You can't not produce it!What to eat then?What?

And in the end, how many soldiers can you have left to fight?

According to the previous records, every time Yasiqi and the others broke out in an interstellar war, the strength of the two sides participating in the war ranged from a few hundred million to as many as several billion!

These are all normal things, so Han Ling wants family planning!

To encourage fertility, but also to prepare for the future!

Chapter 427: The Third Meeting

When Han Ling withdrew from these places, Li Delin had already captured Hanoi.

To be honest, Li Delin didn't feel much about conquering Hanoi.

These French troops here have not experienced any wars at all these years, and have they not kept up with their training.

The weapons and equipment are also backward weapons and equipment from the World War I period.

Li Delin captured them easily. After taking Hanoi, Li Delin continued to attack Thanh Hoa.

The French army does not have many troops on the land of Vietnam, only [-] troops in total.

A force of [-] troops would not take much effort for Li Delin.

On October [-], [-], Li Delin took over northern Vietnam.

Then Han Ling gave him instructions to attack Laos immediately.

Their goal is to win the entire Southeast Asia.

In order to cooperate with them, Han Ling specially dispatched two battleships and supporting ships from the East China Sea Fleet to head south.

At the same time, the long-established Marine Corps also dispatched three marine brigades, preparing to land in Vung Tau in southern Vietnam.

Three marine brigades, [-] people landed in Vung Tau, coupled with the support of naval guns, they were almost invincible.

And the pincer attack formed by the North and the South can also win the Southeast Asian region in a very short period of time.

On October [-], [-], Li Delin's mountain troops reached Luang Prabang, the capital of Laos.

And after hitting here, Britain, France and other countries also got news.

They got the news that the troops of the Han Empire attacking Southeast Asia were actually mountain troops, troops trained for mountain warfare.

The training of this kind of troops is aimed at the terrain of Southeast Asia. In addition, according to a little information they got, it seems that the Han Empire once specially collected various materials in Southeast Asia.

Now Britain, France and other countries know that this motherfucker is completely cheating!

It turns out that the Han Empire had dug a hole for them long ago, but they have never found a proper reason to attack Southeast Asia.

But they foolishly sent this reason to the Han Empire.

The British ambassador to China Carl just felt that he was cheated, but the French ambassador to China Gesmer felt that his heart was bleeding.

The reason is very simple, that is, he got the news that Han Ling slipped a word on one occasion.

This sentence means that if France wants to take back the [-] soldiers captured by the Han Empire in Vietnam, it can!

But there is a price to be paid. As for the price, no one said, but Gesmo felt that according to Han Ling's character of scratching the ground, if you gave less, he probably would not release the prisoners.

It's not like he didn't know about the last time Ying was blackmailed by Han Ling. At that time, he laughed at Carl for stealing chickens and losing money, but now it seems that he himself is going to win the lottery.

No matter what, now Gossamer thinks that the war should be stopped as soon as possible, and then the Han Empire will be brought back to the negotiating table. Otherwise, after a long time, Han Ling will give him a food allowance of ten pounds per day for each soldier. That's nonsense.

Gesmo wanted to stop the war, and Karl also wanted to stop it. He didn't want his country's soldiers to enter the prisoner camps of the Han Empire again, otherwise Han Ling would beat him to death again.

So far, Karl doesn't think that the corrupt colonial soldiers can fight against the mountain troops of the Han Empire. Instead of doing this, it is better to negotiate at the negotiating table earlier.

In the Forbidden City, in the Tai Chi Palace!

"Your Majesty! The ambassadors of Britain and France have requested a third negotiation! This is their application!"

Foreign Minister Shi Zhaoji presented a document.

After Han Ling took the document from the hand of the maid, he read it, and after a while, Han Ling closed the document.

"Hehe! These people are afraid of being beaten! Or they feel that Southeast Asia can no longer stop the pace of the empire! But why did they go so early? You can delay them for a few more days, and don't rush to negotiate this time! Let’s wait until Li Delin takes all of Laos.”

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Han Ling didn't plan to fight them now, no matter what, he had to beat them thoroughly.

Han Ling didn't plan to negotiate with Carl and the others now, which made them anxious.

If the offensive of the Han Empire is not stopped as soon as possible, it is unknown how many soldiers of our own side will enter the prisoner-of-war camps of the Han Empire.

At that time, there will be a price to be paid to redeem these soldiers.

It's just that they are useless if Han Ling doesn't start the third negotiation.

I can only wait anxiously in my embassy.

On November [-], [-], the northern part of Laos, that is, the area north of the Vientiane line, was completely captured. At the same time, three marine brigades also successfully landed in Vung Tau and were launching an attack on Cambodia. This time Han Ling held the third meeting of the Seven Nations with a smile on his face.

In the West Garden of the Forbidden City, in the Chrysanthemum Hall.

This is still Han Ling's living room!

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