It's just that Falkenhausen feels that Han Ling's purpose is impossible. According to his understanding of the emperor, I'm afraid he still has a trick behind him.

Chapter 423: Funeral [Part [-]]

No matter what Falkenhausen thinks, or how ugly Karl and Gesmer's faces are, the second meeting of the Seven Nations also collapsed again.

Neither side got what they wanted.

Han Ling knew that the third meeting would not be held within a period of time after the talks collapsed this time.

Unless it is possible after launching that war by yourself, if you win Southeast Asia by yourself, that is the next question.

If he couldn't take it down, he would have to retreat, so Han Ling sent Li Delin a power call as soon as he returned to his palace.

Guangxi, Nanning, General Headquarters of the Mountain Force!

"Commander! Your Majesty has sent a telegram! Please take a look!"

A staff officer hurried into Li Delin's headquarters and handed him a telegram.

After reading the telegram, Li Delin immediately showed joy on his face.

Han Ling's transfer order is very simple, that is, let him go to Southeast Asia for military training and leave immediately.

Li Delin returned to the army station within two days after attending the enthronement ceremony, and then began to prepare.

After all, Han Ling had told him before that the following meeting of the Seven Nations might still lead to riots and wars, and it was time for his mountain troops to be dispatched.

So Li Delin has been preparing since he came back, and now he leaves immediately after receiving the order, which is no problem at all.

"Come on! Give me an order to order the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth mountain divisions to dispatch immediately, aiming at Hanoi! Set off immediately!"

Mountain troops and other troops, the establishment of mountain troops is much smaller than other troops.

First of all, a mountain division has only three mountain regiments, and each mountain regiment has about [-] people.

A mountain division is not equipped with real artillery regiments, only mountain regiments, logistics troops and other establishments.

In addition, the mountain troops don't even have [-]-[-] mm mountain artillery, and their main artillery is mortar.

From [-]-caliber mortars to [-]-caliber mortars, in addition to rocket launchers.

This is their configuration.

And their weapons are mainly semi-automatic rifles, sniper rifles, pistols, Czech light machine guns and other weapons.

There are no general-purpose machine guns, let alone heavy machine guns.

The general-purpose machine gun is easy to carry, but its logistics requirements are too harsh, and the ammunition is consumed too quickly. The mountain troops are destined to be unable to carry a large amount of ammunition like other troops.

And heavy machine guns are even more impossible.

Therefore, the Czech light machine gun has become a fire support weapon for mountain troops.

Six infantry divisions, [-] men, this is the best trained [-] men in Li Delin's mountain troops.

The rest of the troops have to train again.

On October [-], [-], the Han Empire dispatched six mountain infantry divisions, aiming directly at Hanoi.

Enter Southeast Asia from Hanoi, and then conquer this land one by one.

In Southeast Asia, this land is covered with jungles, and the situation inside is even more complicated.

Boa constrictors, elephants, tigers, poisonous snakes, and all kinds of mosquitoes, it can be said that there are many sufferings here.

There are even many places covered with swamps. If it is not for professionally trained mountain troops, if ordinary troops walk here, a little carelessness will wipe out your entire army.

Especially this time the target is Hanoi, which has to go through the jungle!

The jungle is no easy feat.

Historically, the expeditionary forces sent by China were fine when they went.

But when I came back, I passed the Savage Mountain, how many Chinese men died in it?

No one knows this. They only know a detailed data, but there is no specific data.

Tropical rain forests are places where oxygen is produced on the earth. Without tropical rain forests, the global climate will undergo major changes.

It is an important thing for the earth, and it is also an important thing for human beings.

There are not only countless wealth hidden in it, but also countless dangers hidden in it.

Britain and France were angry about Han Ling's plan to start a war, but they were also happy to watch the show.

Hanoi belongs to Vietnam's land, and it is now their French land.

Regarding Han Ling's plan to conquer Vietnam, Karl really wanted to see how many people they had to leave in Vietnam to conquer.

When the Gaul chickens fought Vietnam, the French soldiers were equipped with advanced weapons and equipment, and they still underwent strict training.

But that's it, fighting against the wild soldiers in Vietnam, it took three full fights to bring down Vietnam.

Because this land is densely covered with jungles, it is too difficult for other people who are not familiar with the terrain to fight.

Karl doesn't believe that no matter how elite your army is, can it resist nature?

such a pity!What Karl didn't know was that Li Delin had a mountain army.

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