After reading it, Han Ling felt very satisfied. Until now, this golden finger has really begun to show its power.

Although there is no fully automatic rifle this time, it can also be said to be an assault rifle.

But Han Ling felt that semi-automatic rifles were completely sufficient now.

Moreover, this solar energy conversion is much more effective than the appearance of an assault rifle.

Han Ling left contentedly.

It's just that he hasn't turned off the controller yet, but he found that something happened to the energy converter again!

Energy converters, now with the upgrade of energy converters, the oil converted by these [-] energy converters every day is completely enough for the Han Empire, of course, the navy is excluded.

The Navy has a naval manufacturing base to supply fuel.

But what's the matter with the energy converter now?

Somewhat unclear, Han Ling clicked in.

The result is to see such a line of words.

"Environment modification function activation conditions have reached half, please upgrade the information base to level [-] as soon as possible to obtain environment modification technology!"

Han Ling was a little confused when he saw this, environmental modification technology?

He didn't seem to have seen this thing when he read the materials before!

How come there is an environmental modification now?

Seeing this, Han Ling tapped the controller a few times again, and then a large area of ​​various Chinese characters appeared on the [-]D image.

These are all converted. They used to be written in Yasiqi planet, but later they were converted into Chinese characters, otherwise Han Ling would not be able to understand them.

Han Ling watched slowly from above.

It took hours to watch.

After several hours, Han Ling finally found a message in a corner.

"Sustainable development is not about saving resources and reducing emissions, but about transforming the planet's soil environment and atmospheric environment!"

When Han Ling saw this sentence and thought about the environment modification function that appeared now and the atmosphere modification system behind it, he seemed to know something.

"Damn! The scientists of the planet IELTS really are, such a major function can be summed up in just this sentence."

Han Ling glanced at this sentence before, but Han Ling didn't pay attention to this sentence at all at the time, and he would naturally forget it after a long time.

"However, if it can really transform the soil environment, it is indeed a good thing for me.

At least Han Ling knew that many lands in the empire were desertified and the environment was harsh.

The most famous of these are the Northwest Region and the Guanzhong Region.

For example, in the Guanzhong area, Qinchuan used to be eight hundred miles away, but now there are only endless yellow sand and the Loess Plateau.

There are also Xinjiang and Tibet areas. In ancient times, these desertifications were not as serious as they are now.

Thinking about the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, it was an oasis!

Once upon a time the Silk Road!

Now there is nothing but yellow sand.

The desertification in Northwest China did not appear only in later generations, but in fact, it has already appeared in this era.

If those deserts could be turned into fertile fields, Han Ling felt that the empire's arable land could grow again.

What did the increase in cultivated land bring about?

That is the increase in food production, which can feed more people.

This is very good for the family planning of the empire.

Family planning, don't think wrongly, it is not restricting births, but encouraging births.

Han Ling knew that because he wanted to avenge Yasiqi in the future, he must settle inside first.

So we must first unify the earth.

But to unify the earth, how can it be so easy to unify.

Regardless of the large population of the Han Empire, there are now more than [-] million people.

Recruiting [-] million soldiers is not a problem at all.

But the world is so big, how many soldiers are needed to stabilize the world?

And how many soldiers are needed for this battle?

To stabilize the world, there must be no way to lose more than [-] million soldiers in the early days!

And dying in battle, unifying the world, and killing millions of people are all very easy things.

And maybe tens of millions of people will die.

Looking at the two wars in history, it is very easy for each country to die millions of light clothes.

And to stabilize the world's [-] million, there must be young and strong domestic production!

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