Especially those generals of the Pingyuan Army, I haven't seen each of them for a long time. This time, they must be invited to the enthronement ceremony. You know, they are all heroes who founded the country. How could they not be invited?

"Zheng Daxing! You bastard, where have you been for the past two years? I haven't seen you!"

"Wang Chenggang, Gangzi! I heard that your rapid reaction second army is well trained! When will our two armies practice?" [Quick reaction is the abbreviation of rapid reaction mobile army! 】

"Okay! Just practice and practice. Others are afraid of you, Zheng Daxing, but I am not afraid of you, Old Wang! Don't call me dad when you lose!"

"Fuck off!"

"Haha! You two bastards are together again!"

"Yang Qing? You bastard is here too? Let me tell you, we guys should have a good drink today, whoever is cowardly is not a man!"

The place where the generals and commanders gather can be described as a vegetable market.

Many of the confidant generals who started with Han Ling were peasants back then, so they were real mud-legged people. Although they also went to the military academy to study later, some of their natures could not be changed.

It's like drinking and scolding your mother, you can't stop it.

Don't you want a group of great ancestors to speak politely like a literati?This is obviously impossible!

"Hehe! Why are you talking so lively?"

While they were chatting, Han Ling walked over with a goblet.

These are all the heroes who founded the country. It can be said that half of the credit is due to them.

"Your Majesty! The minister and they are going to drink!"

Now everyone knows that Han Ling is going to ascend the throne and become emperor. Although the enthronement ceremony has not yet been held, everyone knows that it is only a matter of time.

You know, it was Wang Dayong who attacked the little devil.

They all knew this old man who followed Han Ling together.

He is also a ruthless person in his bones, if he is pushed into a hurry.Han Ling was about to reach Yokohama and hadn't captured the little devil's capital yet, so he was afraid he was about to release poison gas again.

This kind of thing is not impossible, but very likely to happen.

I let it go before, so what's the point of letting it go again?

As the saying goes, if one sheep is driven, two sheep are also herded.

"Hehe! Zheng Daxing! You bastard, you haven't improved much in knowledge and culture over the years, but you are really good at grinding your mouth!"

Han Ling pointed at Zheng Daxing and smiled.

"Your Majesty! We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

Zheng Daxing chuckled.

"Okay! You can drink as much as you want during this period! But the military parade will be held in two months. Be good to me then, and if you make the old army lose face, I won't smoke you!"

Han Ling left after speaking, he knew where he was and these people couldn't let go.

Instead of this, it is better to retreat.

After Han Ling left, he was with Mr. Zhan Ning, Zhang Hanqing and Bai Jiansheng.

Now is the first day of sailing, so don't worry about some things.

And this time it came out mainly to promote the power of the empire.

Tomorrow morning, three aircraft carriers, six heavy cruisers and more than a dozen destroyers from the Pacific Fleet, as well as four battleships, seven heavy cruisers and more than a dozen destroyers from the East China Sea Fleet will arrive.

Then it will be the time to really promote the national power, and at the same time, this mixed fleet will also escort Han Ling's Empire cruise ship.

Now the Imperial cruise ship is surrounded by only two heavy cruisers, four destroyers and some escort ships. This squadron is the cruise squadron of the Jiaodong Peninsula and is responsible for customs issues.

Tomorrow morning, after the escort fleet arrives, they will return to Jiaodong Peninsula.

"Your Majesty! I didn't expect this day to come soon! I used to think that this day might take some years."

Han Ling, Mr. Zhan Ning and the others sat at a small round table. Han Ling didn't drink red wine, but white wine.

To be precise, all of them drank white wine and put a lot of things on the table.

"Hehe! Mr. Zhan Ning, I didn't expect such a big change in three and a half years. Things are different!"

Han Ling also looked sad.

The reason why I was able to develop so quickly, the credit of the spaceship can be said to be indispensable.

It's just that whether it's a weapon manufacturing base or an information base, their upgrades are too slow.

For example, the upgrade of the weapon manufacturing base, the weapon manufacturing base has already reached level six, but it may take some time to upgrade to level seven, but according to Han Ling's estimation, it may be upgraded before November.

And the information database is estimated to be upgraded at the end of the year, even if there is an error in the middle, there will not be too much difference.

"Hehe! That's right! Things are different! After a while, I will be called Your Majesty's brother-in-law!"

It is said that Zhang Hanqing is ignorant and incompetent. Although he has changed a lot over the years and devoted himself to the military, his nature has not changed.

It can be said that the voyage this time was relatively relaxed, and Zhang Hanqing spoke in a joking manner again.

"Haha! Some time ago, I heard that Wang Dayong sent back a telegram, saying that the criminal army was going to fight in the little devil's capital, and they would also snatch the little devil's princess and present it to His Majesty! At that time, His Majesty, don't forget about the newcomers. the old man!"

It is said that the old man does not cultivate, the old man does not cultivate, and he is talking about people like Mr. Zhan Ning.

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