Han Ling in the imperial capital had already prepared everything, but the Pingyuan Army in the empire was fighting like tea.

The resistance of the little devils is very tenacious, and they use everything they can to resist the attack of the criminal army.

Although their fighting power is not strong, their madness almost catches up with the madness of the criminal army.

Time passed day by day, and the battle between the little devil and the army of criminals also entered a fierce state.

The huge casualties every day drove the little devil and the criminal army into madness.

Wang Dayong watched all this coldly from the rear, and he didn't have the slightest feeling about the huge casualties every day.

He knew that this was already the final battle, and this time the little devil was really desperate.

Casualties are inevitable!

Chapter 408: The Empire Cruise Ship

On July [-], [-], on this day in the capital of the empire, the criminal army was still engaged in this life-and-death game with those little devils, while in the distant imperial capital, Han Ling had already started his journey.

Departing from the Jiaodong Peninsula, along the way, we first wandered around the East China Sea to enjoy the scenery of the East China Sea, and then wandered along the coastline of the Koli Peninsula to inspect the overseas lands of the empire, and then followed the coastline of the empire. The majesty of the new emperor inspected the land he had just laid before landing in Yokohama.

After this round, according to the calculations of the secretary department and the military department, it will take two to three months.

As for those government affairs, there is one thing in this world that is very useful, and that is radio.

With this thing, it is possible to command all these things remotely, so Han Ling doesn't have to worry about delaying the handling of government affairs because of this incident.

And this time is called a trip, but everyone knows that this is the last time the current commander-in-chief inspects the territory of the empire before he ascends the throne. It can also be said to be an opportunity to show off his power and promote China's national power.

To put it bluntly, it is a time to show off.

After showing off, he will directly ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor in the capital of the empire, and establish this great Far Eastern empire in one fell swoop.

This background is shallow, but its strength is enough to sweep the entire Asian empire, the real overlord of the East!

As for the invited people, people from all walks of life, consuls from various countries, and middle and senior generals in the Pingyuan Army, there are more than [-] people in total.

In addition to the guards of an infantry regiment on board to protect Han Ling's safety, there are more than [-] people in total.

And with so many people on one ship, it must be a big cruise ship.

And about this, is Han Ling not prepared?

You know, going to the empire to ascend the throne was planned by Han Ling a long time ago.

At the same time, when he attacked the empire, that is, on February [-]nd, Han Ling announced that he would establish a country in the capital of the empire.

As for the current situation, Han Ling had already thought of it at that time.

So there has always been a construction space in Weihai's shipyard that has been occupied.

Inside is a super cruise ship being produced.

A super cruise ship with a displacement of [-] tons.

The naval manufacturing base produces warships, and the aircraft carrier can only produce more than [-] tons of aircraft carriers.

Battleships can produce [-] to [-] tons.

In other words, he actually has the ability to produce [-] tons of ships, but the level is not enough.

But at that time warships, and the production of cruise ships is not as complicated as the production of aircraft carriers and battleships.

Although the naval manufacturing base didn't have blueprints, it didn't mean that Han Ling couldn't get blueprints for this super cruise ship.

He can go to the synthesis base to exchange it!

Don't forget, it can be exchanged in the synthesis system, but the price is much more expensive than direct production!

Han Ling was reluctant to exchange so many resources for a super cruise ship, but the drawings were not expensive.

So at that time, Han Ling had already exchanged a blueprint, and then let the naval manufacturing base start production.

It is now July, and after so many months, according to the speed of the naval manufacturing base, it has already been manufactured, otherwise Han Ling would not have chosen to set off at this time!

As Han Ling who is about to ascend the throne, his travel is no different from that of the emperor.

The distance from the imperial capital to the Jiaodong Peninsula is not long, but there are more than [-] planes conducting various investigations from morning to night to ensure that there is no threat, and there are also two army groups surrounding Han Ling. Protection, any idler can't get close.

And all the security areas passing by immediately raised the security level to ensure that no accidents happened.

In addition, there is a mechanized infantry division not far or near. If any unexpected situation happens, he can rush to Han Ling's side within [-] minutes.

It can be said that this battle is already the first in ancient and modern times, and these things are all plans made by the military department.

According to their idea, the airborne division formed before had to be transferred, and two airborne divisions were transferred to take transport planes for round-the-clock preparations, but Han Ling refused.

Although there are still many people in China who want Han Ling to die, and even want to eat his flesh.

But under the protection of two group armies, a mechanized infantry division, more than [-] aircraft, and his own guard division, if someone can kill him here, it can only be said that he is not very lucky.

On July [-], [-], Han Ling arrived in Jiaodong Peninsula.

Wherever he passed, thousands of people greeted him with empty alleys, shouts and shouts.

Han Ling stood on a tank and kept waving his hands around.

Regardless of ancient or modern times, the founding emperor's prestige in the whole country is unrivaled, not to mention Han Ling.

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