He can be said to be a safe buffer zone in the south!

Chapter 412: Unparalleled [[-]]

The next morning, that is, the morning of July [-], the squadrons sent by the Pacific Fleet and the East China Sea Fleet arrived.

Giant ships began to appear on the sea to escort Han Ling's trip.

At the same time, countless people stood on the deck of the Empire cruise ship in Shanghai. They were all elites from all walks of life and consuls from various countries.

This time was the first time they witnessed the demeanor of the Huaxia Navy at such a close distance.

The huge muzzle and the unmatched tonnage made everyone's eyes widen.

Among them was Sir Carl, the ambassador to China, who was staring at all this.

This time, it was the first time to see the giant ship of the Huaxia Navy at such a close distance. At the same time, this time he also felt the prestige of the Huaxia Navy most clearly.

Looking at these warships, a gleam of light flashed in Karl's eyes.

How can such an advanced battleship and aircraft carrier not defeat the imperial navy?How can the navy of the empire not be destroyed?

While the people on the Empire were observing these warships, a fight was still going on in the capital of the Empire.

At this point in the battle, both sides are exhausted.

Even those criminal soldiers felt a little tired physically, and even very angry in their hearts.

But there is no way, this time the war is very critical, the key is that they must take down the capital of the empire as soon as possible.

According to the plan specified by the military department, they must capture the capital of the empire before September [-]th.

After all, after the capture, some processing needs to be done, and Han Ling's enthronement ceremony must also be prepared, all of which will take time.So it must be captured as soon as possible.

"Old Wang! This battle is hard to fight! There are less than [-] criminals left in the criminal army! The casualties are too heavy! Should we withdraw those criminals first? After all, this time the little devil is desperate Alright, let's withdraw the criminal army first and let them rest! To be honest, the military discipline of the criminal army is not very good, but their combat effectiveness is indeed amazing."

Qian Dajun and Wang Dayong were in the headquarters, Qian Dajun couldn't help but said while watching the battle report uploaded from below.

"Withdraw? Well! Yes! Generating electricity to make them withdraw. To be honest, I don't want to lose such a force like this. Let's send four armies up and surround the little devil's capital. Slowly Nibble! Now we have enough time, there is still more than a month, nearly two months. Even if I nibble a little, I can finish nibbling the little devil!"

The criminal army was withdrawn, and the regular army of the Pingyuan Army went up.

A new street battle has begun.The little devil launched a nationwide resistance, and any imperial person that the Pingyuan army encountered in the city can be said to be an enemy.

And the little devils also used their familiarity with the terrain in the city to continue to resist.

Many imperial people desperately launched the Jade Fragmentation Charge.

During this period, the Pingyuan Army caused a lot of casualties, but the imperials themselves also suffered a lot.

The war continued like this, and the artillery units of the Pingyuan Army were about to blow up the area outside the imperial palace area of ​​the imperial capital into ruins.

At the beginning, Wang Dayong also put a letter of persuasion into it. Later, after the imperial people didn't make any movement, Wang Dayong also decided to persuade him to surrender, and let the artillery troops directly bombard them, constantly bombarding them.

Time passed day by day, and as time passed, the number of little devils began to decrease sharply.

Nearly one-third of the capital of the empire was held in the hands of the Pingyuan Army.

At this time, the little devil's resistance flickered again violently. An imperial man wearing a white cloth strip held explosives and started to attack at night with all weapons.

The back-and-forth battle between the two sides did not last long, and Wang Dayong was replaced again.

The criminal army was once again sent to the battlefield.

A new round of madness started again, and the empire began to retreat steadily due to insufficient fighting, lack of weapons and ammunition, and lack of food, even if the whole people resisted.

War will end one day, either you die or I die.

Historically, the mustache and the beard fought a protracted street battle in Lao Maozi's capital.

In the end, Mustache was defeated, but recently, Huaxia and the Empire had a tragic street battle in the capital of the Empire.

It's a pity that the Empire didn't have the same luck as the bearded man.

There was no bad weather to help, nor did an ally keep transporting supplies for him.

There is no steady stream of troops for him to use.

The empire has reached the end of its rope, and its capital has become an isolated city. It is impossible to have reinforcements, and it is impossible for any country to dare to risk offending China at this time to send supplies to the empire, a country that is about to perish.

On the afternoon of August [-], [-].

Wang Dayong stood on the outskirts of the capital of the empire, listening to the voices coming from inside, there was no expression on his face.

Has the war progressed to the present? It can be said that it is coming to an end.

There are not many people left in the capital of the empire with a population of one million.

And more than half of the city is already in the hands of the Pingyuan Army.

Such a long attack has exhausted the Pingyuan army.

At the same time, it can be said that the city is full of corpses, and the Pingyuan army needs to use corpses to pile up every step forward.

And the imperials did not lose any land, and a large number of people would die in battle.

"Old King! The war has reached its end! The empire is about to perish!"

Qian Dajun stood beside Wang Dayong, took out a cigarette and handed Wang Dayong one, and took a puff very comfortably.

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