"Yeah! It's about to perish! This war has been fought for almost nine months now! It should be over!"

Wang Dayong said leisurely, from the very beginning to the present, no one thought that this war could last so long.Among them, the determination of the empire to resist made them feel deeply.

On the afternoon of September [-], [-], soldiers of the Pingyuan Army surrounded the imperial palace, while the other citizens of the imperial capital hid in the corners and shivered. The imperial people clamored for a decisive battle in the capital.

Millions of people do group training.However, in the war, those men continued to die in battle. All the men in the empire from the age of fourteen or fifteen to their fifties died in battle, and some of the remaining women also died in battle.

There is only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled left, and the empire is finally exhausted by this time, and there is no longer a trace of strength that can resist the attack of the Pingyuan army.

That rhetoric at the beginning, the decisive battle in the capital, has become a joke.

Chapter 413: Unparalleled [Four]

On the afternoon of September [-], [-], the empire issued a letter of surrender, deciding to surrender to China.

Then the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army rushed into the imperial palace and controlled the emperor.

Then Wang Dayong also ordered the troops to control all the people in the capital of the empire.

At this time, the criminal army was ready to act, but at this time, the emperor asked Wang Dayong to see him, hoping that he could stop the criminal army's actions. They were willing to recruit women to serve the Pingyuan army voluntarily.

Wang Dayong was ready to agree, but who knew that the criminal army had already started to act at this moment.

Every noble family in the empire, the palace is full of criminal troops.

These criminals really have the potential to be local hooligans. They rushed into the imperial palace and started catching women everywhere!

That's right, to catch women!But it's not about doing anything to them, but dedicating them to Han Ling.

You see, these guys really look like a bit of a mess.

All the princesses, queens, and maids of the imperial emperor were arrested.

They also sent someone to watch over it, and other soldiers of the Pingyuan Army couldn't get close.

According to what they said, we used to be hooligans, I don’t know about the others, but I still know the rule of dedicating good things to the boss!

Your Majesty is our boss now, and these women belong to the boss, what do you want to do?

What?let go?Why?

This is a woman dedicated to the boss, you are actually going to let it go?What is your intention?

In the end, Wang Dayong waved his hand and didn't bother to care about it, as for the emperor's request!

Stay away, who cares about you!I was annoyed by the behavior of these criminal army.

Now the battle is over, but there are many follow-up things.

The first thing is to clean up the corpses. The weather is not cool now, and the war has been going on for so long.

It can be said that the war was going on all summer, and many corpses were rotten and smelly.

Countless people wore masks and sprayed disinfectant solution everywhere in the city, and white lime was sprinkled everywhere.

At the same time, the corpses were cleaned out and burned.

Wang Dayong didn't want the plague to break out just after such a war, and the fun would be great then.

So these follow-up processing work can be said to be processed in a hurry.

And this war lasted for so long, how many people died?

No one knows the specifics.Because many corpses were blown to pieces by shells, there is no way to count the results of the battle.

However, raging fires are ignited outside the city every day, and these are the bodies that are burned.

Many of the corpses reeked to an appalling degree.

After cleaning up the corpses, Wang Dayong began to direct people to clean up the ruins. ,

In the past, in order to prevent the outbreak of the plague, they were trying to dispose of the corpses as soon as possible. Now that the corpses are almost processed, the ruins must be disposed of.

Such a long war, the bombing of countless shells.

Turned the entire imperial capital into ruins.

It will take a lot of time to clean up these ruins.

Time passed slowly, and the time for Han Ling to land in Imperial Yokohama was getting closer and closer.

September [-], [-].

Another month is about to pass, and the temperature of the weather has begun to drop, and it is no longer midsummer.

On this day, Han Ling landed in Yokohama.

At the same time, countless people came down. These people have been drifting at sea for more than two months, and now they suddenly landed, and it still feels a little unreal.

"How is everything handled now? I just read the report of this war and knew that many people died! It was midsummer before, and the plague was easy to break out. Did you have a plague?"

Han Ling landed in Yokohama, so naturally Wang Dayong and Qian Jun also came.

"Report to Your Majesty! No plague broke out. After the war ended, I immediately took emergency measures on the sanitation situation in the city! So no major plague broke out!"

"Well! Not bad! This time I will hold a coronation ceremony in the capital of the empire. Ambassadors from various countries, generals at all levels of our Pingyuan Army, and elites from all walks of life will be present to watch the ceremony. If an outbreak occurs at this time Great plague, that will make a big joke!"

Han Ling was quite satisfied with what Wang Dayong had done.

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