"We all know that this attack on the empire is a great achievement, but who would have thought that this attack on the empire would be so tragic!

When I met Lao Wang two days ago, I knew from his mouth that this time when we attacked the empire, the criminal army killed seven or eight hundred thousand people.

Our regular army also killed more than [-] people!As for the wounded soldiers, there are too many to count.Now we are only on the outskirts of the city. After entering the city, it is estimated that it will be even more tragic. According to the character of the old king, in the capital of the empire, except for an area near the imperial palace, other areas may have been destroyed by him long ago. "

"Boom into ruins? Old Wang is still strong! Such a big battle, so many people died, this can be said to be a casualty that our Pingyuan Army has never seen since the day it was established!"

Zheng Daxing's words made Wang Chenggang smile wryly. Although they were ruthless enough, the number of people killed in such a war was around one million, and they had never experienced such a battle.

"Let's go! Let's go into the city to see what the old king has done to the capital of the empire!"

After Wang Cheng finished speaking, he walked in.

The fighting on the outskirts of the city is one of the most brutal places, because there have been many large-scale battles here.

For a position, the Pingyuan Army and the little devil repeatedly sent people up to fight for it.

Some positions changed hands more than ten times over and over again, and the corpses piled up on the positions by both sides almost turned into countless small hills.

Consuls from various countries walked on the outskirts of the city, looking at the dark red land on the ground, without even looking at each other.

They are old fritters from various countries, and they have seen a lot of things.

From the dark red color of the land, they could imagine the brutality of the battle at that time.

"Mr. Gesmer, this is really surprising! It only took nearly four years for the rise of a big eastern country.

A country that has taken decades to rise is no match for a country that has only taken nearly four years to rise.Do you think we are all old? "

Sir Carl walked to the side of the French ambassador to China, Gesmer, and said softly.

A country that took only three or four years to rise defeated a country that took decades to rise.

This strength is really too terrifying.

Carl didn't know how Han Ling did it.

Just in the past few years, the world's first-class army, the world's number one air force, and the world's top three navy.

All this is a mystery, no one knows how he did it, but he did it.

Carl still clearly remembered that at the end of last year, when the Minister of Industry of Huaxia announced to the outside world that Huaxia's steel production had exceeded [-] million tons, he was immediately shocked.

It should be clear that in [-], due to the impact of the economic crisis on those John Bulls, domestic steel production had dropped to about [-] million tons.

But at this time, Huaxia's steel production has exceeded [-] million tons.

This data is really shocking.

You must know that the United States at this time was also affected by the economic crisis, and its current steel production is only [-] million tons.

In other words, China's steel production is now almost catching up with that of the United States.

The industry in the United States is the result of hundreds of years, but how long did it take China?

It's only three or four years!Do you think Karl can be frightened?

"Mr. Carl, I think of someone!"

Gesmo was silent for a long time before speaking.




Hearing Karl's question, Gesmer turned to look at Karl and said, "Our Majesty Napoleon once said that China in the East is a sleeping lion! Sooner or later he will wake up!

Now let's think about all this in Huaxia, maybe Huaxia has woken up now!Many things that seem unbelievable to us are not difficult for them!

Think about it, what is most needed for the rise of a country? "

Gesmer's words made Carl fall into deep thought again. After a while, he suddenly raised his head and said, "You mean that China does not lack industrial machines and talents?"

If a country wants to rise from backwardness, the most important thing at the beginning is the issue of industry and talents.

It is not the economy. The rise of the economy cannot be said to be a rise, it can only be said to be a fat sheep that has grown up.

The rise of industry is the basis for the rise of a country.

The industrial power is strong, and you can create a large number of weapons to arm your army.

The rise of industry and the development of the military are inseparable from talents, so industry and talents are the key factors for the rise of a backward country.

Karl thought of this, that's why he asked this question just now.

"That's right! It's industrial machines and talents. Let's talk about industrial machines first. There are many industrial countries in the world. China can take the lead in purchasing some industrial master machines and start developing industries. This is something our country has studied.

It is said that Huaxia has two huge underground industrial areas in their Suiyuan area. We guess that this may be the place where their emperor, His Majesty, first started to develop industries and manufacture weapons.

As for future talents.In fact, Huaxia does not lack talents!Because their population base is large enough, if they had [-]/[-] talents, there would be [-] talents!

Half a million talents are enough for them in the initial stage.

But in fact, China only has [-] talents?We know that China is backward, poor, poorly educated, and has a low illiteracy rate.But we all ignore their huge population.

And the most important thing is that we investigated that Han Ling returned from studying in the United States. He can be said to be an overseas Chinese.

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