"Dear audience friends, what is coming to us now is the tank division phalanx of the First Rapid Response Mobile Army! The Type 29 tanks they are equipped with are currently the most outstanding tanks in the world. Their performance on the Siberian battlefield They have fully proved their excellence!

The quick-response mobile group army is the army established by His Majesty to deal with possible emergencies in various places!They can reach various places in the country within five days, and participate in the battle as quickly as possible, waiting for the arrival of follow-up reinforcements."

The narrator was explaining above, but the consuls of various countries below were terrified.

They didn't expect that Huaxia's military research was so advanced.

It is a big problem to reach various places in the country within five days.

Many countries in the world are not aware of this problem, but now they think about it.

If a war breaks out, one of your own troops can arrive within a few days. What kind of powerful support capability is this?

Just as they were thinking, the phalanx of the tank division passed by, followed by the phalanx of armored vehicles, with heavy artillery trailing behind each armored vehicle.

This again made the eyelids of the consuls of various countries twitch. There are quite a few of these heavy artillery, and judging from the caliber of these heavy artillery, the lowest caliber is 155mm.

In the past, Huaxia had to rely on imports, not to mention heavy artillery, even the [-]mm mountain artillery. As for the [-]mm field artillery, they were stored like treasures.

But it's only been a few years, and China's heavy artillery is already innumerable.

But these are not over yet. This time the military parade has the meaning of celebrating the enthronement ceremony, but it also has the meaning of advocating force.

Next is the meeting of the six nations, some things require strength to speak.

Now Han Ling is going to show his strength, let you see how your buddies are.

If you don't know what to do at the negotiating table then don't blame me for starting the war.

On the land of Asia, Han Ling is the boss!

Even if you are the empire on which the sun never sets, as long as you reach this land, you have to lie on your stomach.

If you are disobedient and want to show off the prestige of your empire on which the sun never sets, then don't blame me for destroying you!

If it was a year ago, Han Ling really didn't have this strength, but now Han Ling is not afraid of any country, as long as you dare to come, I will kill you!

As for the so-called name or justice, Han Ling never cared about it.

As long as I have the strength, I can call you John Bull a bunch of dirty robbers.

When the armored vehicles and the heavy artillery phalanx were about to finish, the roar of aircraft engines appeared again in the sky.

These roars are different from the previous ones. This time the roars are louder and duller. They seem to be much more powerful than the previous engine roars.

This time Carl, Gersmer, and Jason all looked up at the distant sky.

A huge, four-engined aircraft appeared.

Every one of their planes feels unusually low.

Everyone in the square felt that the plane was too big.

"What is flying towards us now is the heavy bomber brigade! They are the pride of the empire. Since their founding, they have participated in almost every war! And their huge ammunition load can give the enemy a devastating blow." hit.

I am honored to tell you that this heavy bomber is the most advanced heavy bomber in the world, whether it is its bomb load or its flight speed, it is second to none in the world! "

Chapter 419: Each has a ghost

The impact of this military parade was far-reaching. After the heavy bombers flew over, other troops walked through the square in neat steps behind them.

Of the seventeen standing armies in front, which one is not a battle-tested army.

Each of their phalanx exudes a terrifying killing intent and passionate fighting intent.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, the military parade ended, and the curtain came to an end amidst the shocking eyes of everyone.

The people dispersed, and Han Ling arranged accommodation for these people who came to the empire.

They returned to their residences, but some of them did not return to their residences.

For example, Karl, Gerthmer, Jansen, Shelev, Gramsci, Falkenhausen and others.

After the military parade, they had a hasty dinner under Han Ling's arrangement and arrived at Karl's place.

"Gentlemen! I don't know why you are looking for me?"

Falkenhausen looked at Carl and Jansen who were pulling him with a smile.

After dinner, Falkenhausen was planning to go back to his residence, but Karl and the others said they had something to do with him, so they pulled him here.

Looking at the ambassadors of several big countries gathered here, Falkenhausen knew that there must be something for these people to gather together.

And pulling yourself here is not as simple as drinking coffee.

"General Fackenhausen! What do you think of China's military parade today?"

It was Carl who was talking, and he also started the party tonight, so naturally he took the lead.

"Oh! You mean today's military parade! I feel that Huaxia has developed very well in these years, and has been at the forefront of the world in many fields! Do you think so?"

Falkenhausen said with a smile on his face.

"Damn old fox!"

Karl cursed secretly in his heart, he didn't believe that Falkenhausen couldn't hear his own voice.

"Okay! I'll just say it straight! You should all know that in a few days we will hold a six-nation meeting! The current world structure may need to be re-divided, but there is a friend who is not very obedient. He is Not ready to abide by our fixation. So we need to join forces to resist him! General Falkenhausen, I know your country is still very strong. But you are missing a chance, if you can join us this time to stop this disobedience Friends, our countries can support your country with some heavy weapons!"

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