Han Ling can be regarded as an emperor who was born as a commoner.

Just like Zhu Yuanzhang, he was also born as a commoner and knew the hardships of the common people's families, so the policy was naturally very targeted in terms of governance, and the common people can also be said to be good during this period.

Since Han Ling took power, he has always put the people first, and he has been constantly solving a series of problems encountered by the people in terms of policies.

Whether it is agricultural machinery or other aspects, the common people have gained huge benefits.

It was Han Ling's way of governing that made the life of the Chinese people, especially the people in the area north of the Yangtze River, better and better.

In just a few years, he got rid of poverty and began to move towards a well-off life.

And the people also love their leader from the bottom of their hearts.

Han Ling's prestige among the people made many foreign consuls and reporters who followed him feel incredible.

They had never seen a leader with such great prestige in a country.

Looking at the fanaticism in the eyes of the common people and the heat in the eyes of the soldiers, they seemed to be looking at God.

Yes, they felt that the Chinese people and soldiers treated Han Ling like a god.

It seemed that the next moment Han Ling ordered them all to jump into the sea, they would not object.

In the end, Han Ling set foot on the super cruise ship that had already been parked outside the harbor in the midst of a million people seeing him off.

The full load displacement of this cruise ship has reached [-] tons, so it can be said to be a super ship.

There are cinemas, swimming pools, dance halls, restaurants, bedrooms, gyms, etc. on it. There are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing you can't see.

And Han Ling also named such a super cruise ship the Empire.

Chapter 409: Attitude from Han Ling

"Everyone! Welcome to the Empire cruise ship! You will spend the next two months or so on this ship, I hope you are satisfied with this journey!"

On the afternoon of the boarding day, after the cruise ship Empire sailed out of the port, Han Ling used a microphone to make a simple opening for the crowd in a conference hall, indicating that the carnival had already begun.

After Han Ling finished speaking, he also took a glass of red wine from an attendant's plate and walked into the crowd.

There are consuls from various countries and elites from all walks of life in China on this cruise ship.Those who could be invited by Han Ling to this cruise ship were all ordinary people.

"His Majesty the Emperor, congratulations! You have built a powerful empire!"

After Han Ling had a drink with consuls and other personnel from various countries in the crowd, a somewhat jerky Chinese sounded beside him.

Han Ling turned his head and saw that it was Falkenhausen.

Originally, in history, Falkenhausen would not come to China until three or five years later, but because of this time and space, the military advisory group sent by Germany before supported Feng Seckert as the chairman, and before Germany also blocked Han Ling unified China.

So since the unification of the whole country, the relationship between China and Germany has been very bad.And Fon Seckert was also summoned back to the mainland by Germany.

At the beginning of this year, after Mustache came to power, he re-established diplomatic relations with Huaxia. At the same time, the two sides sent ambassadors to each other and established embassies.

And this Falkenhausen is the martial arts hall of the embassy in China.

For a general military officer, this standard is very high, and it also shows that Mustache is apologizing for what happened to the German Army before.

Mustache had to bow his head in these matters.How he came to power, others don't know, but he knows very well that if there are some things without Hua Xia's help, he might not have come to power so soon.

And he feels that Huaxia is needed now, and Huaxia's help is needed.

He has been paying attention to the war in China in recent years.

China is a powerful country established in the flames of war. A few years ago, China was still a country that was bullied by others, but now China, in the world, how many countries dare to refute?

Which country dares to say: I am not afraid of China!I dare to fight him!

Even those proud John Bulls dare not say that they can defeat Huaxia head-on at sea, who can?

Especially the country that has just been destroyed. It used to be the number one navy in Asia and the top three in the world, but now it has been quietly wiped out by the Huaxia Navy fleet.

So now Mustache urgently needs Huaxia's help.

Mustache needs Huaxia to help him revive the economy, re-arm the army, and strengthen Germany's military power.

In particular, many of Huaxia's weapons are drooling with mustaches.

For example, Huaxia's Type 29 medium tank, such as the Type 28 fighter, and a series of various weapons and equipment, etc., these are the most advanced weapons and equipment in the world.

"General Falkenhausen! Here you come! How do you feel?"

Han Ling gently swayed the goblet in his hand, glanced at the huge venue, and couldn't help smiling slightly.

"It's huge! I believe this is the world's largest cruise ship! No one can surpass it!"

There was a smile on Falkenhausen's face, and a look of envy flashed in his eyes.

"Hehe! How about going out on the deck and looking at the ocean?"

Han Ling's eyes flickered slightly, and he said with a smile.

"my pleasure!"

"General Falkenhausen! Why are you looking for me now?"

Han Ling knew that Falkenhausen came to him so rashly, and he only set off today, which meant that he must have something urgent, or that the mustache had assigned him another mission.

Although Falkenhausen is only a martial arts club of an embassy, ​​he is an admiral, and the ambassador to China, Taudman, has no power to govern him.

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