You know, these are the credits of countless soldiers, otherwise there would be such a fast speed.

All this made many people sigh, the speed of Pingyuan Army is really amazing!Everything was packed in a short amount of time.

Half past one noon!Han Ling appeared on the high platform again.

At this time, Han Ling was still wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, wearing a sky-reaching crown, a golden long sword hanging from his waist, and several golden giant dragons hovered on the scabbard.

"Dear dears! After nearly four years, I finally established the Third Empire of the Han Dynasty! More than [-] years ago, Liu Bang established the First Empire of the Han Dynasty.

More than [-] years ago, Liu Xiu established the Second Empire of the Han Dynasty.

Since then, I, a big man, have left a mark in people's hearts for more than two thousand years.

Four years ago, I felt that the country was in decline and the people were living in hardship.We, a big country that has ruled the East for thousands of years, were humiliated by a small island country. This is the shame of our big man, the shame of our Han people, and the shame of our [-] million compatriots!

After four years of entrepreneurship, I have countless capable people and strangers assisting me to attack the Soviet Union in the north and prevent the invasion of the empire in the east.

Internally, I launched two unification wars, and finally let my big man reunify.

Now that we are destroying the empire, the enthronement ceremony is held here. The honor of the empire needs to be watered by the blood of the enemy.The army soul of the empire needs to be forged from the bones of the enemy.

Today's empire borders the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the east, and the Indian Ocean to the south.

The territory of the empire has reached the widest in history, and the army of the empire is mighty and majestic.

On the occasion of the advent of this prosperous age, I invite you to appreciate the might of the imperial army! "

"Military parade! Official start!"

As soon as Han Ling's voice fell, Zhang Hong, the director of the Etiquette Department, immediately stood up and shouted with a microphone.

"Forward! Forward! Forward! Our team is facing the sun, our feet are on the land of the motherland, and we are carrying the hope of the nation. We are an invincible force, we are the citizens of the empire, and we are the armed forces of your majesty."

"Clap clap clap clap"

As the singing sounded, there was a sudden sound of footsteps that seemed irregular but unusually loud from the end of the square.

Everyone turned their heads immediately when they heard the sound. Seeing this, everyone present seemed to have a touch of fear in their hearts!

right!It is fear!It seemed that a group of ferocious beasts were rushing towards them.

"Dear audience friends, the first phalanx coming to us now is the Glutton Legion awarded the title of Glutton by our Majesty! They will always charge forward in every battle against the Empire. It is because of them, We have finally conquered the Empire!"

Taotie, one of the four ancient Chinese beasts!This is the title Han Ling bestowed on them some time ago, and their military system is different from others.

They use the regiment system.Han Ling was not going to disband such an army. Such an army with strong combat effectiveness and fierce personality was his sharp weapon to attack the enemy.

As the phalanx of the gluttonous army approached, bursts of bloody and murderous aura continued to come.

This is an army of beasts, and the title Han Ling bestowed on them is not wrong.

"Oh Maikar! What kind of army is this! Why do they have such a solemn murderous aura! How many people do you need to kill to develop such a murderous aura?"

Feeling the aura of Taotie, Gesmo couldn't help but take two steps back. This murderous aura really scared him.

At this time, the aura of the Taotie army was like a mass of fearless killing spirit.

This imposing momentum seemed to tear apart the sky, and everyone present was terrified by it.

They seemed to see a group of ferocious beasts roaring at them.

"Let the enemy's corpse sleep under our feet, and let our military flag fly high above the enemy's corpse! Following the footprints of the martyrs, our general flag is planted on the top of the Himalayas, and our general flag is planted on the Caucasus Mountains.

We put our horses beside Lake Baikal with supreme honor, and we gallop in the vast world with His Majesty's military orders."

There was another roar, this is a military song!This is the military song of the Gluttonous Legion.

Some time ago, Han Ling decided to set up the Gluttonous Legion. Song Dianyuan, the bandit who was appointed as the leader of the legion at that time, immediately asked Han Ling to give them the independent military song of the Gluttonous Legion.

Because the Gluttonous Legion is the first and only legion named after the Four Great Beasts in the Third Empire of the Han Dynasty.

Han Ling handed over this task to the people below, who found a group of great talents in the music industry, and wrote this military song belonging to the Gluttony Corps in a short period of time based on the background and fighting spirit of the Gluttony Corps.

The moment the military song sounded, it seemed as if countless corpses appeared in the entire square.

A chill rose from the bottom of people's hearts, as if they saw a bloodthirsty beast being released from the cage.

The end of the world seemed to be just around the corner, and everyone present seemed to have seen a killing god appear.

That's right!It's killing God!

The Glutton Legion has grown from over a million people to now only having [-] people left.

How many bitter battles and fierce battles have been experienced.

How many more did these remaining people kill to survive until now?

This is an army that has lived on the bones of the enemy until now. In their dictionary, there is only killing!

As long as anyone appears on the battlefield, no matter who they are, they will crush them.

Chapter 418: Unparalleled [Nine]

The next second square formation, and the third square formation are all the square formations of the Gluttonous Legion.

Song Dianyuan, a former gangster, was wearing the uniform of a lieutenant general of the Pingyuan Army, with knife marks left on his face when he was a gangster.

With a fierce face, he led the team across the high platform.

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