Cameras have been used since [-], and it is now [-].

And Han Ling used a little bit of advanced technology, so he is using it now.

Han Ling followed the paved red carpet and walked inside.

Behind Han Ling is a kind of important person from both the military and political circles of China.

Soldiers and officials each account for half, and it can be said that they go hand in hand.

Han Ling walked all the way to the main hall.

A golden dragon chair was placed in front of the main hall. Han Ling walked up to the dragon chair, looked at the dragon chair in front of him, took a deep breath and sat on it.

Then a group of military and political officials and ambassadors from various countries walked in.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

There was another sound of worship.

"You Aiqings are flat!"

"Thanks my emperor!"

"Congratulations to Emperor Shengwu of the Third Empire of the Han Dynasty on his ascension to the throne of emperor, please Cai Heqing read the congratulatory form!"

After Han Ling's voice fell, he nodded to Zhang Hong who was standing under his right hand, and then he began to speak loudly.

Then Cai Heqing, Minister of Education, stepped out of the queue and walked to the front.

Two court ladies pulled a golden cloth to Cai Heqing.

What is written on it is a congratulatory form, and he wrote this congratulatory form.

Cai Heqing, born in 1868, is already sixty-five years old this year.

It can be said that after several dynasties, Taishan Beidou in the Chinese literature circle and a great power in the education circle.

Now he is the Minister of Education at the age of [-].

"My emperor obeys the sky and responds to people, the king is on the throne, and the common people admire him! My emperor"

A long series of congratulatory words were read from Cai Heqing's mouth, all of which were in authentic ancient Chinese.

The government officials present could still understand, but the soldiers were a little bit deceived.

And those consuls from various countries looked at Cai Heqing with a bewildered expression, completely unaware of what Cai Heqing was reading!

However, they can only pretend to be listening, which is considered difficult for them.

Ancient prose is as difficult as listening to heavenly scriptures for them.

This congratulatory speech is very long, indeed it is very long!

I don't know how long it took Cai Heqing to write it, but he actually had to use a cloth nearly three meters long to describe it.

And in the process of reading the congratulatory form, you can't just read it like that, but you have to cadence it.

Han Ling didn't know how Cai Heqing, an old fellow, persisted. Anyway, it was a long time before this congratulatory form was read out.

"Congratulations to my emperor"

There was another burst of shouting from the mountains, and Han Ling felt that this was the day he heard the most.

"You Aiqings are flat!"

It was the same words again, and after the military and political officials below and the consuls of various countries all got up, Han Ling looked at the following majesticly and said: "After nearly four years, I have finally become a great treasure, and the whole world celebrates it.

Today I am sitting here with the blood of thousands of enemies, thanks to the merits of my beloved ministers and my thousands of troops.This afternoon, I will hold a grand military parade outside the palace. At that time, you and my people will watch our army together.

It's noon now, and I have set up a banquet, and all my lovers will enjoy the banquet with me.After the banquet, watch the military parade together! "

time to eat!Yes!It was already noon after the congratulatory form was read out, and Han Ling took a group of military and political officials, consuls from various countries and other figures to the restaurant that had been prepared.

In addition, people's representatives and important social elites in the square were also invited to dine in restaurants.

Han Ling had already made arrangements for the others to wait.

Countless soldiers came to the square with folding tables and began to unfold them in various open spaces.

In addition, countless small stools were brought by the soldiers.

After the tables and stools are arranged, countless soldiers will naturally come to maintain order and arrange these people.

Then countless soldiers came up, and they came to the square with various dishes.

Put the dishes in your hands on the table and go back to serve them again.

Everyone has a big dinner plate in their hands.

All of this was going on in an orderly manner, as if everything had been planned.

In fact, all of this was really planned.

After all, after preparing for so long, everything has been calculated.

After the meal was over, another soldier immediately came up to collect everything, twenty minutes!

It only took twenty minutes for everything, and everything was collected.

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