Since you can't get the specific situation below, then you can't get it!They went back and put this information on Wang Dayong's table.

After Wang Dayong read it, he gave an order.

Tomorrow at noon, the decomposing medicine will start to be delivered!

Wang Dayong believes that after a day and a half of poisonous gas, there will no longer be any living things in that area.

"Your Excellency, the Chinese have dropped gas bombs, now we"

A staff officer hastily ran into Prince Xianyuan's command post, weeping as he spoke.

"What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

The three words, Prince Xianyuan's high poisonous gas bomb, immediately felt bad.

"The Huaxia people dropped an unknown poisonous gas bomb, which is very powerful. The ground troops generated electricity and said that this poisonous gas can directly corrode the human body. Now we have lost contact with all the ground troops, it is estimated."

"Your Excellency, you have to be steady!"

Just after Xianyuan finished listening, his body couldn't help shaking a few times, and then he looked like he was about to fall down at any time, and the deputy commander of Meijin who was beside him hurriedly supported his body and said.

"I puff"

Prince Xianyuan passed out before finishing his sentence, and all the staff and Meijin were shocked.

Prince Xianyuan fainted because of that sentence: Lost contact with all ground troops.

Prince Xianyuan had guessed the worst, so he passed out.

Now people in this underground headquarters are afraid to go out, because they are afraid that they will be infected with poison gas and die if they go out.

Wang Dayong will not care about these, the only thing he can do now is to wait.

Wait until noon tomorrow to release the decomposition medicine, and then enter that area to investigate the day after tomorrow.

At noon the next day, heavy bombers appeared again, but this time they were no longer carrying gas bombs, but bombs containing decomposition drugs.

This time they dropped decomposition bombs as soon as they entered the gas zone.

After each bomb fell to the ground, there was an explosion, and then a large cloud of white gas began to mix with the pink gas.

Then there was a burst of barking sounds from below, as if some chemical reaction was taking place.

On the morning of June [-], [-], groups of Pingyuan Army soldiers wearing special white chemical protective suits and special gas masks began to enter the poisonous gas area.

They walked carefully on the ground, their eyes began to search for everything.

As they continued to enter the poisonous gas area, some birth experiences that they will never forget also appeared.

First of all, there is not a single corpse in it.

That's right, there isn't a single corpse, only bones!

A black corpse appeared in front of their eyes.

This kind of poisonous gas is too violent, as long as it touches the skin, it will melt you continuously, making you feel worse than death.

Many soldiers of the Pingyuan Army looked at each other. They all saw the fear in their eyes. They didn't know what kind of poisonous gas could have such great power.

Directly turn each living person into a corpse.

And as they continued to go deeper, blood began to appear on the ground.

Pools of bright red blood felt extremely terrifying in the sun.

By this time, the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army had almost guessed the situation.

Looking at the ground stained red with blood, they couldn't help but fight a cold war, and at the same time, they had a new understanding of poisonous gas.I didn't expect to be able to produce such a terrifying poisonous gas.

Wang Dayong sat in his headquarters and tapped on the desktop aimlessly, not knowing what he was thinking, while Qian Dajun was anxiously waiting for news from the front line.

"I said making money! Don't walk around like this, it makes me dizzy!"

Seeing Qian Dajun walking back and forth, Wang Dayong couldn't help rolling his eyes and saying.

"I said, Old Wang! You can really sit still. If the troops enter the poison gas area, if something happens, you and I will regret it to death! I didn't expect that the gas bombs brought by the commander this time are so powerful. , even I feel terrified!"

Qian Dajun shuddered when he heard the telegrams sent back from the bones and bones that the frontline troops had just entered the poisonous gas area.

The poison gas that can turn a person into a corpse is really too fierce.

On June [-], [-], after five consecutive days of searching by the troops, the poison gas area was finally searched. At the same time, they also confirmed one thing, that is, there was no living person in the poison gas area.

Everyone turned into a skeleton, and at the same time they also found a tunnel in a building in the city of Kyoto. More than ten meters below the tunnel is the underground headquarters of Prince Hanyuan.

When the Pingyuan Army found them, they had committed suicide for a day or two.

All the little devils in it killed themselves.

After waking up, Prince Xianyuan already understood that his [-] million army was finished.

How many tons of gas bombs will more than [-] heavy bombers carry?

That's nearly [-] tons of gas bombs!

Nearly [-] tons of gas bombs are enough to wipe out one's own troops.

Especially when all the troops on the ground lost contact, not even a single unit, Prince Xianyuan already understood that they were all killed.

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