What he didn't even know was that Han Ling had been collecting all information on Southeast Asia since a long time ago, including terrain and other factors.

Little spy machines flew all over Southeast Asia, and every inch of Southeast Asia was photographed by spy machines.

Every situation, every kind of plants, spy machines are filmed.

Although the soldiers of the mountain troops have not been to any places, they have seen countless places in the photos.

On October [-], [-], the mountain troops began to dispatch.

Han Ling drove back to Beijing, and the consuls of various countries followed Han Ling back to the capital.

It was no accident that they followed Han Ling, and they didn't care about them.

Before the war is won, Han Ling will not look for them again.

On October [-], [-], when Li Delin's mountain troops had entered Vietnam, Han Ling led a group of ministers in front of a building in the suburbs.


That's right, the place where Han Ling came today is the Hall of Martyrs, and behind the Hall of Valor is the Cemetery of the Martyrs.

The people who Han Ling sacrificed for his imperial career since he started are buried in the back.

These people are also enshrined in the Hall of Martyrs.

There is a very large censer in front of the gate of the Hall of Martyrs, and a small pavilion shelters him from the wind and rain for this censer.

In addition, there are several special personnel in charge of this incense burner.

Han Ling said at the beginning that the empire will never be destroyed, and the incense will never end.

They will receive the incense offering of the empire's eternal life.

And there are many rules in this Hall of Martyrs.

For example, as long as you enter the area of ​​the Hall of Martyrs, everyone is not allowed to use any means of transportation and can only enter on foot.

No spitting, no littering, no loud noises, no chasing and fighting, etc.!

Violate any of these here, and immediately soldiers will come and pull you back.

As for why you want to pull it down, because it is a place where people who break the rules are buried.

All those who break the rules will die!

This is the rule set by Han Ling back then, and no one can change it!

Chapter 424: Funeral [Part [-]]

Today Han Ling was wearing a black dress, as were Zhan Ninggong, Zhang Hanqing and Bai Jiansheng who were following behind Han Ling.

To be precise, everyone present today was wearing black gifts, with a small white flower pinned to their chests.

"Your Majesty! Are the spirits of the criminal army really going to be enshrined in the Hall of Martyrs?"

Han Ling stood in front of the door for a long time, Bai Jiansheng hesitated and asked softly.

"Naturally! This is not only my promise, but also what they deserve! I once said that all soldiers who died fighting for the empire, regardless of their birth, no matter what he did before his death, must enter the Hall of Martyrs after death. Accept the eternal offering of the empire.

They have shed blood on the land of the little devils, and have shown their loyalty to the empire with their actions and lives!Why do we still look at them through the eyes of the past?

Jiansheng, turn around and look!Look at those people!Look at the babies in the arms of those people.Originally they should have a family, they should have a father, but this war took everything from them, do you still think they should not accept the eternal worship of the Empire at the Hall of Valor? "

When Bai Jiansheng heard this, he turned around and saw many people following them.

Among these people are old men with white hair and women with tears in their faces. Maybe they hold a baby in their arms, maybe they hold a child by their hand.

They all received notification from the empire that their son, husband, and father died in battle!

Perhaps some criminals committed unforgivable sins during their lifetime, and even brought harm to their families.

But after all, this is the son of the gray-haired old man, the husband of the woman holding and holding the child, the father of the child with a sad face.

Some criminals were sentenced to three years, five years, six years!

But after they come out, they are still a complete person, and they can still bear the financial support of the family.

It's just that after this war they will lose this pillar.

There is only so much Han Ling can do.

Let them no longer worry about their children's lack of money to go to school in the future, and no longer worry about family livelihood.

In the next step, Han Ling will introduce some policies.

For example, after those criminals died in battle, they will also receive a generous pension.

Their families receive food and other supplies distributed by the empire every month.

Their children will receive monthly support payments from the empire until they are sixteen years old.

The family members of the war dead have the priority to be admitted to the state-owned enterprise. If they can't do anything, the state-owned enterprise will allocate special funds to train them until they can work.

Han Ling knew that the military spirit must not be lost!

Perhaps doing so would be a huge expense for the empire's finances, but Han Ling believed that the military spirit cannot be bought with money, and the military soul cannot be compared with a little money.

The soul of the imperial army is forged by countless soldiers with their own blood.

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