His immediate superior is Xiao Huzi, and he is directly responsible for all this to Xiao Huzi.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, as you know, our prime minister has just come into power, and the country is in ruins. Those damn John Bulls have squeezed our last piece of cheese over the years. And our country is also in short supply, and the country also needs to rebuild All of this requires the help of Huaxia. Our Prime Minister hopes to receive assistance from Huaxia to help our country revive its economy and reorganize its armaments!"

Han Ling couldn't help being a little funny after hearing this, Falkenhausen was really straightforward.But at the same time, he also knew a piece of information, that is, the mustache, who had just come to power for more than half a year, could hardly bear it anymore, and at the same time, he also urgently needed to revive the economy and win the hearts of the people.

This time he came to Huaxia, not because he really wanted Huaxia to help him, but to get Huaxia's support and to know what Huaxia's attitude was.

Falkenhausen's domestic economy is dying, but it has not yet reached the situation where it needs help from others.

Their government is rich, and the nobles in the country also have a lot of money in their hands.

Mustache only needs to use the money to build large-scale projects to solve the job problems of domestic workers, and their economy will be solved soon.

This point is like in history, the mustache is crazy, but it doesn't mean he is incapable.

On the contrary, his ability is still very strong, otherwise he would not lead Germany to rise in history.

Why does Mustache need China's support?

Because he wants to rearm, he wants revenge.

And there is one thing that cannot be avoided in rearmament, and that is the Treaty of Versailles.

This treaty severely restricted Germany's military development.

The army must not exceed [-] men, and must not possess heavy weapons, heavy machine guns, and a series of weapons.

It can be said that this treaty is the shackles on Germany.

Now that Mustache wants to rearm his armaments, he has to face this treaty, and to face this treaty, he has to face Britain, France and other countries.

The current situation in Germany is very bad, and it is not what it was in [-] or [-].

In Germany in [-], if it was on land, the combined army strength of Britain and France would not be enough for a mustache to stick between the teeth.

But not yet, so Mustache needs a country to support him.Support him to break the shackles of this treaty.

Naturally, Mustache naturally fell in love with Huaxia who helped him get on stage.

In recent years, Huaxia has become more and more powerful, and its international status can be said to be increasing day by day.Countries around the world dare not regard him as the country they were many years ago.

In recent years, Huaxia has also been at war. Many countries have been defeated by Huaxia many times, and Huaxia has once again ascended the throne of the Eastern hegemony.

Under such circumstances, Mustache knew that as long as he got Huaxia's support, he was likely to break through this shackle in a very short period of time.

Historically, Mustache started to expand his troops on a large scale after accumulating strength, that is, three to seven years later. He did not dare to expand his army before, and could only expand his army on a small scale.

Now Mustache thinks that Huaxia is an object to fight for, so his ambitions have begun to expand.

"General Fakenhausen! I can promise you the aid you mentioned. But you also know that our country is about to be established, and we need a lot of money to revive China. So it is impossible to give you too much.

I heard that you are short of food in your country, I can support you with [-] million tons of food, so that the people of your country have food to eat! "

Han Ling said with a smile that Falkenhausen was not interested in the data inside.

Three million tons of grain sounds like a lot, but for a country, three million tons of grain is really not much.It's just a drop in the bucket!

What Falkenhausen was really happy about was Han Ling's attitude!

Han Ling's attitude shows that he supports his country.

Falkenhausen believed that Han Ling understood what he said just now, so he gave three million tons of grain.

These three million tons of grain represent an attitude of China.

But Falkenhausen also knew that Han Ling's words about the founding of the country just now told him that China would not express its position to the rest of the world until the founding of the country.

After all, the founding of the country is imminent, and this situation is purely normal.

"Thank you for your generosity. I believe that your country will be your country's most staunch ally!"

Han Ling just smiled faintly at Falkenhausen's words.

He supports Mustache with a purpose, who will do things without a purpose?

Britain and France are too far away from me, and the next thing I have to do is to become the hegemon in the Pacific, and the United States cannot be avoided to become the hegemon in the Pacific.

Historically, Britain and the United States wear a pair of trousers, while Britain and France wear a pair of trousers.

It can be said that Britain, France and the United States are all guys who wear a pair of pants.This requires a national line to involve Britain and France.

At this time, the role of the mustache is reflected.

Otherwise, why did Han Ling support Mustache?Can't find something to do after eating too much?

Always understand the truth that there is no permanent friendship between countries, only permanent interests.

Just like Falkenhausen said just now that he is his most steadfast ally, this kind of remark can only be heard as a joke.

When there is a conflict of interests between the two countries, they are enemies at that time, as for allies!

That's bullshit!When there is a common enemy, it is an ally, and when there is no common enemy, it is an enemy. It is a very simple question!

"Hehe! General Falkenhausen! Go back and tell Your Excellency the Prime Minister! China and your country are emerging countries that are about to rise. We need to work together to wipe out those old powers! We can't do this alone Your country is developing as much as you want, and in the next period of time, I believe that no country can stop your country's development!"

Chapter 410: Unparalleled [[-]]

When Han Ling and Falkenhausen returned to the hall after chatting, there was a lively scene inside.

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