"Ah, help me!"

"Hirata-kun, please help me"

As the poisonous gas spread, countless little devils who were the first to absorb too much began to suffer.

They were on the ground, holding their own faces, holding their arms and rolling continuously.

Many little devils looked at their comrades, some were asking for help, some hoped that their comrades could give him a shot to relieve him from the pain.

It's just that who can attack the comrades-in-arms he spends day and night with?

And so the wailing began.

They first felt a pain that went deep into the bone marrow, and then they felt a burning pain from the bottom of their hearts.

It's just how they feel, in fact the skin on their body starts to rot when they feel something is burning their soul.

To be precise, it started to melt!

right!Just melt!The flesh and blood on his body began to turn into blood and slowly fall off. This process was extremely terrifying and painful.

Not many people can bear it anymore, even a little devil can't bear such pain.

At the beginning, the little devils who were the first to inhale too much were howling.

Slowly, all the little devils started howling.

As long as Wang Dayong puts all creatures within the poison gas range, they will be infected.

This kind of poisonous gas is different from ordinary poisonous gas, which is extremely difficult to dissipate.

During the period when the bomb was just demonstrated, the poisonous gas would choose to float in mid-air. When they floated more than ten meters into the air, they would start to sink because the chemical reaction with the air had completely reacted.

Sink to within a range of two meters from the ground.

That is to say, starting from the ground, within a distance of two meters will be the last main gathering area of ​​poisonous gas.

And their drifting will mainly be within this height range.

It has to be said that the poisonous gas produced by alien technology is terrifying, whether it is power or other aspects of design.

From the ground to two meters, isn't this within the human range?Who can escape?

No one can escape.

And most importantly, this kind of poisonous gas is very difficult to dissipate, unless special chemicals are used to decompose them.

Otherwise, you don't care about these poisonous gases, and they will be fine if they wander in this area for half a year.

Puddles of blood began to appear in this area. In the sky, those reconnaissance planes originally wanted to investigate the situation below.

Who knows that there is all pink gas below, how do they detect it?

You can't see the situation below at all, the density of this poisonous gas seems to be a bit thick, just like Yu Zeng, you don't know what's on the other side of the cloud until you go through the cloud.

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