Mountain troops, this topic can be said to be a relatively advanced topic in the world.

Many countries have not realized these things, and now he is starting everything from scratch.Although there is information given by Han Ling, it is just information.

There are many things that only you can know how difficult it is by doing it yourself.

"Training can't train the elite! Now is a special period. As long as the training is completed, you can pull it out for actual combat. Large-scale actual combat is not enough. We can still conduct small-scale actual combat! Anyway, there is only one purpose, and that is to Let the troops have real combat effectiveness!"

"Your Majesty! The work of suppressing bandits in China seems to be almost done!"

Speaking of this Li Delin is also a little embarrassing, he really wants to pull it out for actual combat, but there is no place!

Some time ago, there were bandits in the south that could be suppressed.

But later, Han Ling conducted a nationwide investigation of officials, and also conducted a thorough investigation of the southern security zone.

This not only replaced a large number of government officials and military officers, but also eliminated many bandits.

Among them, three special forces have received sufficient actual combat training in the process of suppressing bandits.Now even if he wants to pull out to find bandits to practice his hands, there are no bandits.

"Hehe! Don't worry! There are no domestic ones and foreign ones!"

Han Ling said that he took a look at the guard behind him, and then the guard led a group of guards and started walking around. After all, there were some things that Han Ling didn't want others to know.

"Delin! Do you know why I formed a mountain army?"

"I don't know!"

"No! You should know! Although our country seems to be rising, in fact there are still many problems in our country.

I won’t tell you anything else. First, let’s talk about our country’s territorial deterrence.

Once the entire East Asia was under the sphere of influence of our country.But now?

Southeast Asia is still in the hands of Britain and France. In addition, in the Nanyang region, my country only occupies one Indonesia, and has half of the rights in Malacca!In addition, our country only holds part of the rights and interests in the Malay Islands of John Bull.

In order to truly rise in military strength, it is necessary to re-spread our country's prestige to these areas and revive the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties. This is the rise.

But to introduce our country's prestige to these areas, what is the basis?

Is it economic?Culture?

Do not!No, it depends on the army!It depends on the combat effectiveness of our army.

And these areas, especially Southeast Asia, are completely mountainous terrain. If a war breaks out at that time, what is needed is the army, and what is needed is your mountain troops.Do you understand what I said? "

Han Ling's words shocked Li Delin's heart. The mission Han Ling had given him all along was to train the troops well in the south and at the same time scout out the terrain in Southeast Asia.

He's not stupid. He's been guessing whether Han Ling is going to do something to these things. Now that Han Ling said it himself, he immediately feels that his chance to make a contribution is coming.

Now that Han Ling told him this, it meant that the opportunity was approaching.

In fact, Li Delin's guess is correct, his chance is indeed approaching.

This time, Han Ling was not only going to hold the enthronement ceremony in the capital of the island country, but also held the six-nation meeting.

To put it bluntly, it is a meeting to divide the future world power structure.

Han Ling disagreed with those John Bull methods before, so he had to discuss it and re-divide it!

As the so-called negotiation negotiates, some negotiations lead to negotiations.

Negotiation is an extension of war, and war can also be said to be an extension of negotiation.

If you can't reach an agreement at the negotiating table, then fight!

If Britain and France disagree with Han Ling's plan, then beat the fuck up!

Fight a small-scale war first, keep Southeast Asia in your own theory, and then cause yourself to actually occupy Southeast Asia. It depends on whether he, Britain and France agree.

It is absolutely impossible for Han Ling to put Southeast Asia in the hands of others.

How can other people sleep on the side of the couch!

It's a big deal to fight again, anyway, Han Ling doesn't care.You, Britain and France are thousands of miles away in Europe, and I am afraid that you will fail.

Li Delin left, contentedly.At the same time, he walked away with confidence.

These generals who have come out of the war, once the truce lasts too long, when it comes to war, they will boil all over.The war has gone deep into their bones.

"Your Majesty! Are we really going to fight?"

After Li Delin left, Zhang Hanqing asked hesitantly.

"It is estimated that we will fight! At the end of this year, I asked the military to make a national defense white paper. Have you all read it clearly? If we want to build an island chain defense system, we must hold Southeast Asia in our hands, otherwise our island chain defense system It can only be a joke.

They cannot pose a threat to our homeland from the sea, but they can threaten our homeland from Southeast Asia.I think it's better to stop this kind of thing early!

As long as the war does not reach our homeland, we will not hesitate to start a war with Britain and France! "

Han Ling's will is very firm. Whether the war has reached the mainland or not has reached the mainland are two completely different concepts.

Burning to the mainland will affect the morale of the army, and will affect the domestic economic development and industrial development.The dangers of such a war are great.

So Han Ling wanted to put an end to the hidden danger of the war spreading to the mainland.

"En! Indeed! Southeast Asia is so important to the security of the southern part of our country. If this piece of land is not in our hands, it is really not safe!"

Lord Zhan Ning nodded after hearing this. This area is really important.No wonder Han Ling paid so much attention to it.

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