And he may have some connection with overseas Chinese in Nanyang.Don't forget, before you and the king in Amsterdam attacked the overseas Chinese in Nanyang, His Majesty the emperor of China was furious, as if he had hurt his dearest person.Don't you think there's a connection here? "

Gosmer's words woke Karl up like a slap in the face.

Now he recalled everything he saw in Huaxia, as if it was true.

China is indeed backward in education and has a high illiteracy rate, but they are all blinded by the huge population base.

Thinking about it now, China only needs to have one in a thousand people, which is enough for the initial stage of their rise.

Secondly, the talent issue!

Karl has seen all kinds of talents emerging over the years.

When did Huaxia have so many talents?

Moreover, these talents seem to be carved out of the same mold, and they all have the same style of doing things.

Obviously, these are all taught by the same teacher, or the same school.

After thinking about it, Carl felt that if Han Ling had made preparations before, or if it was his parents, the grandfathers would have started to prepare everything.

When his generation explodes suddenly, he can definitely produce the talents and other resources needed by a country in a short period of time. This is because Han Ling developed China's industry in a very short period of time and produced a large number of talents. You can see it.

such a pity!Carl thought it was fine.

But he didn't know that those talents were all clones.

Those machines are synthesized from spaceships.

As long as there are resources, even if you want an atomic bomb, he can synthesize it for you!

Chapter 415: Unparalleled [[-]]

"Hi! Carl, Mr. Gersmer, what are you two talking about!"

Just as Carl and Gesmer were talking, a smiling voice appeared next to them.

Turning around, it turned out to be Jason, the American ambassador to China.

"Jason, we're talking about Huaxia! What do you think of China's brazen attack on the empire this time, and it took nine months to take down the empire?"

Seeing that it was Jason, Carl's eyes flickered slightly, and he asked with a smile.

"Oh! What's the matter! The empire once caused great harm to Huaxia. Now that Huaxia has become stronger, it is natural to come to revenge!"

Jason said as it should, there was no surprise in his words, but a kind of calm.

But Karl heard something from it.

"Jason! I heard that under the leadership of your president, the continuous economic decline of your country has been effectively curbed! I wonder if this is true?"

"Oh! Of course! All this is thanks to Huaxia's help! Over the years, Huaxia has solved the employment problem of millions of people in our country! It has saved many families on the verge of bankruptcy. The president of our country is very grateful for everything Huaxia has done!"

The questions and answers of the two were a little bit wrong, but both sides got the information they wanted.

The meaning of Jason's last sentence is obvious. They America will not offend Huaxia now, and they will not even offend Huaxia for a period of time in the future.

After so many years of development, Qihang has relied on its strong capital and the support of those state governments in the United States.

Now it has grown into a large company in the United States. Although it cannot be compared with those large consortiums, it is also one of the largest companies in the United States.

Moreover, Qihang Company is also Huaxia's spokesperson in the United States, and it is recruiting a wide range of talents.

For the United States, which is in an economic crisis, it can solve the problem of unemployment very well.

Because of the high unemployment rate before, countless people chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

Because they lost their jobs, their wives and kids left him a bottle of sleeping pills and married rich jews as if there was nothing they could do but die.

It is precisely because of China's Qihang Company that the United States has avoided countless suicides by jumping off buildings.

Now that the United States has not yet emerged from the vortex of the economic crisis, if they are hostile to China at this time, they have just curbed the downward trend of the economy, and I am afraid that it will decline again.

All the top executives in the United States understand this very well. Although the wheelchair-bound president Lao Luo hates this very much, after all, no one would be happy if his economy is controlled by others.

But the economy in the United States was really bad at the time, and thousands of people lost their jobs every day. In this kind of thing, Qihang Company recruited people to start a company. This is simply the gospel of the United States!

Therefore, many state governments in the United States have cooperated with Qihang Company, and have also given Qihang Company a lot of convenience.

In this way, Qihang became a behemoth.

Now if Lao Luo wants to move Qihang Company, the biggest loss is not Qihang Company, but him America.

The economic vortex has not yet gone out. If Qihang Company comes to stir up the situation again, add fire to you, and add hundreds of thousands of unemployed people to you, you will have a headache at that time.

Carl understood what Jason meant, but his head felt abnormally big.

This time, Han Ling held the enthronement ceremony in the capital of the empire. After the enthronement ceremony, it will be the meeting of the six nations, which will divide the future world structure.

But at this time, the United States, which should have been wearing a pair of pants with them, has a problem, and they don't want to offend Huaxia now. This is really a big head.

"Mr. Jansen! Are you really going to do this? I met His Majesty the Emperor before, and his attitude was very tough. If we can't join hands, we will suffer a lot!"

After much thought, Carl decided to persuade Johnson. The key is that Britain and France are really alone, and Huaxia is not afraid of them at all.

It's not that they haven't fought before, a sea battle caused them heavy losses, and now the strength of China's navy has doubled, I am afraid that the emperor of China will not be afraid!

"No, no, no! I don't think so! His Majesty the emperor just doesn't want us to meddle in the affairs of East Asia! As long as we stick to our limits and make conditional concessions, these are not big things!"

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