After the emperor presented the jade seal, all of them were locked up, while Han Ling unceremoniously occupied the imperial palace. Maybe this place will become Han Ling's residence!

Chapter 416: Unparalleled [Seven]

Time is passing slowly, and people who come from the country by airship are also urgently arranging the entire capital of the empire.

Some people see that the environment is too bad, some people want to knock down the street and rebuild it.

It was just rejected by Han Ling.

It is true that the ground of the street has not been cleaned up to now, but this is what Han Ling wanted.

He wants to build an empire on the blood of the imperial people.

With Han Ling's newly established Royal Etiquette Department, the people were all arranged in the same way, and then the host of the enthronement ceremony went to double-check what the enthronement ceremony was like in the Han and Tang Dynasties, and the enthronement ceremony was finally about to begin.

Later, a large number of people rushed over from the country.

Among these people are soldiers, students, businessmen, literati, actors, and journalists from various countries.

On October [-], [-], in the Imperial Palace, the capital of the Empire.

"How are you getting ready?"

"Your Majesty! All preparations have been completed! But there is one more thing that requires your consent!"

The man standing in front of Han Ling was named Zhang Hong, and he was in his fifties this year.

The beardless frontal bone is somewhat raised, and the speech is also somewhat sharp, as if the voice of a drake.

Not bad!

He is an eunuch, he was a eunuch in the previous dynasty, and he entered the palace as a eunuch since he was a child.

For a period of time after the demise of the former dynasty, they were still living in the palace temporarily. Later, they and the former emperor were kicked out of the palace because of someone, and they, the eunuchs, also fell into a difficult situation of livelihood.

And he was exiled to the temple.

It's been so many years in a daze.

Some time ago, Han Ling was going to hold the enthronement ceremony, but Kunai's subordinates did not have talents in this area. To be precise, none of his subordinates understood these things.

At this time, Han Ling thought of the eunuchs of the previous dynasty. Some of these eunuchs knew this. After all, the last emperor of the previous dynasty also held a grand enthronement ceremony more than [-] years ago.

In this way, Zhang Hong, the eunuch of the former dynasty, was honored to be appointed by Han Ling because of his literacy, and because he participated in the enthronement ceremony of the last emperor of the previous dynasty and knew the specific steps in it. Director of the Etiquette Department, responsible for various activities of the royal family.

Originally, Zhang Hong's livelihood was difficult, and he didn't eat the next meal after eating.

As for the empire's various policies to benefit the people, it is impossible to have their share at all.

This time, he has an errand to be appointed by the new emperor. He has no reason to disagree, and he can't win even if he runs.

"what's up?"

"People from all over the country elected a group of representatives of the people, and they came to the empire on behalf of the farmers and people from all over the country with various supplies donated by the common people! They want to participate in the enthronement ceremony, present you a gift at the enthronement ceremony, and celebrate the birth of the empire ! This old slave does not dare to be the master of this matter, please ask your Majesty to judge!"

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Yes! The people spontaneously celebrated the birth of the empire and jointly donated supplies! This is the first time in thousands of years. How can such a holy event be inappropriate? You go down and plan for them Make a space for them to watch the ceremony!"

"Yes! The old slave obeys the order!"

"En! Go down! Now there are still nine days before the enthronement ceremony, and there are still people coming from the country. You must not make any mistakes. The whole world is watching us at this enthronement ceremony. If something goes wrong, I will take care of you It's asking!"

"Yes! Please rest assured, Your Majesty, this old slave must be in good spirits!"

"Well! Go down!"


Six o'clock in the morning on November [-], [-].

The weather in November is still cool, not cold, but not hot.

The weather was refreshing. Since [-]:[-] am this morning, people have been waiting at the front gate of the Imperial Palace one after another.

After such a long preparation, the building at the front gate of the Imperial Palace was pulled down, and a large square was built, a large square large enough to accommodate many people.

If there are more people and more power, that's the thing. If the project is large, it is impossible to complete it in a short time, improve efficiency, and increase manpower.

No, it didn't take long before this big square was built.

There are big searchlights all around, and there are countless neon lights around, and these neon lights are all prepared for tonight's carnival.

Both the people's delegation and people from all walks of life came very early.

And the people from the Etiquette Department began to make the final arrangements for the entire square from six o'clock in the morning.

The Etiquette Director had been hurrying to decorate the square for a while, but there were some things that hadn't been arranged, and they were waiting for the last day to decorate.

As the time passed, at [-]:[-] in the morning, the sky was already bright, and the whole square could be said to be completely bustling.

Countless people stood on the square, and the people from the Royal Etiquette Department also arranged these people there.

Who are you and what position should you fight for? These were all planned by the government before.

Everyone who comes to watch the ceremony will have drinking water, breakfast and other food to enjoy.

But outside the square, there are teams of troops preparing for it.

Among these armies, the people in the first few queues were all troops that participated in the offensive against the Imperial War.

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