"By the way! Where are the criminal army? How are they doing now?"

Thinking of the criminal army, Han Ling couldn't help asking.

As soon as this question was mentioned, Wang Dayong and Qian Dajun turned bitter faces.

"Look at your faces, what's going on?"

Han Ling frowned.

"What are you two looking at? Why don't you tell me soon? Don't you want me to see it myself?"

Han Ling's brows suddenly frowned. What are these two guys going to do?It's such a hassle to say anything.

"Your Majesty! These criminal armies are really difficult to manage. Since the end of the war, they have begun to loot the imperial palace. The maids, queens, and princesses in the palace were arrested by them.

No one is allowed to approach, saying that it is dedicated to Your Majesty! "

Wang Dayong said that he secretly glanced at Han Ling at the end.

"Puff! Your Majesty, someone has expanded the harem for you!"

Han Ling glanced at Zhang Hanqing, then looked at Wang Dayong and said seriously: "You send someone to restrain them! Just say it's my order, and anyone who doesn't obey the order will be punished by military law! In addition, you let them quiet down , whoever is not quiet, I will disqualify him from participating in the enthronement ceremony military parade!"


"Your Majesty! These criminal armies are really hard to restrain! It's a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you can hurt the enemy, but if you don't use it well, you can hurt yourself!"

After Wang Dayong went out, Lord Zhan Ning said with a wry smile.

"Well! Of course it is! These people were criminals before, and they have gone through so many wars in the empire. They are more like tigers that herd sheep.

However, it seems that this army cannot be pulled back to the country for the time being, otherwise it will have a bad impact on social security! "

When Han Ling said this, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought. How to arrange this army is really a trouble.

First, it must not be too far away from the mainland, otherwise this army will be difficult to control.

Second, it cannot be placed on the mainland. After all, this army, who knows what they will do!

Han Ling was really reluctant to disband such an army.

"Korea Peninsula!"

Suddenly, four words popped up in Han Ling's mind.

This place is good, not far from the mainland, easy to control, and not on the mainland.

If they want to harm those sticks, let them go. It just happened that some time ago I heard that those sticks were not very obedient, so let these criminals teach them how to behave.

Chapter 414: Unique in the world [[-]]

After staying in Yokohama for a few days, Han Ling also started to set off for the capital of the empire with consuls from various countries and elites from all walks of life.

A few days later, this huge team arrived at the outskirts of the imperial capital under the escort of Wang Dayong.

From the moment they entered the outskirts of the city, everyone could smell the smell of war.

From the outskirts of the city, everyone noticed that the soil on the ground actually showed a dark red color.

Many people can tell at a glance that this is due to being soaked in blood for a long time.

When Wang Dayong commanded troops to encircle the capital of the empire, the first battles started in the outskirts of the city.

At the same time, the fighting on the outskirts of the city was the most tragic and bloody.

Because in the outskirts of the city, both sides can deploy their forces very well, so the two sides also carried out large-scale fighting in the outskirts of the city.

The blood of the Pingyuan Army and the little devils can be said to have flowed through every inch of land on the outskirts of the entire imperial capital.

From here, you can imagine how tragic the battle was at that time.

The little devil's million people in the capital were all mobilized to fight against the criminal army on the outskirts of the city.

Although the criminal army is poorly disciplined, their combat effectiveness is very strong because of their special predecessors and fierce desperadoes.

But even under such circumstances, the criminal army was beaten and suffered heavy losses. One can imagine how many people the little devil sent out to fight desperately, and how strong the little devil's will to fight is.How tragic is the battlefield between the two sides.

Under such circumstances, the suburbs of the city are the most tragic battlefields, so you can imagine the situation of the land in the suburbs after the battle.

Zheng Daxing, Wang Chenggang, and Yang Qing were walking on the land in the outskirts of the city, looking at the exposed dark red land, they all sighed secretly.

This last battle was indeed tragic enough, they had heard what Wang Dayong said.

Before the war, there were five or six hundred thousand criminals in the criminal army, but after the battle to attack the capital of the empire, there were only [-] criminals left.Among them, about [-] people were lost.

The desperadoes of the criminal army lost [-] yuan, and Wang Dayong's regular army also lost no less than [-] people.Zheng Daxing and the others are also veterans in the battlefield, and they can imagine the cruelty of the battle at that time.

"Daxing! This battle was brutal enough! Look, I stepped on three bullet casings!"

Yang Qing took his right foot away and picked up three shell casings from below.

These were the shell casings of three Type [-] rifles, and the dark red blood stains on them indicated that they were all stained with blood.

"You're a bullet casing, but mine are shrapnel!"

After Wang Chenggang finished speaking, another shrapnel was pulled out from the ground.

Looking at the things in the hands of the two, Zheng Daxing couldn't help sighing.

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