"Let's go! Let's go back first! This time the weapon manufacturing base is upgraded, you probably want me to do something! Go back and talk!"

Yasiqi looked at the base that was being upgraded, and looked at Han Lingdao.

"En! Not bad! Let's go! Go back and talk!"

Han Ling nodded, he was indeed looking for Yasiqi for something.

Before upgrading the weapon manufacturing base, he didn't call anyone, including Yasiqi, who generally didn't bother to care about these things.

Forbidden City, inside the imperial study room!

"Now that the weapon manufacturing base is upgraded, the speed of producing weapons every day will no longer be limited. I need you to help me manage clones and weapons and equipment!

Now that the empire has more and more troops and more and more weapons and equipment, the current clones are no longer enough.

After all, their IQ is only a little bit.I still have a few big plans in the future, and I need you to manage them for me.I don't have so much time! "

Han Ling said what he came for, that clones are useful and loyal.

But the IQ of this clone is really worrying. To be precise, they are too rigid.

I still have several big plans behind this. If I use clones to manage them, they will have to explain everything clearly by then, and that will be a busy death.

So Han Ling is going to let Ya Siqi manage these things again, anyway, he has managed them before.Anyway, Yasiqi and herself are one.

"Big plan? What do you want to do?"

Yasiqi frowned.

"Of course it is to develop the country as soon as possible, and then launch an annexation war! Who knows how long it will take for your enemy to come! If he comes, and our information database has not been unlocked to a certain level, then it is not a food delivery!

After the fifth level of the information base, highly intelligent robots will appear.Although we can use highly intelligent robots to collect resources on Mars, the moon and other places, the production of highly intelligent robots is not fast.

And I found out some time ago that there is an atmospheric modification system in your spaceship information database!It is possible to transform the barren moon and Mars into planets where humans can live.

So after the annexation war below, I plan to recruit young men from the countries that have been defeated to help collect resources, and then the upgrade of the information base will be accelerated!

But this is just one of them, and there are still some plans in the future that are still in preparation! "

Chapter 426: Encouraging Birth

Yasiqi left, with Han Ling's intentions in mind.

She knew, now with the spread of the stalls, the rise of empires.

There will be more and more things, and the base will become more and more troublesome with the upgrade.

But the matter of the base cannot be told to others, it can only be a secret of the two of them. Now that Han Ling doesn't have the energy to take care of it, Yasiqi can only take care of it.

As for the atmosphere transformation system, it will take some time to transform Mars and the moon into planets where humans can live, and it will not be completed in a short time.

Two hours after Yasiqi left, the weapon manufacturing base was upgraded.

Han Ling first looked at the production speed of various weapons and equipment in the past.

Sure enough, their changes were the same as the information Han Ling had seen before. They were no longer subject to strict restrictions, but according to Han Ling's needs.

At the sixth level, semi-automatic rifles were produced, eight thousand a day.

If you follow the previous upgrade rules, the Nissan after this upgrade will be around [-].

But actually, that's changed now.

If Han Ling needs it, the base can produce up to [-] semi-automatic rifles a day. It can be said that after the restrictions are lifted, his production speed is very fast.

And the most important thing is that Han Ling can adjust his productivity according to the current needs.

For example, during this period of time, Han Ling does not need so many weapons. You can produce a hundred of them a day, which is fine.

It was completely based on Han Ling's needs.

And this includes heavy artillery with a caliber of 205mm.

Now such heavy artillery can be produced a day, up to two hundred!

This speed is much faster than before!

Two hundred guns a day, that is to say, one heavy artillery division can be produced a day.

This output is not small, it can be said that it is very large.

These are not the most important. The most important thing is that the seventh level of the weapon manufacturing base can be said to be a time of rebirth.

Where did the energy for the previous weapons manufacturing base come from?

That is the underground resources, absorbing the underground resources to transform the various materials needed.

But not anymore!

Another thing is opened in the seventh level of the weapon manufacturing base, and that is solar energy!

From now on, the weapon manufacturing base can absorb solar energy and convert it into various materials.

It can be said that from now on, the weapon manufacturing base truly reflects the strength of his golden finger.

In the past, it was necessary to rely on resources, but not now.

As long as there is light and power, he can transform it for you.

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