Carl's eyes froze at Jason's words, and he understood.This Jensen must have had their domestic authorization.

It's just that Karl still doesn't quite understand the bottom line and conditional concessions that Jason said.

No matter what Jason and the others say here, the team is still moving forward.

Starting from the outskirts of the imperial capital, Han Ling got off the car and started walking.

It's not that they can't take the car, but that Han Ling wants them to see clearly, to see clearly the battlefield where bloody battles took place some time ago.

The rise of the empire needs to be watered with blood, and the honor that belongs to the empire needs to be watered with blood.

And the blood of the little devil is a good thing.

Slowly, they walked into the city.

The city was in ruins just as they had imagined.

Collapsed houses and ashes of burned houses are everywhere.

Because the corpses were all cleaned up before, there was not much time to clean up these collapsed houses, so until now.

Except that the streets have been swept clean, the ruins on both sides are still there.

However, they could see that countless Pingyuan Army soldiers were clearing these ruins.

There are still large areas of dark red on the ground, too much blood has been infected, and the infection time is too long, so it will take a lot of money to wash away the blood-stained dark red ground. Strength, the best way is to knock off the ground and rebuild it, otherwise it will look like a large area of ​​dark red, and I don't know how much it will cost to wash it off.

"Tsk tsk! Just look at how many shells this bastard Wang fired! In the soldier's cart just now, I saw no less than dozens of shrapnel.

So many shrapnel, and this is only in a small cart!This time Lao Wang is really ruthless!I heard that there were millions of people in the capital of the empire before the war, and now I don't know how many people are left!I reckon that there are not many people left! "

Zheng Daxing and Yang Qing walked together, looking at the sundries in the cart, they couldn't help but tsk-tsk aloud.

"Huh! The old king can't do anything about these things. The little devils are resisting, and millions of people in the capital of the empire are resisting. If you don't want to shoot more shells, it will be filled with the lives of our soldiers!"

Yang Qing snorted coldly, he heard it too.

Since the troops attacking the empire entered the mainland of the empire, the people of the empire have been resisting, and the resistance is still very firm.

As time passed, everyone finally reached the center of the empire, where the imperial palace was located.

There, the emperor of the empire didn't wear any clothes on his upper body, only a pair of baggy trousers on his lower body, and a jade seal was hung around his neck.

This is standard surrender etiquette.

In ancient China, if a country was defeated and the emperor wanted to surrender, he had to go out of the city to greet the opposing emperor when he came, and he had to bring a jade seal to show his sincerity in surrender.

The empire has been deeply influenced by China since ancient times, and this thing was naturally accepted by the empire, and it was used this time.

"Hirohito of Xiaguo sees His Majesty the Emperor of China! Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"The minister of the army of the next country sees His Majesty the Emperor of China! Long live my emperor"

There were shouts one after another, a standard gesture of surrender.

The imperial people seem to be a shabby household without any background.

When they had some assets, they were arrogant in front of a sick noble, thinking that the noble could not do anything to him.

But when the great noble recovered from his illness and easily dealt with him, he immediately became a lowly slave.

Go as low as you want.

Just like the empires in history.

During the war, they shouted loudly at those American western cowboys, wanting a decisive battle on the mainland.

After the two cannons fought and hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured, the imperial people were overwhelmed.

Immediately surrendered, after the surrender, the imperial people saw those western cowboys, and immediately became humbled and couldn't be more humble.

Before surrendering, the imperial people clamored that I would fight you decisively, and I would destroy you.

After surrendering, the imperial man became a grandson, and incidentally put a dog leash on himself, and handed the dog leash to those western cowboys to let him walk the dog.

And the current imperial people are like this. They clamored for a decisive battle with the peaceful Yuan army and defeated what?This posture is as low as possible.

"Everyone calm down!"

Han Ling stared at them for a while before whispering.

"Yes! Your servant obeys the order!"

After standing up, the emperor held the jade seal in both hands, lowered his head, walked to Han Ling with small steps, and bent over.

Han Ling straightened his chest and raised his head, the corners of his mouth curled up.

"If I had known today, why should I be in the first place!"

After Han Ling said a word, he picked up the jade seal in the hands of the emperor with one hand, turned around and looked at the people behind him, and raised the jade seal with one arm.

"Everyone! We have won! Glory! Belongs to the Empire!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

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