The army of [-] million people before and after has been reduced to nothing. How can he meet the boss?

What face does he have?It's better to do seppuku here and be loyal to the boss.

Just like that, all the little devils in the frontline headquarters of the little devils committed suicide.

Hearing this news, Wang Dayong didn't show any expression, just commit suicide!Also avoid doing it yourself.

Beginning on June [-], [-], Wang Dayong ordered that all the bones in the poison gas area be disposed of.

At the same time, all the poisonous gas in the poisonous gas area is also decomposed at this time.

A soldier of the Pingyuan Army drove a bulldozer to get piles of bones together, and then loaded them on a truck, ready to be burned.

After all, these bones are all black, who knows what will happen if they are buried in the ground.

Also because of the burning of the bones by the Pingyuan Army, thick smoke billowed in the sky every day in Kyoto and its surroundings during this period of time.

According to subsequent statistics, Wang Dayong's army of little devils and civilians killed by poison gas exceeded [-] million people.

In other words, four million people died in this war.

And since January of this year, that is to say, since the start of the war against the little devils, no less than ten million little devils have died under the Pingyuan saber.

Among them were those who were killed in the previous bombing, and those who rebels were suppressed.

There are also those who were killed by the criminal army, and this one who was killed by poison gas.

There are more than ten million little devils in total.

After the little devil was finally defeated, [-] million people of the little devil died in the war.

Later, because the resistance of the little devil rebels became more and more fierce, Han Ling once again threw out his trump card - the criminal army, and let the criminal army suppress these rebels.

The original suppression lasted more than three years. According to their personalities, the criminal army used various methods to kill no less than [-] million little devils.So far, the little devil's vitality has been severely injured and he has been devastated.

At that time, Han Ling, who was already the emperor, ordered the integration of nationalities, and issued a series of integration policies, and finally the little devils were completely integrated.

Of course, these are all things for later, but now Wang Dayong started to dispatch troops to go straight to the little devil's capital after disposing of those bones.

Chapter 407: The Last Battle [[-]]

After experiencing several wars in a row, the soldiers in the empire have begun to fall into a state of exhaustion.

Some men aged [-] or [-] were recruited, and boys aged [-] and [-] were also recruited.

This is already the only way they can do it. The territory has lost more than half, and the population has lost more than half. How many people are there?

After going through several large-scale battles back and forth, almost all the young people in their country were recruited, and now they can only start recruiting from both ends.

The number of soldiers is exhausted, but there is still a problem below, that is, the problem of industrial productivity.

At this point in the war, in the capital of the empire, the top officials of the empire who were preparing for a decisive battle in the capital were still in danger of running out of guns and ammunition.

Now the old man doesn't dare to deliver weapons and ammunition to them.

The reason is very simple, that is, the East China Sea Fleet has blocked the coast of the entire empire, if Lao Maozi's transport ship dares to come in, it is guaranteed to send you to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.

As for why the Pacific Fleet went!

Of course, I went back to the base to accept the aircraft carrier!

Now the second batch of aircraft carriers has been produced, and there are three more aircraft carriers!

These three aircraft carriers will be driven by Chen Houfu's people, and these need to be trained.

And only the aircraft carrier is not enough, and there must be supporting escort warships.

So the Pacific Fleet is now sharpening its knives, preparing to sharpen the knives before finding the next enemy.

Therefore, the task of blocking the coast of the empire was handed over to the East China Sea Fleet.

On July [-], [-], after disposing of so many corpses, Wang Dayong led his troops to march eastward, and finally arrived at the capital of the little devil on July [-], and surrounded the capital of the little devil Get up and cut off all connections between the little devil's capital and the outside world.

And so far, the demise of the empire has finally entered the countdown time.

On the afternoon of July [-], [-], an army of more than [-] criminals rushed from Osaka to the vicinity of the imperial capital.

These people have been partying in and around Osaka for so long, and each of them has become satisfied.

Wang Dayong didn't care what they did, he just told them that they were the first to attack the little devil's capital this time.The same old rules, as long as you kill the little devil, you can have a carnival for three days, but this time it can't be like that in Osaka.

Because after taking the imperial capital, Han Ling will rush to the imperial capital to hold the enthronement ceremony. Ascend in the imperial capital, trample on their corpses, trample on their honor, use their blood, and use their shame to wash away China's shame.

Use their blood to water the honor and majesty of the nascent empire.

So this time, we can't kill people wantonly, otherwise this will become a ghost town by then.

Wang Dayong knew how crazy these people were.

When fighting, they will eat the enemy's flesh and drink the enemy's blood like a group of lunatics.

And when carnival, they will also go crazy.An army of criminals, what do you want them to be?Become a teacher of civilization?is it possible?

On July [-], [-], the criminal army began to attack, and at the same time heavy bombers began to appear. Look, they appeared in the sky above the imperial capital with a large number of heavy bombs, except for the area of ​​​​the imperial palace. , other places suffered indiscriminate bombing by heavy bombers.

This is Wang Dayong's order, because the enthronement ceremony is going to be held here, so we can't kill them all.However, there are already many people near the Imperial Palace.

It is enough to keep them, and Wang Dayong believes that the people of the empire will hide in that area, so except for the area of ​​​​the imperial palace, bombing other places as much as you like!

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