Looking at the tearful old man, Han Ling in the distance felt a little uncomfortable.

This is war. Back then he led six infantry regiments with more than [-] soldiers. If the battle hadn't gone so smoothly, he might have died in battle too!

This is war, today you die, tomorrow I die!

For any goal, countless people will be killed or injured in the end.

All Han Ling can do is relieve their worries!

Chapter 425: Finally Upgraded

ended!This simple but significant funeral is over.

Han Ling also returned to the Forbidden City.

Since last year, Han Ling has started to repair the Forbidden City, and built palaces such as Tai Chi Palace inside.

It has already been completed now.

Forbidden City, Harem, Yanfu Palace

"His Majesty!"

Han Ling strode past the palace, countless maids saluted, but Han Ling didn't care.

The reason why he came back in such a hurry was because the weapon manufacturing base was about to be upgraded.

As for the information base, it looks like it will be upgraded in less than two months.

With the upgrade of the weapons manufacturing base, Han Ling has roughly guessed that after the next upgrade, there will be no limit on production.

However, the upgrade of the information base is very important. He still doesn't know what specific things will appear after the upgrade of the information base. He only knows that highly intelligent robots will appear, which he knew before.

"Siqi! Let's go! Let's go to the base!"

Han Ling found Ya Siqi in the Yanfu Palace. After Han Ling ascended the throne, Ya Siqi also became a country, but the canonization ceremony has not been held because Han Ling has not been busy yet.


Yasiqi nodded, and then the figures of the two disappeared in a flash, and then they appeared on the huge spaceship outside the Milky Way.

But they didn't stay here, and after a flash, they appeared in the huge weapon manufacturing base in Suiyuan.

This weapon manufacturing base is completely underground, and there are countless robots currently busy.

One piece of weapons and ammunition is being produced continuously.

"According to the progress bar above, it is estimated that the upgrade will start in a few minutes!"

Han Ling raised his wrist and looked at the controller above, then said.

"En! We have finally come to this point! According to the design of the previous planetary scientists, the seventh level of the weapon manufacturing base is a big leap. At that time, there will be no restrictions on the production of various weapons.

And the weapons manufacturing base will also begin to change strategically.The types of production on him will no longer be restricted!And your big military expansion plan can be fully realized!

Including if you want to carry out military training live ammunition training in school, you can also let go of it! "

Yasiqi and Han Ling stood side by side, looking at the busy robots in the distance and said.

"En! Yes! I have been waiting for this day for a long time. The output of the weapon manufacturing base has always been limited.

If a big war breaks out in the future, only one side of the battlefield is fine, and the weapons are still enough.

But once there is a war on three sides, it will not work.If the weapons manufacturing base is free to produce, this will solve my concerns. "

"The base has reached the critical point of upgrading! Do you want to upgrade?"

At this moment, the controller on Han Ling's wrist started to ring. Han Ling looked down and saw these words displayed on it.


After Han Ling clicked on it a few times, a three-dimensional image appeared on the top of the controller, and Han Ling directly clicked on the upgrade.

"Upgrading is in progress! The upgrade is expected to be completed in three hours!"

After displaying such a line of words above, the above is converted into a percentage progress bar.

But at this time, great changes are taking place in this underground base.

Those robots stopped production one after another, and then began to emit white and blue rays of light from the most core base of the weapon manufacturing base.

These blue rays of light are converted into streams of energy through some receiving instruments inside the base.

Then something as thick as an oil pipe appeared.

These things directly began to touch the stone walls and ground that had not been excavated.

Then Han Ling saw countless dirt and stones that disappeared.

On the other side, countless robots consign countless machines with trailers one by one.

These machines were placed in the newly created open space, and some robots quickly installed and adjusted the machines.

On the ground, after the excavation, there are robots that quickly pour a material on the ground for construction.

Soon you'll see a metallic ground that reflects people's shadows.

It was the first time for Han Ling to see the upgrade of the weapon manufacturing base in this way, and he was also a little surprised by these things.

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