"Hehe! Mr. Karl, what is the name of our country now?"

Han Ling looked at Carl with a teasing smile on his face.

Karl felt bad instinctively, but he still said in a deep voice: "The Great Han Empire! Your Majesty, please don't test our IQ. At least I'm not so stupid yet!"

"Test your IQ? No, no, no! I just remind you! The full name of our country is the Third Empire of the Han Dynasty! I have already said when I ascended the throne, Liu Bang established the First Empire of the Han Dynasty, and Liu Xiu established the Second Empire of the Han Dynasty. Empire. Our country is the Third Empire of the Han Dynasty after the Second Empire of the Han Dynasty.

But what was the name of the previous dynasty?Qing!

This is not our country.Moreover, I have never recognized the former dynasty since I started my army.

During the time of the First Empire and the Second Empire of the Han Dynasty, this land was the land of the Han Dynasty, and it was the counties of the Han Dynasty.

Now that you have taken away the land of the big man, isn't it right to return it now? "

In terms of shamelessness, who was Han Ling afraid of?

Although saying this seemed to damage his majesty as the emperor, Han Ling didn't care.

Prestige is not put on, it is played out.

As long as the country is strong and prosperous, Han Ling can claim that the whole of Asia belongs to him.

"Your Majesty! Don't you care about your reputation like this?"

Karl couldn't bear it anymore, he was stunned last time, and this time he was stunned again.

Karl felt that it was a mistake to hold the seven-nation conference here this time, a complete and complete mistake.

His Majesty the emperor didn't care about face at all, what he believed in was strength.

This is a powerful emperor.

Such an emperor is the most troublesome, as long as he has strength, he will not care about anyone's opinion.

"I'm just stating a fact! If you don't believe me, you can ask General Falkenhausen if this land belonged to me during the First Han Empire and the Second Han Empire!"

Han Ling turned to look at Falkenhausen with a smile on his face.

"Naturally! Although I haven't been in Dahan for a long time, I also know that this land belonged to Dahan during the period of the First Empire and the Second Empire!"

To be a younger brother is to have the consciousness of being a younger brother.Now Mustache's d country is the younger brother.

And for a long time to come, they will still need the help of the Han Empire, and now they can be said to be a camp and an ally.Before Han Ling promised to help them get rid of the Treaty of Versailles, how could Falkenhausen not know how to do it?

Falkenhausen's words made Karl speechless, and at the same time deeply hated Falkenhausen and the country behind him.

Karl thinks that the white people should unite against the eastern country of the Han Empire, but Falkenhausen is firmly on the side of the Han Empire, which really annoys him.

Karl was annoyed, but Falkenhausen didn't care.

Sometimes it is necessary to unite to resist, but now it is to sacrifice the interests of country d to fulfill Britain, France and other countries. You know, they are blood feuds, and Falkenhausen will support the feud to offend one unless he is a fool Countries that were supposed to be allies.

"NO! NO! NO! Gentlemen, please be quiet!"

Jensen stood up again as a peacemaker. He felt that the Han Empire and Britain and France had completely different opinions on this matter, and this contradiction was really difficult to reconcile.

"Your Majesty the Emperor! Although this piece of land belonged to the Han Empire before, it was nearly two thousand years ago. When Britain and France took this land, it was during the former dynasty of your country. I think the Han Empire The empire can solve this matter in another way.

It is said that your country's Type 28 fighter jets are very advanced. If your country can exchange such a piece of land with the technology of the Type 28 fighter jets, I believe Mr. Carl will have no objections!But if His Majesty is willing to use other methods! "

Jason, he was a white man after all.Although he didn't dare to offend the Han Empire, he was a bit biased when he was a peacemaker.

Han Ling understood what Jensen meant. He didn't want the Han Empire to exchange fighter technology, but a metaphor that could be exchanged with other technologies.

After all, no one will exchange advanced fighter technology.

But Han Ling doesn't know how to do it, and he still wants advanced technology. Where did so many good things come from.

"Mr. Johnson! If someone snatches your country's Declaration of Independence and then shamelessly asks your country to redeem it, how will your reaction be?"

"NO! NO! NO! If this is the case, we will use all our strength to destroy it"

Jason stopped talking halfway, because he found that this was an inextricable knot.

Han Ling was telling him in disguise that the Han Empire would definitely get this land, but it would never pay any price.

Even if there is a price, that is the number of deaths in the war!

"Your Majesty! Don't you just want to take this piece of land without paying any price? It is the last condition of our country to exchange this piece of land with a price. If your country does not give certain conditions, our country will never give it to you. This land is given to you!"

Gosmer spoke up.Southeast Asia also has their forces, and he and Karl are on the same front in this matter.

"Ha ha!"

Han Ling smiled, stood up and looked at Gesmo and Carl with a sneer.

"Since we can't agree, there is no need to talk. Let us compete on the battlefield. If you don't return our land, I will take it back myself!"

After Han Ling finished speaking with a sneer, he took Shi Zhaoji and the others to turn around and leave, leaving Gesmo and Karl with dull faces.

They didn't expect Han Ling to be so decisive that he would use force if he disagreed with him.

By the way, wasn't this their patent before?Why is it now the monopoly of the big men, but they are starting to fear war?

Falkenhausen looked at Han Ling who left, then at Gesmer and Carl who looked dull, and sneered in his heart.

How stupid he thought these two people were. From the very beginning, Falkenhausen felt that Han Ling always wanted to fight a war, and wanted to conquer them on the battlefield and then crush them at the negotiating table.

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