Once the three phalanxes passed, everyone present felt relieved, and felt a chill behind their backs, and they realized it.

It turned out that I had already broken out in a cold sweat unconsciously.

"The smoke rises, the mountains and rivers look north, the dragon flag rolls up, the horse neighs, and the sword is like frost"

The fourth phalanx is here!It was Wang Dayong's Fifth Army that played.

"Everyone in the audience! What is coming to us now is a team of heroes.

They have followed His Majesty since His Majesty set up an army to start a business.Whether it was in the Central Plains War, or resisting the imperial attack on the Koryo Peninsula, or in the cold and snowy land of Siberia, they all showed bravery and fearlessness.They are our proud Fifth Army! "

Amidst the high-pitched national anthem, they walked in neat steps and appeared with a stern and murderous air.

The Fifth Army is a division of the Pingyuan Army.

They didn't have the murderous and bloodthirsty aura of the Gluttonous Legion, but they were like sharp long knives in their scabbards.

Once unsheathed, they will sever heaven and earth.

As the fifth army approached, people felt a killing intent from the bottom of their hearts, as if seeing a god of war alive.

God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!

No one can stop their progress.

They who had just walked off the battlefield still carried a fierce and murderous aura.

"The Fifth Army participated in the Battle of Xinzhou, the Battle of Taiyuan, the Great War of the Central Plains, the Battle of the Koryo Peninsula, the Battle of Siberia, the Two Wars of Unification, and the Battle of the Empire. They are our pride, the pride of His Majesty, and the pride of all the Pingyuan Army pride.

Over the years, they have made countless contributions to His Majesty through their conquests and wars."

Wang Dayong, the commander of the Fifth Army, was wearing a general uniform and led the team to walk in front of the team, while the narrator above was telling their credit.

The Fifth Army has participated in almost all important battles since the establishment of the Pingyuan Army, and their combat effectiveness is also very strong.And after Wang Dayong experienced this war of attacking the empire, he was called a Chinese titan by some people.

It's just that what they don't know is that there are many powerful generals in the Pingyuan Army, and they will see those powerful generals in the Pingyuan Army in the future.

Among those generals who were born in peasants, which one was not brave in battle?

When the Fifth Army was about to reach the front of the high platform, there was a sudden roar of engines in the distance. When everyone looked up, it turned out that hundreds of planes appeared in people's sight.

In the distance, these more than a hundred Type 28 fighter jets lined up in an entire formation and lowered their altitude, and began to appear in people's sight.

The shiny silver monoplane can be said to be the most advanced fighter in the current world.

Those social elites may not understand these things, but people in embassies of various countries have done some research on these things.

Looking at the planes flying by in the sky, there was a hint of envy in their eyes.

Huaxia has the world's best performance and largest air force, which they know.

The Pingyuan Army has to dispatch a large amount of air force support in every battle, which makes all countries drool.

Some countries, including Lao Maozi, are extremely envious. ,

Lao Maozi's aircraft is indeed quite a lot, and can even be compared with the Pingyuan Army, but their performance is really too backward.

Their planes still use wooden frame skinned planes, and there are even a large number of biplanes serving in the military. They know about the monoplane metal planes of the Pingyuan Army, because many of their planes are used This plane beats the sky.

People like Karl are even more envious. The Huaxia Air Force has excellent aircraft performance and a large number.

The most important thing is that these years of continuous wars have trained batch after batch of excellent pilots.

After the fighter jets flew over, a group of strangely shaped and somewhat bloated planes suddenly appeared in the sky. After these planes appeared in the sky, they first raised their altitude, and suddenly appeared in a kind of almost ninety-nine Ten degrees of vertical swoop down.

During the dive, the generator installed on the nose made a sharp whistling sound.

"Is this the sound of Huaxia's death?"

Carl could not help but think slowly when he heard this sharp roar.

Now as Huaxia uses the Type 28 dive bomber to support it on every battlefield, the reputation of this dive bomber has also resounded throughout the world.

Every country in the world knows that Huaxia has a dive bomber with very good performance.

Those John Bull scientists once threatened that it was impossible for a dive bomber to appear, which is a tasteless thing.

Not long after they released these words, a dive bomber with excellent performance appeared in Huaxia.

Karl knows that until now, the domestic aviation sector is still being abused by the Prime Minister, scolding them will only consume finances.

When Falkenhausen saw this dive bomber, there was a light in his eyes.

Now that Xiao Huzi saw this Chinese dive bomber, he immediately urged domestic aircraft designers to develop such a dive bomber.

It is precisely because of Huaxia's dive bomber that the Stuka dive bomber seems to be coming out ahead of schedule.

After the phalanx of the Fifth Army passed, the next phalanx was the phalanx of other standing armies.

There are forty standing armies across the country, and it is impossible for every one of them to come.

But the first seventeen elite standing armies are all here.



Just after a phalanx passed by, there was another roar of engines in front, and everyone turned their eyes and saw teams of tanks approaching.

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